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View Full Version : Head Gasket "oops Help

04-20-2009, 08:52 AM
I am replacing a blown head gasket on my 2003 400EX (with a 419 kit). When I was taking off the cam, I noticed the little plunger and spring were missing. Either they popped out and went down into the engine, or they just weren't there. Whoever did the 419 mod got a few things wrong... a couple of wrong bolts, a missing washer on a head bolt, etc.

Is it possible that I was running with out this part? How important is it? I need to leave on a riding trip Wednesday morning so need to get this back together as soon as I can get parts on Tuesday.


04-20-2009, 09:01 AM
is the cam a hotcam? they are supposed to be out if it is. if not then it is just not using the stocck decompressor on the cam. It should be fine i would say. I would try to find some of the right bolts but it should work. I would check your studs for your head if yoiu blew the gasket that is the most likely cause of your studs pulling out. they would have to be replaced with some h-d ones then. steve

04-20-2009, 09:16 AM
This Quad had the 419 kit when I bought it two years ago. I think it probably did have a cam with the kit... which is much better than having dropped the damn thing down into the engine.

Will check the studs. One of the head bolts was barely finger tight so I am hoping that is why it blew and not pulled studs.

Thanks a bunch.

04-20-2009, 09:17 AM
maybe it is why, but it could be loose sincce it pulled out. steve