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View Full Version : Cam-mod question

05-02-2009, 03:53 AM
I´ve got a Gyt-r full exhaust and high comp piston and gyt-r airfilter(lid on) on my yfz 450 2005.

I´m wondering about the cam mod if it will damage my motor or make it less reliable?
My mechanic(my dad) says that my motor will be damaged if i do the cam-mod. he says that I´ll have to rew it up more and ride at the top end all the time...

I bet that i will get more power out of it if i do the cam-mod.
Doesn´t the 06-07-07-09 yfz already have the cam-mod?

05-02-2009, 11:40 AM
I have an 05 that I bought with the cam mod already done. I have a ron woods exaust and open air set up with Big gun cdi and to tell you the truth I think you definately have to keep it revved. That bike is all top end. That is my wifes bike. My KTM on the other hand is all bottom to mid and I love it.

05-02-2009, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Swe_Yfz450

Doesn´t the 06-07-07-09 yfz already have the cam-mod?


I bought my bike 100% stock and it doesn't affect your reliability. The only time I notice a big difference between when mine was not cam-modded is climbing sand mountain. It does give it more of a two stroke feel IMO. But short, it's worth the time and it won't decrease your reliability. My dad and I did mine. My dad's a mechanic of 30 years.

05-03-2009, 11:58 AM
From what i em told it puts your cam the same as if u had a yz450F thats the only difference it wont hurt your motor since the 450Fs already have it done
I yet dont have it done debating on doing it my self i like bottom my self so up to you and what u ride i guess

05-03-2009, 04:13 PM
exactly. it wont hurt your motor, since the YZF450f dirbike has it. thats what the cam mod is, changing it to that timing. the new yfz-r also has it.