View Full Version : thankyou pappy !!!!!!!!!!!!

04-20-2009, 02:14 PM
Hey, Pappy its Ant. i just wanted to say thankyou for being the first one there to help me. It was nice seeing a firmiluar face after gettin your bell rung instead of a total stranger. Sorry if my quad almost took you out. I never got to say thanks cuz i never saw you before we left. If you were wondering i rebroke my wrist in the same place as in redbud last year. (yeah its kinda hard to type) im in a cast for 6 weeks till i go back to see if i need surgery or not. My backs pretty twisted to if you couldnt tell from the video.

And if anyone knows how i could get ahold of the other rider Andy Travis please let me know i just want to see how he's doing and i hope he's ok.

Thankyou pappy

let me know if you have anymore cool pictures

04-20-2009, 02:52 PM
anthony burke?

what bone in your wrist did ya break?

04-20-2009, 03:13 PM
Who would have thought that ANYONE would ever consider seeing Pappy's face as a good thing ??????

Glad you're doing better; heal fast....

04-20-2009, 03:23 PM
Not a problem bud, glad to see you are ok as well as the other rider. When I saw you crawling I knew you were ok, but you were in another zone when I reached you!

I have a few more shots but nothing great, tyour quad came within a foot of whiping me clean out...atleast I still have a little speed in me:blah:

04-20-2009, 03:59 PM
i feel your pain man i broke my foot on the triple although mine was no were near as bad as yalls hope you have a speedy and smooth recovery