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03-23-2009, 08:49 PM
So I go into a local walmart yesterday with my dad, I remind him that we are low on ammunition for our .45s. We ask the lady if they have any .45 ACP ammo and she says they are all out, and she goes on telling us how obama is limiting the ammunitions made for many popular handgun and military brass and ammo.

Any input on this??

I personally feel like he has no right to do this, especially since we have the right to have firearms.

Honestly if he thinks this is going to stop gang violence he is an idiot, if these gang members can get illegal drugs all accrossed the nation without a problem who is to say they won't get illegal ammunition imported. Obama is making it harder for the people who have legal weapons to protect themselves.

03-23-2009, 08:55 PM
I don't think he has changed anything yet it is just that people are expecting it and stocking up so there is a shortage.

03-23-2009, 09:07 PM
I thought I read about 6 months ago that Wal-Mart was gonna stop carrying firearms and ammo all together. I think they announced right after the founder died.

03-23-2009, 09:07 PM
I'd agree with coryatver. Hornady is way backed up for bullets also.

03-23-2009, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by coryatver
I don't think he has changed anything yet it is just that people are expecting it and stocking up so there is a shortage.

yea i believe your right on another note a magazine put Obama as gun salesman of the year because every one bought guns in fear he would change the laws.

03-23-2009, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by 05LSR250R
I thought I read about 6 months ago that Wal-Mart was gonna stop carrying firearms and ammo all together. I think they announced right after the founder died.

This is 100% true. All wal marts are phasing out the sale of firearms. The one in my area quit selling them months ago. The said they are trying to create a more family oriented store.

Hell I say if more kids got into hunting it would be more family oriented. Some of my best family memories are hunting with my dad. I know that it kept me out of alot of trouble growing up.

03-23-2009, 10:59 PM
Walmart intends to stop selling firearms in about 1/3 of its stores that already have low sales volumes (mainly inner city locations)

Obama supports increased taxes on ammo.....this is nothing new just look at cigarettes and how the taxes are unreal now. This will be the way the government does away with anything it feels needs to be heavily taxed (smokes, ammo , firearms in teh future etc) Im not blaming Obama for it...yet. I do feel he will support it, but it will be in his second term if re-elected.

03-24-2009, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Walmart intends to stop selling firearms in about 1/3 of its stores that already have low sales volumes (mainly inner city locations)

Obama supports increased taxes on ammo.....this is nothing new just look at cigarettes and how the taxes are unreal now. This will be the way the government does away with anything it feels needs to be heavily taxed (smokes, ammo , firearms in teh future etc) Im not blaming Obama for it...yet. I do feel he will support it, but it will be in his second term if re-elected.

dont forget the encoded ammunition bill that they tried to pass and are still to get passed....puts and encoded number on all shell casings that you purchase, and also includes the end of all reloading of any ammunition....which may not be a big deal for some ppl, but this seriously puts a cramp in my deal cause i reload a ton, i mean a ton of ammo, weekly....this will also drive up the cost to manufacture ammunition through the stratusphere...

he also wants to band all semi auto matic weapons, hand guns, shot guns, semi auto .22 long riffles,....

he also wants to impliment extreme manufactuering tolerencing on all firearm manufacturing, which will make it next to impossible to manufacter any form of firearms.

03-24-2009, 06:26 AM
I heard you can't get .223 ammo anymore too?!?!

As for the tabacco know the tax went up on my black and milds :grr:

03-24-2009, 07:01 AM
cigarrettes just went up another dollar here. six bucks a pack:o

03-24-2009, 08:39 AM
Hmmm limiting brass and making brass inpossible to reloaded, oh and a new tax on ammunition. Looks like obama wants to rake in extra unnesassary tax money from hunters.

CHANGE alright! Not for the better, for the worse maybe.

03-24-2009, 11:10 AM
pick up the shells and reload them for another round may take a while but i think it's kinda fun sometimes:p

03-24-2009, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by buck440
pick up the shells and reload them for another round may take a while but i think it's kinda fun sometimes:p

and when you sometimes shoot in excess of 10 tens of skeet a week, its alot easier and efficient to buy good shells, shoot them once and reload, than it is to constantly buy them...

