View Full Version : Is riding double ok for my ATV?

12-28-2002, 09:18 PM
I do a good deal of riding double on my 2000 300EX...I do exceed the weight limit, (about 20 pounds or so) I am wondering if This will have any negative effects on my ATV, in the short or long term.
Just tell me one way or the other...I would like to know so I don't hurt my "baby" Thanks, and Ride hard!

12-28-2002, 09:38 PM
i have never had a passanger on my 400EX, that's why i bought a 3 wheeler, so if i ever have a chick to ride with, she can ride the crappy trike, or we can both ride on one of our 4x4's,,,it would be hard to control your 300 with the extra weight on the back,,,i dunno bout long term effects on suspension, i would expect it would be minimal if any,,,later

Crazy Honda
12-29-2002, 12:56 AM
I'b rode 2 on my 300ex i'm about 200lb and she's about 120 as long as you don't get to crazy it will be all good just don't jump because the person on back cant stand up. so if you bottom the rider ill probly swing at you. lol!!:devil

12-29-2002, 01:39 PM
well lets see here... i ride double a lot with girls and most friends.. even one time i was all drunk, i got my two other buddies on the back.. ya thats right all three of us, it was about 540 lbs on my 250ex lol, everythings fine i cant see any effects or trubles with the engine :P

12-29-2002, 01:57 PM
one time i was driving down the road with my dad in his truck and there is some honda 4x4 (not sure which one) and he has people on the fron racks, two people on the back racks and the driver on the seat. It was nuts. They were in like early 20 or late tenns but it was nutty.

12-29-2002, 02:09 PM
its hard on your chain because it puts more tension on it , making it harder on your axle bearings and sprockets , it will also eventually kill your rear shock, Believe me, i have been through this.

12-29-2002, 03:26 PM
i hate riding double i used to do it all the time on my recon, but my 300ex doesnt seem roomy enough, and the shockk is always bottomed

12-29-2002, 05:36 PM
I went riding double with my 400ex. I didnt really notice the person on the back until i went fast into the corners and hit some whoops. Yep, my buddy is pretty retarded for bein the passenger. But he rides a RM125, and he aint riding the winter time. I wouldnt suggest it, cause it scratched my plastic, and cause the passeger to have a few bruises from bouncin around and fallin off. I dont think it will harm the bike at all. Oh by the way i weigh 150 and my buddy weighs like 110.


12-29-2002, 06:27 PM
Ive done it a few times, I weigh like 150 and my buddies probably weigh around that. The most fun thing to do riding double is double wheelies, ive gotten into the bottom of 5th gear in a wheelie with my friend on the back!

12-29-2002, 06:31 PM
riding double is never a good idea..............the bike is difficult to control. If the thought of hurting your precious 300ex will make you stop..........then yes, its really bad for your quad. (not to mention you and your passenger)

12-30-2002, 10:46 PM
i'm strongly against riding double, but there are a few occasions where i'll do it. one time, for some reason i just felt like putting my 9 year old sister (55 lbs, lol) on the back with me in front on my 250. i had to take my quad out to wash it, and my sister has wanted to ride on my quad for some time so i let her get in back while my parents were gone.it was funny hearing her go "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" while i was doing 45+ mph down my 200+ yard drag strip. i even did a lil hillclimbing (nothing too big, just a 8 ft ridge with maybe a 30 degree incline or so?) with her on. i should get her a mini of her own.

just a few weeks ago, i was riding out in the 9 inches of snow (not on the road either, slippery stuff it was) when my dad came outside and told me to get off my quad. after i got off, he got on, and said "get on back" after that, he took me to the streets and we did some burnout donuts and stuff. the purpose of doing this according to my dad was to "make sure that you keep in the right gear in the snow so you dont flood the engine" lolol.by that point we had torn away the ice and got to the asphalt. needless to say, the tire tits that were still on after 35 hours were nowhere to be found the next morning.there was nothing better than powersliding through the snow while doing 30 mph.

12-30-2002, 10:59 PM
i used to do it when i rode

upstate rider
12-31-2002, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
riding double is never a good idea..............the bike is difficult to control. If the thought of hurting your precious 300ex will make you stop..........then yes, its really bad for your quad. (not to mention you and your passenger) Couldn't of said it better

12-31-2002, 10:22 AM
i will ride double should the occasion call for it, like someone is injured, popped tire, i break my arm and want a ride back, etc, but no i wont do it for fun, it kills your axel area, and it also is harder on a 2stroke, lol

01-02-2003, 02:11 AM
I ride double all the time but it is a lot harder to control. I can't keep the front wheels on the ground. She only weighs like 115 or 120. I guess I need to get her a quad b/c I need to be riding my ex like it should be ridden! 2 people make wheelies fun though. 3 person wheelies are even better!

