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05-03-2009, 09:14 PM
I watched the vid of the old school mx thread, and it got me to thinking: Where and what are the riders I grew up wanting to be like doing now? I as watched the vid I wondered where Team Honda's Steve "Too Tight" Wright and Rodney Gentry and Suzuki's Gary Denton, then I seen it was a Golden state national race. Glad to see the Bulldog win it though as he is/was my favorite rider. Any one know if the Golden state track is even there anymore? So here is my list of guys for where are they now:

Steve Wright

Rodney Gentry: knew he was back racing a few years ago

Donavon Hollond

Greg Staurt

Mark Earhardt any body know what happened with Mark back around 95/96 that he quit racing the GNC nationals? I know something happened at one of the races but didnt have internet back then.

Barry McCarty Last fast guy to run a Suzuki after the factorys left

Sean Finley

Charlie Shepard

John Scott Charlie and John where Doug Gusts teamates on the 89 or 90 CT team for Allen Knowles

and there was this guy forget his name that just ran TTs on a Suzuki and he was fast ah I remember his name Mark Lee (20 year old memories takes a little while to sort through all the cob webbs)

Gary Denton has his own company

Marty Hart is racing trucks in the CORR seris

Jim White is with Kawasaki I believe

Mickey Dunlap has his own racing products

Curtis Sparks has his own racing shop

Donny Banks promotes races or did

I know Im forgeting some people from the list its been 20 years. I do miss the days of no factory involvment. Teams like Duncan racing vs CT racing along with LRD, and Nacs battleing for the Mickey Thompson Grand Prix title along with the GNC Grand National title. So if anybody has info on this guys could you please share.


05-05-2009, 12:46 AM
What, you mean to tell nobody know what thse racers have been up to. Cindi if you read this could you possibly ask Mr Gust if he knows anything with whats up with these guys?

Thank you

05-05-2009, 01:44 AM
I have also always wondered what happened to "old school racers" im not one of the old timers only checking in at 22 but i do wonder what happened to the guys that got ATV racing started back in the late 80s. Are they still in the sport or are they settin at a 9-5 job somewhere just thinking of their younger years as a pro racer??

05-05-2009, 05:47 AM
my mechanic is an old school racer. pro on the 250r's back in the day. great mechanic. still has two 250s and about four 450s. still racing the 450s.

05-05-2009, 06:52 PM
I have been wondering the samething...They were the guys I looked up to when I was racing back in the early 90's.


05-05-2009, 10:35 PM
didnt greg stuart work for skat trak?? i know he was in the first few huevos movies

05-06-2009, 02:43 AM
IIRC Greg's dad owned the company. Skat Tracs was always one of his bigger sponsers.

05-06-2009, 09:03 AM
How about Jimmy Elza? I remember he was one of the first big "up and comers" and then he just fell of the face of the earth.

05-06-2009, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by madskrillz2
How about Jimmy Elza? I remember he was one of the first big "up and comers" and then he just fell of the face of the earth.

jimmy had to get outta racing for a bit do to to many concussions. i've been with him a few times back in the day when he's wadded himself up. he was a banged up kid. and think after he got outta racing, he went to college somewhere. and i'm sure he is now working/running the family gravel/stone company. that was the last i heard.