03-24-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by ben300
and when you sometimes shoot in excess of 10 tens of skeet a week, its alot easier and efficient to buy good shells, shoot them once and reload, than it is to constantly buy them... hay, it was just a suggestion:)

03-24-2009, 04:25 PM

so unless someone can provide a legitimate link to real legislation, then i believe people are being fooled by those that like to fool fools..

ive talked to some that have blown their entire multi-thousand dollar tax returns on guns and ammo, knowing they rarely ever go shooting anyway..

03-24-2009, 04:46 PM
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

03-24-2009, 04:58 PM
he also wants to band all semi auto matic weapons, hand guns, shot guns, semi auto .22 long riffles,....


03-24-2009, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I heard you can't get .223 ammo anymore too?!?!
this is not true in the least.

and the only reason ammo is short is because everyone made a big deal about a new AWB, or ammunition regulations, and prices on everything gun related rose 50%, along with people hoarding ammo like crazy. the ammo manufacturers now have a demand that outweighs their supply, which means that without expanding manufacture, they will keep a steady demand.

the fact that there is not much ammo to be found right now because of this just adds to the hoarding when there is some on the shelves

03-24-2009, 05:16 PM
I think some of you need to work on your spelling rather than your shooting. Have you lost your guns yet? I bet you heard from somebody that heard from somebody that you could lose your gun. Gossip! Do you think everything that you read out of American Hunter magazines is true?

03-24-2009, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

wow, surely you jest.. i dont follow your line of reasoning at all..

i do not bare my arms just because the next guy does it.. besides, i dont work out nearly as often and theyre just not as impressive as they were 20yrs ago.

seriously though..
are you saying that people in urban areas dont need a personal firearm? if so, then i have to disagree.. i trust my "countryfied" redneck neighbors more than any person ive met in a urban environment.. the "slayings" occur moreso in a city than any smalltown USA, so IMO having a gun in the "burbs" is more a necessity than needing one in rural areas.
and while i dont think everybody needs a gun, i cant find a reason to deny anybody legal, law abiding citizen access to one, particularly for home protection.

oh.. my .22 bolt action is the straightest shooting gun ive ever owned, so i dont follow you on that either.:blah:

03-24-2009, 06:01 PM
Current Efforts to Ban “Assault Weapons”
H.R. 1022, introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), would ban every gun banned in 1994, plus guns made to comply with the ban; guns exempted by the ban; fixed-magazine, semi-automatic, center-fire rifles holding more than 10 rounds; semi-automatic shotguns; detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles; and any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle an Attorney General one day claims isn’t “sporting.” Meanwhile, bills have been introduced in some states to ban pump-action firearms as “assault weapons.”60 That idea, conceived by Donna Dees-Thomases, the founder of the Million Mom March and a friend of Sen. Hillary Clinton, is urged by the Legal Community Against Violence, which has drafted a “model” assault weapon bill to be used in state legislatures.61

this all about the new micro stamping bill H.R.1874 which they are trying to pass right now

as much as i hate the brady campaign...here is some stuff on their website about new legislation...

just do some research..you do not need to be illiterate to search these issues...

also..rbgnwa45... i dont need to argue to you that guns dont kill ppl..ppl kill ppl..but by your logic..we should ban cars..since they kill millions of ppl every year...motorcyles cause tehy kill millions of ppl...we should shut down schools cause kids dont get an education...shut down businesses because ppl are lazy adn get fired from there job...

03-24-2009, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I heard you can't get .223 ammo anymore too?!?!

As for the tabacco know the tax went up on my black and milds :grr:

Their are harder to get because of the war, .223 is the main caliber for the M16s and other assault rifles.

I reload for my target rifle and its .223, just picked up 300 bullets and 100 brass for her last weekend.

03-24-2009, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by ben300
Current Efforts to Ban “Assault Weapons”
H.R. 1022, introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), would ban every gun banned in 1994, plus guns made to comply with the ban; guns exempted by the ban; fixed-magazine, semi-automatic, center-fire rifles holding more than 10 rounds; semi-automatic shotguns; detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles; and any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle an Attorney General one day claims isn’t “sporting.” Meanwhile, bills have been introduced in some states to ban pump-action firearms as “assault weapons.”60 That idea, conceived by Donna Dees-Thomases, the founder of the Million Mom March and a friend of Sen. Hillary Clinton, is urged by the Legal Community Against Violence, which has drafted a “model” assault weapon bill to be used in state legislatures.61

this all about the new micro stamping bill H.R.1874 which they are trying to pass right now

as much as i hate the brady campaign...here is some stuff on their website about new legislation...

