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View Full Version : motor Proublems?

04-19-2009, 04:59 PM
hello fellow riders well monday. I went out riding with a friend. well i drowned my quad both of them too the seats well got the blaster started got the 300ex started got out to main trail. well the 300ex died once we got there and i tried to start there was no power what so ever .broke out the tow strap got it up to fourth pop pop started drive down the trail long ways hit a log jump up right fender took that bar and took my foot kept driving to et out of woods it died again half way out called 911 they got me and i got out went to try to start the quad it will; start run for 2 min then shuts off will run longer if i dont give it gas i can hold it wide open and all i get is a pop pop pap pop die then wont start for hours any ideas? also there is a wire thats is hanging down on right side maby were bar went it went there to?

04-20-2009, 10:50 AM
well the little i can do with out causing to much pain .i took off the air lid there was muddy water in there it has a k/n airfilter with a cover ? Could have water got in the carb and is doing this? i go for my cast wednesday so after that ill be able to do alittle more this spilnt hurts to do anything so should i take carb out and clean ? check plug? test battry still dont know what that wire is here is a pic of it plz let me know what u think i do have the kill switch on it that u can hook to yourself thx for any info u can provide!!

04-20-2009, 10:36 PM
Looks like that could need to be grounded to the frame. Bold that wire to the frame and see if that does anything.

04-21-2009, 01:50 AM
thank you i tired this and the quad wouldnt start what so ever as soon as i unplug it it ran it took me a few min to trace the wire down it went to the kill switch. that im guessing that isnt working right or got put in wronge i bought this quad with it on it but the quad seams to be runnign better i started it today and let it run with out touching it for 15 min rev held it and it shut off and by surpize it started right back up still shutting off tho carb clean is my next thing im gonna do after wensday cast fitting :( is there anything i need to do along with the crab cleaning?

04-21-2009, 08:46 PM
change your gasoline and drain your oil. probably have water in both of them. do you see any white smoke when you are running the bike?

04-22-2009, 12:17 AM
no smoke oil was fine got outside today was beatiful so i hoped out took off seat check fuses,gas line hmm no gas coming out move the nozel gas came out tried started ran norm until full gas it died out so i checked wires then saw the choke was just about full choke turn it off and wham bike back to norm!!!!! so yay! when cast comes off ride i will go!!!!!!

04-22-2009, 10:31 PM
please try slowing down and explaining the story in english !! i would love to help but i can't read this stuff.

04-23-2009, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
please try slowing down and explaining the story in english !! i would love to help but i can't read this stuff.
all right . my bat. i didnt use proper lingo .very sry my engilsh spelling is not the best. but i was answer the guy before this .no smoke. he asked if it smoked! i drain the oil it was fine! he ask that too . and then i said ( dummy me choke was left on,Proublem fix ) thank you . did you under stand that? sry i made my typing a run on senteces Buti guessi didnt know i was in school again! sry my bat!

04-23-2009, 08:01 AM
ha ha no problem man glad to see that you are all up and running good!!!! you may try taking your carb of and cleaning it out if you have anymore problems.