View Full Version : who's that kid

cik orange
04-20-2009, 08:38 AM
His name is Hunter Skladzien his number is 05 and he is currently tied in points in the 70cvt class. So why would you want to know this? Because this kid is 7yrs of age and he looks like he has been doing this all seven of those years.

I am as much proud of this rider as I am of my own. He listen's to every piece of advice he gets. (If it were only that easy with his father LOL )

So if youve never seen this kid ride treat yourself and remeber his age when you do you will not be disappoited.And give his dad a hard time if you get the chance.

Hunter working with you and your family has made it fun agin for me and mine THANK YOU.

The entire McConnell family

04-20-2009, 03:13 PM
WOW That is way cool of you to say.
The part about Hunter....You'll pay for the other stuff.

Doing this whole "MINI DAD" thing has brought the "fun" thing back to me too. I was getting lost in the whole "business end" of it for so long, it's great to have my own kids out there doing this stuff together as a family.

Thanks McConnells you guys are a BIG part of my kids accomplishments.

See ya at Walnut!

mini racer #39
04-20-2009, 03:58 PM
WOW what a race the boys have going, huh Tom. Hunter is a great young rider and looking forward to Walnut.
See Ya There

04-21-2009, 06:30 AM
No kidding about the boys. It is really fun to watch.
We'll see ya in a couple weeks.


Logan #34's Dad
04-21-2009, 08:14 PM
Hey Tom, I've got a video of the start (quality not great - 9yo daughter took it.) That TA Porting motor is dialed in!!!! At about the 80 foot mark I believe Hunter was leading, then they are driving away from the camera so it's hard to see who does what. Good job!

04-21-2009, 09:08 PM
Post it up!