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04-23-2009, 01:11 PM
my neighbors complaining about my exhaust and he says that if i dont have a new exhaust by this weekend hes gonna call the cops.
Does anyone know if a hmf sport series slip on is illegal in michigan?how much trouble would i get in if it is?

04-23-2009, 01:29 PM
for on the street or on the trails?

04-23-2009, 01:50 PM
Speaking from experience-unless the state/town has regs against riding on the lawn/your yard and the noise ordinance isnt to bad on you-its perfectly legal.

The neighbor is just a jerk, just like mine is who keeps calling the cops on me too.

04-23-2009, 01:52 PM
Michigan law says 94dB. From what I hear, HMF exhausts are well above that.

04-23-2009, 02:37 PM
buy a stock one, then when he calls the cops stick the stock one on and tell them to read it, then when they leave, stick the other back on. lol

cheap and effective.

04-23-2009, 02:44 PM
Perhaps someone will chime in and correct me if I'm wrong, but the only exhaust that I've found that will comply with Michigan law is Yoshimura's, if you purchase the optional 94dB core.

All of the others that I've looked at are 96dB or more, even with the quiet cores installed.

04-23-2009, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by 0101
for on the street or on the trails?

the only time he can hear me is when im in my yard or when im going down the road/small trail that follows the road to get to riding spots.ive been pulled over on the road but the cops said he doesnt care as long as i dont do anything stupid but that might change if my neighbor starts complaining cause im pretty sure riding down a 25mph road is illegal and my exhaust is probably illegal to.

04-23-2009, 03:38 PM
does anyone know how noticeable it is powerwise/noise having a quiet core installed?

04-23-2009, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by rob_990
does anyone know how noticeable it is powerwise/noise having a quiet core installed? I did not notice any measurable loss of power when I changed the Race core, to the Quite core, on my Big Gun,
and it IS NOTICEBLY quieter.

another thing you might want to think about is,
How's the packing in your current exhaust?
if it is worn out, it is ALOT louder, than it is with fresh packing.

you might want to check to see if it's time to re-pack it.

04-23-2009, 03:56 PM
i actually just repacked it for the first time yesterday.it might have made it a little quieter but not much.the old packing wasnt all that bad.

i think ill just order the quite core and take it out when i dont go riding there.

04-23-2009, 03:57 PM
quiet core? powerbomb? airbox lid on? i hear wrapping the header makes it quieter. while on the exhaust subject i was messin around starting my quad I forgot the kill switch clip wasnt in and i was cranking and stabbing the gas. i got it started and it sounded like I just dropped a valve through the piston and it shut off. just a crazy backfire though lol

04-23-2009, 03:59 PM
Get the quiet core, it helps a lot.

I don't see why people don't just run the stock exhaust when riding around neighbors. Just run stock and learn to ride faster:chinese:

04-23-2009, 04:01 PM

ya if worst comes to worse i guess i could put the lid back on but then id be lossing alot of airflow.

04-23-2009, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by BlasterEaten250
Get the quiet core, it helps a lot.

I don't see why people don't just run the stock exhaust when riding around neighbors. Just run stock and learn to ride faster:chinese:

i bought it used .i dont have a stock exhaust

04-23-2009, 04:25 PM
Id say just buy a quiet core. i got one for my 400ex and it made a HUGE difference.

04-23-2009, 04:49 PM
One word: Neutral.

Just get a running start and give it a good shove. It will tomahawk right down the mountain. That bad boy won't know what hit him.

THEN FIRE 'ER UP once ya reach point blank :D

04-23-2009, 04:55 PM
It sounds like the neighbor is just being a hardass.. if i were you, id ignore him... if you r just putting down the road at low rpm's your quad isnt too loud. and im sure there are trucks and motorcycles that drive by that are louder. If the cops are cool enough to let you ride down the road in the first place, then im sure they will understand that the neighbor is just being a dink

04-23-2009, 05:55 PM
put a stock muffler on for riding around the house. easy as that.

04-23-2009, 06:53 PM
Tell your neighbor to STFU....In CT the cops rarely do anything. Ive been pulled over 4times and the cops been to my house 7times. All because being too loud and neighbors complaining. Tell him to stop being a stubborn old person

04-23-2009, 07:20 PM
if u are on your own property the cops cant do anything

04-23-2009, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by motox92
Tell your neighbor to STFU....In CT the cops rarely do anything. Ive been pulled over 4times and the cops been to my house 7times. All because being too loud and neighbors complaining. Tell him to stop being a stubborn old person

in your case, take a hint.

Ludicrous Speed
04-24-2009, 05:29 AM
Get on Ebay and buy a stock pipe.

