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View Full Version : another school project

05-07-2009, 07:38 AM
hey just gotta save another project on here so i can finish it at home lol 1000 word essay on why school should start around 8

I think school should start at 8:30 for several reasons. For one kids want to play after school and if you started late you would have less time to do stuff because more stuff is open at late afternoon then in the around 7 in the morning. If your parents went to work at 7 you might not go to school because nobody could wake you up to go. Usually when parents go to work they take their kids to a babysitters house and then they don’t have to worry about them getting off to school. If school was later in the day kids would be staying up all night and sleeping into around 3 so either way they are still going to be tired. You will be fully awake around 3rd class so it will not change anything. If they changed it now it would mess the kids up and would take them awhile to get adjusted to the new times. For lunch the kids might not get a lot to eat if they changed it because lunch hour at fast food areas and the restaurants are around 12:00 pm and if school started later they would miss out on eating.