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View Full Version : What would you do in this situation (shop question)

03-27-2009, 11:38 AM
went to the shop (Cycle Pro Racing on route 31 in Jersey) and i bought a chain there, they also cut it down for my 450r (supposedly) to the size that would fit. i get home and i put it on, no luck, doesnt fit, so i move my axle all the way up and its still a link off even with the master link on it.

now i call them up and told him what the deal was and he goes "i hate cutting chains without having the actual machine here, i guess what we're gonna have to do is put two master links on"

im thinking he|| noooo, not two master links, the chain is brand spankin new

so what would you do? GO back there and refund your money or ask for a new chain? or except that he just messed up and its my own fault? i mean...its not too far, 20 minute ride, but its like $4 in gas every time i go...just something to consider while driving and stuff like that

let me know what you would do

03-27-2009, 11:45 AM
are you running stock swingarm and sprockets?

03-27-2009, 12:23 PM
he cut your chain for a 2005 450r or a 400 ex...94 links. You need 96 links.

What brand of chain is it? Did he cut it down from a large roll or did it come in a box?

03-27-2009, 12:56 PM
stock swingarm and sprockets yup and it came in a box i think 120 links and he cut it down to ...something. im not sure.

03-27-2009, 01:38 PM
it's your fault, you should have either taken the old chain in with you, the machine, or atleast counted the links on the old chain. Run 2 masters and be done with it and chalk it up as a lesson learned.

03-27-2009, 01:42 PM
You will need an inner link plus another master to make it work.

You could always sell the chain you just got to someone with a 2005 405r or a 400ex and get another one. If it is a name brand chain, it shouldn't be too hard to find a buyer. You won't get stealership prices but I bet you could find someone to pay Rocky Mountain prices to help you out.

03-27-2009, 01:49 PM
take it easy on the man jcv400ex the dealership should have known how many links he needed to run on the bike the service man should have knew that thats why they have a little thing called manuals

03-27-2009, 02:07 PM
if you told them how many links to take out and or didn't even check out how many it was suppose to be it's your fault:( and justen08 they have no idea what gearing he has or the swing arm so they wouldn't know.

03-27-2009, 02:28 PM
Not knowing the whole situation, it is hard to say.

From the post, it sounds like the dealer took control of the situation and cut the chain so it was supposed to fit his application. I am guessing the dealer didn't know there was a difference between the 2005 and 2006+ years. Just a guess though until he states how many links in the chain they provided to him.

If it has 96 links then the dealer isn't at fault. If it has 94 links then they are at fault unless he specifically said to cut it to 94 links. Like the dealer, you have to assume he has stock gearing and swingarm until he says otherwise.

03-27-2009, 02:38 PM
yea you are right buck440 it all depends on if he told them to cut it that length or not and if the dealer assumed to cut it that length without asking and just took it upon hiself to just take the links out

03-27-2009, 02:39 PM
the guy knows im on stock sprockets and swinger... i told him i had the old chain hanging outside and he's like no its cool, he checked his manual, did the cutting or whatever, then gave it back...

i never told him what length to cut it or anything. he asked me if i knew how many links and i said idk, i have the stock one outside if you wanna measure up, or you got the computer right there, check online. and he goes "ill just check this manual right here"...did his check then went to the table and did the cut or whatever.

hopefully thats more clear

03-27-2009, 02:44 PM
well if thats what happened i would go back and raise hell with him or the manager and get them to fix the problem i hope you get it solved and not lose your money you got tied up in the chain

03-27-2009, 03:08 PM
If all else fails, there's nothing wrong with running two master links. People do it all the time.

03-27-2009, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by justen08
take it easy on the man jcv400ex the dealership should have known how many links he needed to run on the bike the service man should have knew that thats why they have a little thing called manuals

STFU kid. Typical teenager answer...."It's NEVER MY FAULT!" Quit your damn whining....:rolleyes:

03-27-2009, 04:11 PM
Teenager huh???????? Check profile before you talk. He asked for opinions and suggestions not to point fingers.

03-27-2009, 04:16 PM
He he cut it the wrong length, GO GET WHAT IS YOURS! He owes you money or the right length chain PERIOD. Don't run 2 masters (because you don't have to.)