No sense in being a jerk just because he is a jerk. If he is complaining, there are probably other people that are annoyed as well. You might ask around and see if it bothers other neighbors. Or go talk to him and try to come to a compromise, not riding it on the property unless you are leaving or something...

Loud exhaust just pisses people off, and that is bad for our sport.

04-24-2009, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
in your case, take a hint. ^^^X2

Try to grasp this...
" Age and Tyranny, will ALWAYS overcome Youth and Arrogance"

in other words...
It's just not wise, to mess with the "Old Folks".

04-24-2009, 02:08 PM
i have the same problems with my neighbors the rich golddiggin lady next door is a b**** i was out ridin the snow in december and she came out and told me she was gonna call the cops i told her "up yours buddy call the cops" all they'll do is tell you to shut it down... although im not supposed to ride in a residential neighborhood anyway... ha if i were you i wouldnt sweat it too much.

04-25-2009, 02:23 PM
lol i cant tell you how manny times the cops have been called on me and my friends, even when we were just riding his stupid little bear tracker around, that thing is the quietest thing ive ever herd and they still complain, so now that i have my quad and the calls keep coming, even when it was completely stock, so i just make it as loud as possible cause the cops cant do ANYTHING if you are on your own property, i would know, i got a letter from the town telling me its too loud but my mom works with a bunch of lawyers and they looked into it and legally they cant do jack, the only thing they could do was cram that stupid letter in there a-hole, personally i would tell him/her to shove it as i have done the same and nothing ever happens even thogh i have the worst luck and have about 12 cops and state troopers in my neighborhood lol

04-25-2009, 02:36 PM
Am I the only one who's a little surprised about the absolute lack of respect for ones neighbors that most participants in this thread have?

These people are your neighbors, don't piss them off. Try to reach a compromise, or some sort of understanding. Be a little courteous, if for no other reason than the fact that you have to live near these people. You never know when you may need their help for something. Not to mention the fact that you're giving the rest of us a bad name...

Perhaps I'm too friendly, as I like to just get along rather than create waves, especially near where I live.

04-25-2009, 02:42 PM
Its one thing if you got lots of land ,but if you live in suburbs on 1/2 acre plots thats rude to ride go find some woods to ride in. if I worked All day and everyday/ weeked I had too put up with you riding allday/ weekend when Im trying to get some rest on the weekend Id come out and beat you head in (not to start things) thats just from a working mans point of view! theres got to be some place you can ride besides your yard . go to friends with lots of acres,woods down the street,etc.this is why people hate atvs/dikebikes! And why are sport is going to be taken away if we dont stop the redneck BS!

04-25-2009, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by BEAVER.989
Am I the only one who's a little surprised about the absolute lack of respect for ones neighbors that most participants in this thread have?

These people are your neighbors, don't piss them off. Try to reach a compromise, or some sort of understanding. Be a little courteous, if for no other reason than the fact that you have to live near these people. You never know when you may need their help for something. Not to mention the fact that you're giving the rest of us a bad name...

Perhaps I'm too friendly, as I like to just get along rather than create waves, especially near where I live.

Well said.

04-25-2009, 03:57 PM
I find that talking solves a lot of things...

I have to cut through this one guys driveway to get to the trails down my road. The one day he was running outside as I went through looking like he was going to yell at me. He probably expected me to gun it and get out of there, because when I shut my quad off respectfully and asked whats up, he changed the look on his face.

He was still a little aggravated, and said "you know this is my driveway right?"
And his driveway seems like a road because there's another dirt road off of it so I said
"oh.. it is? I didn't realize that. I'm really sorry. If you don't want me passing through here I apologize and promise I won't do it again."

So him, realizing I wasn't really a threat and a good kid, said
"No, it's ok. All I ask is don't ride on that corner there or tear up the pavement."

So all I said was "That's awesome, thanks!" and drove off.

Moral of the story, when your a nice person, most of the time people will be understanding. I acted respectful and polite and now I have an easy path to my trails

04-25-2009, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX
I find that talking solves a lot of things...

I have to cut through this one guys driveway to get to the trails down my road. The one day he was running outside as I went through looking like he was going to yell at me. He probably expected me to gun it and get out of there, because when I shut my quad off respectfully and asked whats up, he changed the look on his face.

He was still a little aggravated, and said "you know this is my driveway right?"
And his driveway seems like a road because there's another dirt road off of it so I said
"oh.. it is? I didn't realize that. I'm really sorry. If you don't want me passing through here I apologize and promise I won't do it again."

So him, realizing I wasn't really a threat and a good kid, said
"No, it's ok. All I ask is don't ride on that corner there or tear up the pavement."

So all I said was "That's awesome, thanks!" and drove off.

