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View Full Version : SNIRT Run Tug Hill NY

04-12-2009, 07:33 AM
Tried to post this in other events / races but couldn't

Yesterday was the annual "Snirt Run" held every year on the Tug Hill Plateau in northern NY. Old school locals just call the area "The Hill" Folks , there is still 5 feet of snow in some parts of the hill, but luckily enough is gone in enough area for us to converge on the hill for a day of insanity. 2852wheelers registered for the poker run and estimates were a total of 5,000 atv's were on hand. We had a group of 17 to 31 riders at different times of the day
Given a choice of my 2 wheelers, what do I take? The EX of course. Anyone can do it with 4 wd. *G* You can see what the poor girl looked like this morning in the back of my truck.
We had one of the best chicken bar-b-ques I have tasted. It was at a guys camp. They just decided to set up and cook chicken, dogs, and burgers to see if they could make a buck. After buying a half dinner ($7 with all the fixings) and still being hungry I asked them hoe much for a burger and a beer. $3. SOLD! I also had the WORST trail meal of my life at the Timberview. Stone cold, greasy and terrible. The good news is that it took almost an hour to get it so the misery was postponed. They did credit my bill so that a burger and 2 beers cost only $14. Yes, I said $14. We won't be gping there any time soon.
By the end of the day the snirt had been turned to mush. Deep loose mush. On the way back from Flat Rock to Montague the road was to deep for ANY 2wd so the order of the night was to strap to a 4wd and send it. I spent 5 miles 12 feet behind a 700 Sportsman AWD running 3 to 30 miles an hour with all 4 of his tires covering me and the EX with snirt. It got a bit nerve wracking at times, but ya gotta do sometimes.
I am tired and I am sore and my wheeler is going to take hours to clean and at least one bolt to replace.
I can't wait till next year.

04-12-2009, 07:35 AM
Can't seem to post jpegs edited in Linux?
Windows blows. Any version.

04-12-2009, 09:41 AM
agree with the windows sucks,, especially vista.. I try to use knoppix when i can. too bad mainsteam software hasnt' caught up.