View Full Version : Bike setup

04-29-2009, 10:51 AM
I've seen pictures on here of peoples R's that seem low as all get out. I ride MX and was just wondering how you guys got your bikes to look that low. I've got an 07 450 all stock right now. any input would be appreciated

04-29-2009, 11:17 AM
long travel a arms and suspension is what gets u this low...a long travel link in the rear drops ur back end a good inch or two...its all in the suspeison..cuz aftermarket suspension has sag..and thats what makes it get so low....ur frame should still sit 7 1/4-8 inchs off the ground, even with u sitting on it...those messurements are for MX

04-29-2009, 11:22 AM
Yeah what he said. I set mine up right around 7 inches but I like mine on the low side of things because it handles a lot like my 250R. My bike corners awesome!

04-29-2009, 11:30 AM
have any pics of your bikes?

04-29-2009, 11:51 AM
typical mx long travel suspension can give you that "look"

The point of the suspension however is not just to have that lowered "look"

(Below is my opinion)

It is a compromise between race sag and ride height that the rider/shock tuner sets based on track conditions and riding style...

For instance; A rough, Sandy, deep rutted mx track will require a slightly higher ride height (ex. 7 1/4" rear, 7 1/2" front) where traction is not an issue, but the dragging on ruts and constant whooped out sections are.

A smooth, hard packed slick track will benefit from a lower ride height and more race sag (ex 6 3/4" rear, 7" front) where traction IS an issue, and the turns are easy to slide or loop out in .. the lower ride height makes the bike quicker through the turns as well as less twitchy in the fast smooth straightaways.

04-29-2009, 12:02 PM
well said^^ i dont know if id go THAAAT low...you then have a change of slamming frame off lots of jumps...(i knwo from experince...totaled my old frame cuz of this)....but yea well said to say teh least...

here is a pci of my bike

04-29-2009, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by mxhead686
well said^^ i dont know if id go THAAAT low...you then have a change of slamming frame off lots of jumps...(i knwo from experince...totaled my old frame cuz of this)....but yea well said to say teh least...

here is a pci of my bike

Yes, that could seem low on a rough track , i agree, but that is where the tuning can benefit you...... a rider has to take into account the amount, size, and angles of jumps... at local races i usually run 7" and above... due to dirt bike ruts, and steeper faces and landings of a local mx track due to non maintenance of jumps....

04-29-2009, 02:46 PM
very true