Moral of the story, when your a nice person, most of the time people will be understanding. I acted respectful and polite and now I have an easy path to my trails

exactly. ive done this with just about every person. ofcourse youll get the typical prick every once n a while but it comes with the territory.

04-25-2009, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX
I find that talking solves a lot of things...

I have to cut through this one guys driveway to get to the trails down my road. The one day he was running outside as I went through looking like he was going to yell at me. He probably expected me to gun it and get out of there, because when I shut my quad off respectfully and asked whats up, he changed the look on his face.

He was still a little aggravated, and said "you know this is my driveway right?"
And his driveway seems like a road because there's another dirt road off of it so I said
"oh.. it is? I didn't realize that. I'm really sorry. If you don't want me passing through here I apologize and promise I won't do it again."

So him, realizing I wasn't really a threat and a good kid, said
"No, it's ok. All I ask is don't ride on that corner there or tear up the pavement."

So all I said was "That's awesome, thanks!" and drove off.

Moral of the story, when your a nice person, most of the time people will be understanding. I acted respectful and polite and now I have an easy path to my trails

Perfect example of how a little polite communication can solve a lot of problems. Some guys are just dicks and you can just deal with that guy when he comes along. Most people are pretty cool as long as you are respectful.

I had a neighbor who just asked me to not ride close to his rock wall cuz it caused the exhaust to echo and it pissed off his dogs. No bubbles, no troubles. Problem solved. After that, the guy was cool as ****.

04-25-2009, 10:12 PM
get the quiet core and just take it easy when your within range of him...my neighbors used to have the cops driving by 3 or 4 times a week...unfortunately we arent going to wbin too many arguments involving pissed off neighbors and cops

04-26-2009, 05:32 AM
Michigan is the "TOO" State. You are TOO loud,You are TOO proud,You are TOO fast,You are TOO slow. Bottom line is there are way TOO many laws and way TOO many law enforcers. If you are having any form of fun they will create a law to make it illegal. They will then overcharge you,Turn you into a criminal,Tie you up in the courts,Drain you're wallet and finally kick you're now soulless Arse to the curb. My advice... Get out of this state before It's TOO late.

04-26-2009, 06:20 AM
Tell him the last time you checked we live in AMERICA and you can do what ever you want and if he keeps b****in you will make it louder

04-26-2009, 07:51 AM
^^^^rock on! my neibors a dick too and its legal for me to ride on the road at 25mph, i get the finger or get yelled at all the time but never get in trouble, michigan passed a law that said each county could designate roads outside of city limits to ride like snomobiles can. your county may not have any either. if your in the city you cant ride on the road but there is no limit on noise untill 10 pm, so as long as your on your own property you should be ok but we do have a nuisance law too so dont push it too much. i ride like 200 miles a week into the local village to get gas and down to the party house so im not drunk drivin on the road, fields are amazingly fast rout home if you know were you are!!!!!:D

totaly agreed that michigan is a TOO state, id get out but they got me already, thats why my 400 is not a 416 yet:ermm:

04-26-2009, 10:08 AM
^^Both of you are ignorant morons^^

People like you are the ones that give ATV's a bad name. People like you are the ones that make us look evil and make the whole neighborhood look down upon us. People like you get riding parks shut down.

I think you both need to grow up. Yeah, let's just tell the neighbor to go screw himself because we're in America? What's the point of purposely pissing him off? It accomplishes nothing.

Just be respectful. Respect=nice people.
I hope your quads get impounded.

04-26-2009, 10:25 AM
you can mod the stock muffler to flow more and still be very mellow. PM for details

04-26-2009, 10:51 AM
i got a stock muffler id make a deal on if ur interested

04-26-2009, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by sc400ex_rider
you can mod the stock muffler to flow more and still be very mellow. PM for details

Yeah, the holes in the chamber wall.

04-26-2009, 11:41 AM
its just one neighbor of mine that gets all worked up over nothing... i could care less its not my problem and she's a witch to begin with all my other neighbors dont care at all

04-26-2009, 02:08 PM
you guys are retarted seriousley, i dont know who you think you are telling us we are iggnorant and crap because our neighbors are dicks, get a life and grow some balls, this is america, and we can do w/e the hell we want, what are we 3 here or something? i give respect when i get respect and calling the cops on me for riding the quad off the trailer to the back yard isnt exactly what i consider respect. so if you have nice neighbors then good for you, and if you live in some sort of cup cake city where everyone is happy all the time then screw off, because unlike the rest of us we actually have to put up with a-holes all day long

04-26-2009, 02:39 PM
Sure thats being over reactive if all your doing is taking the quad to the shed from trailer ,why not go next door and tell them what your doing and what there beef and see whatt can be done im sure your not unloading at 100am or nothing or are you? theres got to be a way to work it out thats sounds insane to call police for !Nobodys trying to call you guys retards but there are some that do make us look bad and need to stop this stuff or it will cause us to have are places to ride taken away!