just do some research..you do not need to be illiterate to search these issues...

none of what youve provided is related to obama..(which is the thread title)

Last Action: Mar 19, 2007: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

H.R.1874 : Last Action: Jun 25, 2007: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

IMO, getting "facts" from the NRA isnt something id go around promoting..
they(like many lobbying groups) have personal goals and much of what gets circulated on the internet concerning gun legislation is the uninformed crying wolf.

as for the info on the brady campaign, answer me this:

what is wrong with asking for a legitimate background check before selling a firearm to any joe shmo?

why does the avg citizen need armor piercing bullets?

why should a gun dealer not get in trouble for "losing" a gun from his inventory?

03-24-2009, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Their are harder to get because of the war, .223 is the main caliber for the M16s and other assault rifles.

I reload for my target rifle and its .223, just picked up 300 bullets and 100 brass for her last weekend.
Ahh good deal, older guy came into work and started rambling about this and said they were banning stuff and you can't get ammo for it.. I paniced there for a second lol, going up to the mountains wouldn't be the same.. :blah:

03-24-2009, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
as for the info on the brady campaign, answer me this:

what is wrong with asking for a legitimate background check before selling a firearm to any joe shmo?

why does the avg citizen need armor piercing bullets?

why should a gun dealer not get in trouble for "losing" a gun from his inventory?

I do not have a probelm with background checks or punishmetn to gun dealers that violate laws. my family has a gun business and we abide by these laws, and i think they are good laws to have....

but to think that obama has nothing to do with this, you must be a fool...joe biden has been trying to push legislation to take guns away for a long *** time, and obama has no problem with this at all..on top of that you have nancy pelosi, harry reid, and hillary, who are some of the most anti gun ppl in our country,...they are gonna try and pass these bills and acts....obama has the power to veto it..but he wont..

i'm sure you support obama, which is perfectly fine...but try to look at it past the criminal part, and look at who esle these legislations, if passed...will affect... it not criminals..is the law abiding citizens. the ones that have to go through back ground checks to be able buy guns....i understand that ppl do not believe that a person should be able to buy a semi auto matic "assult" weapon, and i personally do not own any, but i believe that if a person, who is law abiding, wants to purchase one, legally, for private use at a range or what not...then whos to tell him or her that they can not...

and as for the nra...i know many ppl hate them..and they can be absurd at times..but many and most of their facts are true...

03-24-2009, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF

IMO, getting "facts" from the NRA isnt something id go around promoting..
they(like many lobbying groups) have personal goals and much of what gets circulated on the internet concerning gun legislation is the uninformed crying wolf.

as for the info on the brady campaign, answer me this:

what is wrong with asking for a legitimate background check before selling a firearm to any joe shmo?

why does the avg citizen need armor piercing bullets?

why should a gun dealer not get in trouble for "losing" a gun from his inventory?

Exactly! Goes to show you that some people don't really know what they are even bit***** about.

Lets see, Back ground checks so that the guy that just got released from prison after a 12 year stint for 3 ordered murders doesn't go straight to the local gun store and get himself an arsenal.
Armor piercing bullets are for killing cops, plain and simple.
Dealers don't lose guns! They sell them under the counter. If you wanna know why go back and read my Back ground check

03-24-2009, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by ben300
I do not have a probelm with background checks or punishmetn to gun dealers that violate laws. my family has a gun business and we abide by these laws, and i think they are good laws to have....

but to think that obama has nothing to do with this, you must be a fool...joe biden has been trying to push legislation to take guns away for a long *** time, and obama has no problem with this at all..on top of that you have nancy pelosi, harry reid, and hillary, who are some of the most anti gun ppl in our country,...they are gonna try and pass these bills and acts....obama has the power to veto it..but he wont..

i'm sure you support obama, which is perfectly fine...but try to look at it past the criminal part, and look at who esle these legislations, if passed...will affect... it not criminals..is the law abiding citizens. the ones that have to go through back ground checks to be able buy guns....i understand that ppl do not believe that a person should be able to buy a semi auto matic "assult" weapon, and i personally do not own any, but i believe that if a person, who is law abiding, wants to purchase one, legally, for private use at a range or what not...then whos to tell him or her that they can not...