03-27-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
STFU kid. Typical teenager answer...."It's NEVER MY FAULT!" Quit your damn whining....:rolleyes:

Wow take it easy there... no reason to take out your anger on the "kid". He is right in a way, but hey you never know what to expect with dealerships. I would just put another master link on it as the others said, it will still be plenty solid. Next time you'll know what to do.

03-27-2009, 05:54 PM
Go back to the dealer and get your money back or tell them you want the right size chain!

03-27-2009, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Scro
If all else fails, there's nothing wrong with running two master links. People do it all the time.

true that i have had to do it before..

03-27-2009, 06:52 PM
well neither is at fault, if you didnt tell him the yr , he doesnt owe u anything, its not going to have a footnote that the 06 honda is different, you probably just found that out in this thread and told him there all the same and he cut it for a 05, not his screw up, you should of said make sure you cut it for a 06....run the 2 masters, it wont hurt anything..... and learn from it and move on, dealers dont just know by memory every make and model,now if you said cut it for a 06 not a 05 and he cut it 05 length ...then he owes u a chain

03-27-2009, 10:13 PM
just run the two masters and you would have to deal with them being stupid and telling you your the wrong one.

03-27-2009, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by SRH
well neither is at fault, if you didnt tell him the yr , he doesnt owe u anything, its not going to have a footnote that the 06 honda is different

I don't think it's his fault... I think the parts guy is to blame... Whenever you go in for parts for ANYTHING they ask you what year or model number...

If he went in a said " I need a chain cut for a 450r " the parts guy should ask " What Year" . Him not knowing the difference doesn't make it the customer's fault..

I've been in for many part's for many different thing's, and if I don't know the answer to what question he had he would look it up for me, but it was the dealership worker that should have double checked before he did anything...

Go back and get another chain cut to the right size... Or go back and get a new chain a buy a chain breaker and do it yourself.. That way you know it's right...


03-27-2009, 11:24 PM
when you get enough expirience in this sport youll learn that the dealers are uneducated and you need to know what your talking about to avoid mistakes like this....i guess if you really wanted to be a prick you could force the new chain issue, but either of you had knowledge of the difference, run the 2 masters , any reputable shop will appreciate your understanding and more than likely make it up to you down the road

03-27-2009, 11:54 PM
Go rent a pick-up truck from Home Depot.
Drive it around to the Garden dept, and buy 1 Brick, about the same size as the gas pedal in the truck,....
and as many bags of Manure as will fit in the bed.

Then stop off at the Grocery store, between the Home Depot, and the Dealership.
Go into the grocery store, and buy 10 gallons of Ammonia,and pour it into the....

Ahh heck, nevermind,...

just run the 2 links and dont worry about it. you'll still be running a new chain,...

and it wont cost near as much as the truck rental, Poo-bags, and juice.

03-28-2009, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by dirtbike&quad
the guy knows im on stock sprockets and swinger... i told him i had the old chain hanging outside and he's like no its cool, he checked his manual, did the cutting or whatever, then gave it back...

i never told him what length to cut it or anything. he asked me if i knew how many links and i said idk, i have the stock one outside if you wanna measure up, or you got the computer right there, check online. and he goes "ill just check this manual right here"...did his check then went to the table and did the cut or whatever.

hopefully thats more clear well i say burn them to the GROUND! :devil:

03-28-2009, 10:26 PM
doesnt two masters make the chain more likely to pop off?

its just annoying. i DID tell him the year, he asked and i told him, 06.

what i also didnt state was the following
i brought 2 chains down with me. both off the 450r. one snapped one and another one that wasn't in great condition (but was a quality DID chain)...i asked him if he could connect the two together and he said, "its not good to run 2 master links and i don't want to be held liable if the chain pops off and cracks your case"

and now hes like "we'll just have to run 2 master links"

whatever. its not a big deal. im still going down to talk to him anyways...

03-28-2009, 11:14 PM
Cant you take one of the 25 links that he cut off and press it on the chain? Its just a pin. Get a motion pro chain breaker and push the pin out. Then take that link and pin and connect it to the short chain. Start the pin back in with a hammer then finish pushing it in with a bench vise or beat it with hammer against the ground or something really hard. Done it a dozen + times. There is also a tool that you can buy to press links onto a chain. But its $85. Both tools are in rocky mountain. So if the dealer dont take care of you try that. Dont pitch the chain or if you do ill pay the shipping send it to me!