04-26-2009, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by killer400ex
you guys are retarted seriousley, i dont know who you think you are telling us we are iggnorant and crap because our neighbors are dicks, get a life and grow some balls, this is america, and we can do w/e the hell we want, what are we 3 here or something? i give respect when i get respect and calling the cops on me for riding the quad off the trailer to the back yard isnt exactly what i consider respect. so if you have nice neighbors then good for you, and if you live in some sort of cup cake city where everyone is happy all the time then screw off, because unlike the rest of us we actually have to put up with a-holes all day long

cup cake city... HAHAHAHAHAH

04-26-2009, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by RATPACK Z400
Sure thats being over reactive if all your doing is taking the quad to the shed from trailer ,why not go next door and tell them what your doing and what there beef and see whatt can be done im sure your not unloading at 100am or nothing or are you? theres got to be a way to work it out thats sounds insane to call police for !Nobodys trying to call you guys retards but there are some that do make us look bad and need to stop this stuff or it will cause us to have are places to ride taken away!


04-26-2009, 04:17 PM

04-27-2009, 06:41 AM
Would you have to re-jet after getting a quiet core? I haven't had any complaints about my ex, but I know it is loud so I would like to quiet it down a bit.

04-27-2009, 07:39 AM
i live in a free country aint nobody gonna tell me on my land i cant ride, i ride respectful on roads on trails and on other peoples land but the kid said he gets mad when hes in his yard suburb or not buddy thats his yard, were i come from you get beat up for that kind of talk thems fightin words, you talk about being disrespectfull but then call me a moron. there is a limit to the bull****, i say tell the pissy neibor to blow off and leave it up to the laws, just call the state police post and see what your local laws are that way you know. just because one lady gets mad your gonna blow money on your machine, make her pay it if she thinks its too loud, my neibor came with a tractor to build me a track when he didnt want me too close to his house. thats how it should be not all this bickering, the guy just wants to ride, tell the harley davidson riders to quiet down and the v-8 mud trucks need to chill out too, oh and the rockets are too fast lets slow em down. planes fly to high lets drop em down so we can see em close. look at both sides befor you call me names buddy your not any better than the next guy, ill bet your banshee is louder than my 400, hell i ride with 250r's that are louder than mine with an hmf, go get a loud wheeler like a ds650 with a pipe, see whats up then. run some mud trucks up the road at pedal to the floor, and let her know that it could be worse, neibors cant take out trails, dnr does and as long as your below the db rating with a spark arrestor in michigan the trails are yours, if YOU want the quiet core then go for it. but if you do it because she wants you too that wont be the last time she makes you do something to something to make her happy. your going to start a whole chain of keep the neibors happy, its too loud too fast too dirty too shiny, just go on with your life and let her be pissed. honestly what can she do to make you unable to ride? cops wont do anything if your not doing anything wrong.

Originally posted by

^^Both of you are ignorant morons^^

People like you are the ones that give ATV's a bad name. People like you are the ones that make us look evil and make the whole neighborhood look down upon us. People like you get riding parks shut down.

I think you both need to grow up. Yeah, let's just tell the neighbor to go screw himself because we're in America? What's the point of purposely pissing him off? It accomplishes nothing.

Just be respectful. Respect=nice people.
I hope your quads get impounded.

04-27-2009, 07:45 AM
i keep hearing just be respectful, was he being disrespectful pulling it down to the trail head, or backing it off the trailer and parking in the shed? this all makes me want to go rip up a golf course, i hate *****y people.

04-27-2009, 08:37 AM
wow. where do i even start with the above? amazing how quickly threads (and trails) can go to hell because of completely irresponsible views like the above. :rolleyes: oh, and go rip up that golf course. see how much longer you're able to ride.

04-27-2009, 01:58 PM
the way i look at when we get old and in our 70's i'm sure most of us won't like the neighbor ripping around on a loud atv/motocross bike. for the loud pipes thats up to the person that wants one, but remember loud pipes closes trails and places to ride. just my 2 cents

04-27-2009, 05:46 PM
it also depends on the land you cant build track in suburbs ,thats just being an ***** ! thats too close to people now if you got a few acres then it another story .but at least you can do is talk to the old people ,sometimes thats all they want deep down someone to talk to or say hi too and it isnt your loud quads. had lady down street call cops one winter i went over talked to her the next thing you know i riding her around the hood ! she never called again and says hi all the time.