and as for the nra...i know many ppl hate them..and they can be absurd at times..but many and most of their facts are true...

pelosi has already made it very clear (within the past few weeks) she isnt interested in reinstating any weapons ban

03-24-2009, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by js52589
pelosi has already made it very clear (within the past few weeks) she isnt interested in pushing any type of weapons ban in the near future.

ya...politicians say alot of things...then bam...the opposite has been done...

just liek some how..the new administration was not gonna lower the upper tax bracket below $250k....

well that promise hasnt been kept......

my mother and father combined make over $150k combnied adn they're getting 40+ % fo the income taxed out..thats a drastic increase from last year

03-24-2009, 07:28 PM
People are scared. They believe everything they hear at work or from the neighbor. It's truely sad:( .

03-24-2009, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
People are scared. They believe everything they hear at work or from the neighbor. It's truely sad:( .

do research...its beyond rumors

03-24-2009, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
Exactly! Goes to show you that some people don't really know what they are even bit***** about.

Lets see, Back ground checks so that the guy that just got released from prison after a 12 year stint for 3 ordered murders doesn't go straight to the local gun store and get himself an arsenal.
Armor piercing bullets are for killing cops, plain and simple.
Dealers don't lose guns! They sell them under the counter. If you wanna know why go back and read my Back ground check

im sorry..but background checks are already in place..in states like pa...and imagine everywhere else...

and honestly..i dont care about your back ground..im a law abiding citizen, and i dont want my rights taken away because of non law abiding citizens like your self...

03-24-2009, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by ben300
do research...its beyond rumors your "research" consists of old bills that obama has had nothing to do with

03-24-2009, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by ben300
im sorry..but background checks are already in place..in states like pa...and imagine everywhere else...

and honestly..i dont care about your back ground..im a law abiding citizen, and i dont want my rights taken away because of non law abiding citizens like your self...

I'm from the SHOW ME STATE. So show me what rights you had taken from you! I'll wait....Let me help you there are none. Quit crying about stuff that may or MAY NEVER happen.

03-24-2009, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by js52589
your "research" consists of old bills that obama has had nothing to do with

these are bills that have not been voted on yet....

03-24-2009, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by js52589
your "research" consists of old bills that obama has had nothing to do with

He just needs something to cry about. So give him a minute.

03-24-2009, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
I'm from the SHOW ME STATE. So show me what rights you had taken from you! I'll wait....Let me help you there are none. Quit crying about stuff that may or MAY NEVER happen.

...i have not had any...and i dont plan on having them taken away..

03-24-2009, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by ben300
...i have not had any...and i dont plan on having them taken away..

I have had mine taken away and it pi**es me off. But i still believe that most of these laws are in place for the right reasons.

03-24-2009, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
I have had mine taken away and it pi**es me off. But i still believe that most of these laws are in place for the right reasons.

and like i said..background checks..its a great idea...ti works...i jsut by happend to walk into a gander mountain when a guy just released from prison tried to purchase a gun...he got caught...
so i dont deny you that...but itst he other propsed laws that i do not agree with

03-24-2009, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

Wait so you are proclaiming that guns kill millions of people, but then you turn around and say if could legally you would blow someone's head off?? Maybe its just me but that seems hypocritical.

Oh and I live in the country and am an avid hunter. I have never bought a gun at wal-mart, but it used to be handy to get groceries and some ammunition. But I guess i should "stfu" and listen to educated people like yourself.

03-24-2009, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by ben300
I do not have a probelm with background checks or punishmetn to gun dealers that violate laws. my family has a gun business and we abide by these laws, and i think they are good laws to have....

but to think that obama has nothing to do with this, you must be a fool...joe biden has been trying to push legislation to take guns away for a long *** time, and obama has no problem with this at all..on top of that you have nancy pelosi, harry reid, and hillary, who are some of the most anti gun ppl in our country,...they are gonna try and pass these bills and acts....obama has the power to veto it..but he wont..

i'm sure you support obama, which is perfectly fine...but try to look at it past the criminal part, and look at who esle these legislations, if passed...will affect... it not criminals..is the law abiding citizens. the ones that have to go through back ground checks to be able buy guns....i understand that ppl do not believe that a person should be able to buy a semi auto matic "assult" weapon, and i personally do not own any, but i believe that if a person, who is law abiding, wants to purchase one, legally, for private use at a range or what not...then whos to tell him or her that they can not...

