View Full Version : Ignorant Snowmobilers

12-29-2002, 05:51 PM
Hey, today I went riding and the snowmobilers think they own the god damn trails. They all get in little hissy fits saying its their trail, and they pay money to ride. That ATVS wreck every trail, and that we are wreckless drivers. These trails are multi-use trails. ( county forest ) ATV'ers do their part to maintain the trails in the summer time so that we can ride. I just wish they werent so retarded.

Anyone else have opinions on this ??
whether you are a snowmobiler or not


12-29-2002, 06:19 PM
yea snowmobilers are kinda anoyying ts them that make the trails all whooped out. BUt my friend has some trails across his street ands as soon as it snow he said we went alowed to go down the rials cause its only snowmobiles in the winter im like bs im riding my quad down those trails you dont own them and if you wanna fight about i will i dont care hes like 145 pounds lol and like 6 2 i would kill him but theats beside the point then as sonn as i rode on the trials with my quad he didnt dare even talk to me lol it was funny. Hetalked big over the comp but as sonn as i was face to face it was a diferent story. lol but the morla is jsut dont listen ot them and if they give you that bs about jnot paying show them the registration on the quad and tell them that hats paying for the grooming of that trail and that you have the right to ride on it. I know that in this state like half he atv registration cost goes toward the snowmobile fund. lol how stupid is that i pay for them to kick me off the trails that i help maintain. lol

12-29-2002, 07:45 PM
While I have not ran into any Snowmobilers yet, I have had a few complaints about them...I was out riding today, and all their tracks are curvy, so my 300EX and I get thrown around like a ragdoll, on "my own" trails (the only ones I ride)...

12-29-2002, 08:12 PM
Half the time Snowmobilers think they own all the land and that they can ride anywhere they want to. sometimes leaving tracks threw my front yard.:grr and i live in town.

Team Outlaw #34
12-29-2002, 08:19 PM
i know......what the heck is up....they let snowmobiles thruogh town but not fouwheelers....its BS :)

12-29-2002, 08:31 PM
i live in a small town. most of the time the only cop is a State Trooper that patrols a state route that goes through town. he almost got me about 2 weeks ago when i was trying to ride my quad home from riding.:eek: had to play stay away from the trooper trying to get home. lol :p

12-29-2002, 08:43 PM
You Canucks should be thankful that your allowed on the trails in the snow. Here in Washington state, once there is enough snow for the sleds the forests are designated a snow park and no wheeled vehicles are allowed. The friggon sleds have 2800 miles of groomed trails in our state. Come spring the there are less than 1000 miles of pulic trail for motorcycles and atv/jeeps. take away the motorcycle trails, (which quads cant access) and we the quad riders are left with less than700 miles. Not including the dune areas.

Nothing you can do about it but organize, and lobby the lawmakers.

Krazy Kid
12-29-2002, 08:49 PM
kid frum school rides his snowmobile thru town. cop stops him says u shouldnt ride in town... bout an hour later catches him and says i told u to stay outa town. catches him again, once agasin justs asks him to leave town... never yells or ne thing... and hes drivin around on main street and such...same day im in town to get sum gas for i go back out ridin. sees me, im not even on my fouwheeler and i got a 75 dollar fine... wuts up wit that??

12-29-2002, 09:09 PM
I dunno why, but people think riding a quad automatically makes you a hellion, and that you don't respect the trails.

About all you can do is boycott, organize and stop the lawmakers,or just break the law....which one is easier?

12-30-2002, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by Krazy Kid
kid frum school rides his snowmobile thru town. cop stops him says u shouldnt ride in town... bout an hour later catches him and says i told u to stay outa town. catches him again, once agasin justs asks him to leave town... never yells or ne thing... and hes drivin around on main street and such...same day im in town to get sum gas for i go back out ridin. sees me, im not even on my fouwheeler and i got a 75 dollar fine... wuts up wit that??

not sure but have oyu even tried to catc a freing snowmobile? THey go 120 and also is extremly dangerious to any bystanders so they talke it easy on them to try to make them keep it under control while with a quad its alot easier to keep them under control thats my thought as to why the dont fine snowmobiles

12-30-2002, 06:25 AM
while i certainly would like more trails and whatnot, snowmobiles do nowhere near the amount of damage as quads. as long as there is sufficient snow, all they do is glide along the surface and sometimes break through and throw a lil dirt. I'm no tree hugger but i hate seeing trails demolished by atvs. End rant -- off to ride and demolish some trails lol

12-30-2002, 12:17 PM
Dont have to worry about it here. There is not enough snow for snowmobiles

Krazy Kid
01-01-2003, 12:48 PM
not sure but have oyu even tried to catc a freing snowmobile? THey go 120 and also is extremly dangerious to any bystanders so they talke it easy on them to try to make them keep it under control while with a quad its alot easier to keep them under control thats my thought as to why the dont fine snowmobiles [/B][/QUOTE]

if i wanted to i could got away... but thats not the point, just cuz snowmobiles r fatser the cops shouldnt bend the law for them, the should either do it for everyone or none at all...

01-01-2003, 04:07 PM
Well... Honda300Rider most of the trails are Snowmobile use only (maybe not the one your talking about)... We have to pay for a $145 trail pass. Quads are not allowed on the trails because your insurance is void when not on private property and because a quad could easily climb over a snowmobiler, in a head on. If its an OFSC trail, no quads allowed. A lot of people in Canada think that quads are allowed on the snowmobile trails but they aren't.

I am not siding or trying to be mean or anything, just stating what I know, I would love to ride my quad on the trails, but I know we aren't supposed to, so I don't. If the trail your talking about allows quads to ride it, well you should get their Registry #'s and report them for not sharing the trails...

Hope that explained some stuff

01-01-2003, 07:30 PM
yeah, this is OFSC too. But it is county forest, so I am allowed to use it, and if someone says no. Well they are goin to court.


Lo flyer
01-02-2003, 05:36 PM
Snow! I like that stuff when its on TV and Ice I like that stuff when its coolin down a 12 pack. I have to give all of you big props for being able to deal with that stuff on a regular day to day basis. It was 75 and sunny yesterday and we went to the everglades and had a blast.

01-02-2003, 09:43 PM
I hate snomobilers my dad lets the state use a strip of our land for the trail and I have a jump on the trail and i came home today and they had the nerv to put steel polles in fromd of my jump and rap caution tape all the way around it it is my jump on my land. So i riped the polles out of the ground and riped all the tape down they really pissed me off.:grr :grr

01-07-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by 300exryder
while i certainly would like more trails and whatnot, snowmobiles do nowhere near the amount of damage as quads. as long as there is sufficient snow, all they do is glide along the surface and sometimes break through and throw a lil dirt.

I agree 100%.. Also I want to ad that it is usualy the person doing the complaining that gives the sport of ATV riding a bad reputation so a lot of you idiots wining on here need to grow up and be a little more responsible for your actions.

01-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Well I was just saying my opinion, and that around here on the OFSC trails the sledders are dickheads. The trails arent open and they are riding them.. i can still ride if i want. How are the idiot riders the ones that complain ?? just wondering.

01-08-2003, 02:06 PM
We get pretty lucky up here the laws for ATVs and smowmobiles are the same word for word we even have the same registration tags and we all get to ride almost anywhere we want and if you need gas you can go into town and get as long as you take the most direct route in and out of town. As fro the snowmobile riders I do not know what makes them think they are so special but we have the same problems here, I just tell them what I think and ride on:devil
