View Full Version : oil problems please help

04-10-2009, 12:32 PM
okay i was workin on my bike an 06 yfz450 and i notice the fill plug on the engine was white all on the inside so i kept on workin on my carb and i took the vent line for the starter off and notice it was all white inside so i got worried so i drained the oil out of the base to see and there wasnt no foam or white or anything in the oil it was pretty black but then that line i was friggin around with the air box and notice a great big pile of that white stuff layin under where that hose was layin it comes from that box by my coolent tank can anyone else tell me whats goin on ????????
took that end cap off by the starter asd well and noticed 2 bolts behind the starter gears was almost out and it was all white inside of that?????????
please help

04-10-2009, 01:06 PM
im thinking you had some kind of coolant leak through the loose bolt holes? Tighten them up and change the oil and coolant and see if it happens again.

on gt thunders webpage:


On all 2006 YFZ450 engines that I have checked - There are 2 bolts loose in the engine. They are located in the left case cover behind the starter idler gear. Below is a photo of 2 bolts just like I found them - to fix this you need to remove the 2 bolts holding the starter idler cover on, remove the cover and idler gear. You then need to torque those bolts to 85 inch lbs.


04-10-2009, 01:15 PM
yes thats was excatly the spot i hope its not to late

thank you