and as for the nra...i know many ppl hate them..and they can be absurd at times..but many and most of their facts are true...

so youre saying that if i agree with any proposed legislation then therefore im responsible for it??

one senator a law does not make.. you noted what? 4 out of 100 senators.. and dont forget the 400+ representatives it also would need to get by..

i didnt want to bring up assault weapons and i wax and wane over the thought of a persons legal ability to obtain one.. (i easily could go into reasons for both sides of that coin..) but end the end, it should be a citizens right to legally, without obstruction, buy a LAW rocket and use it as they see fit.

from one fool to another..
not everyone gets to drive without proper instruction and following rules.. alot of rules.. more than it would take for me to buy a gun and ammo that could shoot through the engine block of the car i drove to the gun show where i bought my gun and some armor piercing ammo.

HA.. ironically i go to shows to nose around, maybe pick up camping equipment, camo gear etc.. i honestly cant remember buying a gun at a show.. bags of ammo, but never a firearm of any kind.

BTW, i perfectly understand your line of reasoning concerning making rules for legal citizens, you nor anyone that i can remember has come up with any better plan and before you say "just let it be" answer me this: why, if the system we had/have then and now worked, do you see these killings?(be it on purpose or accident)
there are just so many irresponsible people and guns dont just appear or disappear..

i certainly dont have the answers and im definitely not the one to make the choice, but i can tell when something makes sense.

03-24-2009, 08:30 PM
at wal mart in vincennes indiana i just went in there got a couple boxes of shells and my friends dad i was with got some powder for his muzzle loader and paid for it and walked out like it was nothing, no cards, no funny looks or questions......we got it pretty good down here:p

ATV Chic
03-24-2009, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by 05LSR250R
I thought I read about 6 months ago that Wal-Mart was gonna stop carrying firearms and ammo all together. I think they announced right after the founder died.

Several wal-marts here stopped carrying guns and ammo a while ago.l:blah:

03-24-2009, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by csr250r
But I guess i should "stfu" and listen to educated people like yourself.

only if youre a city-dweller.. :blah: :D

03-24-2009, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
only if youre a city-dweller.. :blah: :D

Oh haha, I thought he was talking to me... :confused:

03-25-2009, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

This post is a MASSIVE load of failure. I don't even know where to start. I'll just point out that Charlton Heston passed away in April of 2008. I'm not sure why you would want to murder in cold blood a person that fought for one of your Constitutional rights.:huh

03-25-2009, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

You are a tool! Its big brother libs like you who think they should be able to ban riding because it hurts the poor little trees. I do live in the city and love owning guns, for personal protection, but also because it is an extremely fun hobby... I am an American and proud to be, and with that comes the right to bare arms there are plenty of thing allowed in this country that I don't care for but the constitution is there for a reason, because opinions are like *******s, everybody’s got one and they all stink.

PS Heston's Dead, and if he wasen't youd need a gun to blow his head off idiot....unless by blow you ment?

03-25-2009, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I heard you can't get .223 ammo anymore too?!?!

As for the tabacco know the tax went up on my black and milds :grr:

its true they have jacked up the price in my area people area emptying the gun shots literally , it jumped from $28.50 for a box of .223s to $40 its killin us, and this reloading thing is rediculous in the past years wed shoot a 5 gallon bucket of 12ga. each on weekend then reload, it aint right what hes doin he is really scrwing up just watch how the crime rate will rise if its not already

03-25-2009, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

wow u i hope u know that u are being laughed at as i type by my whole english 2 class and teacher , because other people do? hah youre kidding right? self defense , hunting, target shooting, that mean anything to you or none of that would make sense if other people didnt have guns, hey maybe u should ban knifes to yeah that would change the nation and help our economy

03-25-2009, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
The only reason you have the right to bare arms is because other people do. If you didn't need a gun, you wouldn't have the right. Saying this is the same as saying "BUT HE DID IT TOO!". All of you city-dwelling gun owners DON'T need them and should stfu. If you live on a farm, you need a .22 and a 12ga. Walmart shouldn't be able to sell firearms. If you want a gun, go to a god damned gun store and stfu.

Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?

The only gun I'll ever own is a bolt action .22LR.

If I could, legally, I'd blow Heston's head off.

and youre saying that saying "Does anybody "see" that some ******* came along and made the gun, and it killed millions of people?"

hey retard GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE , PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE, thats like saying lets ban people from having hands because they can be used as a weapon

03-25-2009, 03:36 PM
Oh, my, lord.:ermm: :(

03-25-2009, 03:55 PM
I stopped by our local Walmart near work to pick up a few extra bricks of .22's - their shelf was cleaned out! First time I've seen that before. Very slim pick'in and very few rounds to be found! :(

Glad I stocked up a few years ago for all of my gun's.... guess I'll be buying on line for my plinking supply's this year.

03-25-2009, 03:57 PM
BTW, just ignore rbgnwa45 - don't give him what he wants - attention - he's nothing more than just a troll in this thread. You have much better things to spend your time on...

03-25-2009, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
BTW, just ignore rbgnwa45 - don't give him what he wants - attention - he's nothing more than just a troll in this thread. You have much better things to spend your time on... Considering you're all arguing on an internet message board, i doubt that last sentence is true.

03-26-2009, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by mx428
Considering you're all arguing on an internet message board, i doubt that last sentence is true.


Feel free to click log off next time you get the urge to post.

03-26-2009, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by mx825
cigarrettes just went up another dollar here. six bucks a pack:o

ha you think 6 bucks it bad? 14.99$ for players hear lol. thank god i dont smoke ha

03-26-2009, 10:23 AM
I don't care for Obama.

Noooop. No, I don't.

With that in mind...it kind of has me thinking. Everyone gets so worked up and worried that our lifestyle could get banned due to all of the injuries and "disturbances" we cause on public and non-public lands, but then you have to stop and think- if they REALLY banned us from our toys...there would be an incredibly massive riot...everywhere. I know if they told me I could no longer race, let alone ride period- I would be throwin' some flaming daggers at someone's house. Same thing goes for rifles (of any kind, really). Especially in a town like mine. We are avid hunters, fishers, hikers, and by God we're dirt bike and quad riders, too. OUR Wal-Mart is stocked, rockin and fully loaded of every bullet they've ever carried- in other words...I'm not worried. HOWEVER. If they, or the "Obamanation" were to go and cross a line so as to remove and ban our guns and our ammo, you can bet your bottom dollar that I, as well as pretty much everyone in this country will be throwin fistfuls of those flaming dangers.

A few of you, possibly "city boys", like to APPARENTLY rag on us I guess you could say "small town boys & girls". I'm okay with that. Rag on. I grew up waking up at 6 in the morning to hike up the mountain behind our house catching lizards and picking plums with my best friends. There's nothing wrong with being an outdoorsman. Who the hell wants to be cooped up inside a cave their whole life only knowing briefcases, conference calls and regular Starbucks morning runs (though, Lord knows I love my coffee)? I use to wake up on those same mornings driving up to the mountains, just me and my dad, to go find some cool paper targets, or old pop bottles and shoot for points. My Dad is also the same person who taught me most everything I know- he also taught me how to ride. I miss and cherish those moments I spent with my Dad more than anything. I cannot imagine my kids growing up with someone holding them back and telling them they can't ride with their father up to the mountains to shoot targets because someone (ahem) wants to come in and try to run things. Granted, guns & ammo are not what the entire should revolve around, but regardless if you're hard into it, or like me, enjoy going up into the mountains with my Dad and my friends every so often to shoot targets- no one should have the right to ban something just because they don't believe it's necessary.

If you are against guns & ammo- I think you need to find yourself a new forum.

03-26-2009, 11:17 AM
:macho i love reading what you got to say.

03-26-2009, 11:27 AM
Bryson#221...............will you marry me? :D

03-26-2009, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Bryson#221
If you are against guns & ammo- I think you need to find yourself a new forum. Yeah, because people with differing opinions about guns should just get off the internet! Strong logic. No matter how flat you make a pancake, it still has two sides.

03-26-2009, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by mx428
Yeah, because people with differing opinions about guns should just get off the internet! Strong logic. No matter how flat you make a pancake, it still has two sides.

Oh my. Pardon my logic. I'm so embarrassed :rolleyes:

Let's get all pissy about it why don't we?

All pancakes aside...you're on atvriders.com. Which, I hope, means you ride ATVS. If you ride...you're oh..I dunno...GENERALLY outdoors. Most of the people that are outdoors that much usually own a gun or two. We aren't sissys around here. This is a tough sport. Sorry if you're not tough enough to own a firearm.

Hate to burst your bubble but...


03-26-2009, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by mx428
Yeah, because people with differing opinions about guns should just get off the internet! Strong logic. No matter how flat you make a pancake, it still has two sides.

Care to present the other side of the "pancake" or are you going to continue with your posts that have NOTHING to do with this thread?

I sure hope rbgnwa45's post does not represent your side of the pancake.

03-26-2009, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by ben300
ya...politicians say alot of things...then bam...the opposite has been done...

just liek some how..the new administration was not gonna lower the upper tax bracket below $250k....

well that promise hasnt been kept......

my mother and father combined make over $150k combnied adn they're getting 40+ % fo the income taxed out..thats a drastic increase from last year

your parents need to find a new tax program. you are making this up. when did tax brackets get lowered? Which bill made this happen?

If your parents made 150k and didn't have a single deduction and filed jointly, they would pay $30,744 in federal taxes. This equates to a 20.49% tax bracket. Let's face it, your parents have some deductions and exemptions. They more than likely paid 15% of gross income in Federal taxes.

03-26-2009, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by ben300

they were were taxed near 40%....my father owns two businesses...a firearms business on the side and he also does PI work and polygraphs, and he himself is being taxed exactly 40%....ive seen the filings for every test that he does... my mother...i havent looked as close, but its over 30%...they claim my younger brother as a dependent and some other bs...
__________________________________________________ ___

Work with me here, you are wrong. It is plain and simple. You aren't looking at the facts.

...the highest tax bracket is 35% no matter how you file. Assuming your parents file jointly, only the amount over $349,700 is taxed at 35%. Doesn't matter if they made a billion dollars. They would only pay 35% on the amount over 349,700. For everything under 349,700 the effective tax rate is lower than 35%.

Do me a favor...google 2008 federal tax schedule. You will get a better understanding.

Taxable income is the amount of earnings you actually pay on. It is less than gross income. You get to take deductions and personal exemptions.

The 1st 15,650 of taxable income is taxed at 10%

The amount from 15,650 to 63,700 is taxed at 15%

63,700 to 128,500 is taxed at 25% and finally,

the amount they make over 128,500 but less than 195,850 is taxed at 28%

Perhaps your parents are telling you what is taken from their pay to cover social security, federal taxes, state taxes, and all the taxes they pay for gas, cigarettes, sales tax, and every other tax known to mankind. That could definitely fall into the 40% category.

I know this will be hard to believe, but Obama isn't that good...he hasn't been able to change nearly anything in his first 60 days.

03-26-2009, 06:46 PM
scariest thing about not being able to own a gun is if our society completely broke down and became like Mad Max (2).

If you don't have what you need to survive without money, then you should think about spending some of what you have now. You should always be prepared should society and money as you know it collapse. You might have money but you won't be able to buy a gun for hunting or bullets if money is worthless. I recommend having a few guns for protection too or people will be coming to get what you do have and you will be defenseless. In a society like this, it is what you have that is valuable. Unspent money would be worthless.

03-26-2009, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by mx428
Yeah, because people with differing opinions about guns should just get off the internet! Strong logic. No matter how flat you make a pancake, it still has two sides.

Lets hear the other side of this pancake.

If its anything like the pancakes I make one side of golden brown and the other is blacker than the night.:p

03-26-2009, 08:08 PM
i never really thought of this till now not like it's going to happen but if it turns into mad max 2 just go to a diff country:) problem solved.

03-27-2009, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i never really thought of this till now not like it's going to happen but if it turns into mad max 2 just go to a diff country:) problem solved.

There will not be many places to go - if we fail, the majority of the world will fail.

03-27-2009, 08:06 AM
i guess i didn't think of that too:ermm: as everybody knows the world is suppose to end in 2012 so there once again.......problem solved:)

03-27-2009, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i guess i didn't think of that too:ermm: as everybody knows the world is suppose to end in 2012 so there once again.......problem solved:)

Its really no joke.:ermm: 2012 isn't real but once that date comes around, the world will be in a depression already, the whole world is going to roit, steal, murder, and whatever else.

I can garentuee you that.

03-27-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
Care to present the other side of the "pancake" or are you going to continue with your posts that have NOTHING to do with this thread? It's still up in the air at this point.