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View Full Version : WNY Legal Trails

04-26-2009, 05:46 PM
If you live in the WNY area and are looking for some legal places to ride, there is a ATV club trail that is located in Pendelton/ Lockport NY.
Its called TRI-COUNTY TRAIL RIDERS. I have been a member there now for about a year and really like what they are doing with the club. Here is a link to their forums:


The cost is only $25 for you and your family for a whole year. Well worth it. The more members they get, the more land they are going to try to aquire for the trails. Help support your local ATV clubs and get more Legal riding trails.

04-26-2009, 07:21 PM
me and my buddies are gunna go there soon. its funny i live about 15 or 20 mins away and iv never been there. are the trails sport quad friendly? lots of mud or no? a guy i work with said there is a nice section you can ride down a bike path or dirt road maybe give or take its 5 or 6 miles long?

04-26-2009, 08:15 PM
Hey hotsot, I live in Tonawanda so its like a 5min ride from my house, and I never heard of these trails till last yr. Yea its very Sport quad friendly, and if you like the mud, there is a VERY muddy section. The president of the club was talking about possibly getting new trails added to our trail that will bring it all the way out to Wilison, then hopefully out to Lake Ontario. Now that will be impressive if they can do that. The path along the bike section all together is around 10 to 12 miles from End to end. Then there is some trails that break off of that that go into lockport. Best bet is to register on the forums and show up at the meeting next month.

04-27-2009, 06:54 AM
that would be awesome. they need something like that around here. there is nowhere to ride legally and we are always getting hassled. i took my chances at demlers/does and ended up getting a ticket a few weeks ago. the cop was fortenetly cool about it but still. i live on grand island and the guy i work with lives out by demlers so he goes to pendleton all the time. one of these weekends ill have to get the boys together and take a trip out there. we have been going to pennsylvania alot.

04-27-2009, 04:46 PM
Where do you go in PA? Majestic? I love it there.. Dont you ride on the island?? I only rode there once and LOVED it. My best friend is having a house built on the island now and should be done in June. He will live right off that walking trail before the Wet Lands. I see people ride their quads there all the time, so Im assuming its legal. Let me know Maybe we'll hook up for a ride

04-28-2009, 01:06 PM
yeah we go to majestic. frequently. its nice and its about 2 hours away. riding on the island sucks. nowhere to go really. we only ride the island when its winter and frozen over or middle of summer just for something to do. we are also looking for more places to ride close to here. either in ny or pa. we are going to pendleton this weekend on sat to check it out