01-02-2003, 01:56 PM
Dont ride double. Ever wonder why dirtbikers make fun of quad riders? Its probably because some people are too stupid to read the warning label. I have seen too many rednecks riding 2 or even 3 flip thier "pimped" 4x4s over, not wearing helmets or anything. My cousin and his uncle almost died riding 2 up. Its a stupid thing to do. There are certain times it is ok, like giving someone a short ride back to the truck or something as long as your going slow, but its dumb to actually "go riding" with 2 up.

01-06-2003, 06:40 PM
its expecially stupid to put your 250 pound friend on the back of your 400ex to give him a ride home. its not like i did that or anything :rolleyes:

01-07-2003, 08:30 PM
I wouldn't do it on a sport quad but on a utility quad it won't hurt as long as you don't get stupid. I used to ride 2 up with my ex girlfriend on a 1985 Honda 250ES Big Red 3 wheeler quite often. It will be like learning to ride again at first with an extra 100 lbs. but if she is a hot chick it will be well worth the relearning. Also while deer hunting we rid 2, 3, or 4 up quite often so it doesn't take as many bikes to get everyone to and from their stands.

01-08-2003, 09:04 PM
i used to double with my friends and we flipped a 300ex going up a hill, wasnt fun might i add.. its a good thing he caught it before it rolled down...... on my other friends 400ex he used to ride wheelies for like 20 yards with my on the back.... i used to want to pee my pants when he did that.... neither one of use had helmets.... man that was scary.... makes me shudder.... but i hate ridding with a person on the back b/c of the wieght, takes all the fun out..... picture my old 100cc dirtbike with me and a 220lbs friend on the back, makes one slow dirtbike, and hard to steer

01-09-2003, 02:38 PM
lets see, if any chick wants to ride with me its all good, but the guys gotta buy their own quads.:blah

01-10-2003, 04:49 PM
4 of my friends rode on a banshee going about 70 down the road to another kids house. lol it shouldnt have any affect on you quad it is just more wieght thats all.

01-13-2003, 08:28 PM
yall wont like this but we fit 6 people on a utlity quad..2 on the front rack. 2 on the seat.. and 2 on the rear rack and will going going about 20...

01-13-2003, 09:39 PM
Some friends and I packed 7 people on a Sportsman before. 2 in front, 1 on the gas tank, driver, passenger, 2 on the back rack on each side of the passenger. Of course we were going slow through a wide open field to go see a mud run and this friends house.

DGR Designs
01-14-2003, 12:00 PM
yea it is pretty hard. i had to do it a couple times before (lm,ao a few days after i got the EX lol) i was bad with a clutch then but i wasnt gonna make my friend walk 5 miles back to camp when the swingarm bolt came out of his rancher lol (that was bad ***** lol) oh my... good times... lol i took my g/f on mine before and popped a small wheelie. (like 2 feet off the ground lol)...... my rev limiter kicked in ;) (her smackin my helmet lmao)

01-31-2003, 04:14 PM
ive done that before but it was 5 people on a recon down the road. not a real long strecth just like 1/8 a mile or so. it was on on the front one on the back one the drivere and two hanging off the sides hanging on to the handle bars.

as for going double up on an atv. it shouldnt really hurt it. i go 2 up on every thing in my neighborhood. we use the recon for most of it though. and that thing still runs strong. and its like a 97 or something

01-31-2003, 06:19 PM
ahhh. ive got you all beat. last saturday some friends had a sledding party(kinda lame:p )and i brought the Trailboss along. i soon became a taxi, pulling everyone up the hill. we got up to 8 people on it...2 on the seat, 3 on the rear racks, 1 standing on the floorboard holding onto me, and 1 more on ski-blades holding onto the back of teh rack...we practically rode a wheelie up the hill everytime. i was kinda surprised that it had the bottom-end power that is has. it hauled all of us up that big snow covered hill pretty easily. most people look down on the trailboss, but its actually a pretty nice quad...sorry, got kinda off topic:rolleyes: