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View Full Version : White Bros E Series Pipe

12-28-2002, 08:53 AM
:confused: I thought I'd chime in with my attempt at the stupid question of the day. Does the W/B Series pipe have a plate covering the opening on the end of the pipe. I purchased my pipe (preowned) and got no documentation. Downloaded the PDF file from W/B. There it no mention of plate, but should there be one? Also has any one had any experience with the quiet core, good idea or bad? Any and all info will be appreciated.

12-28-2002, 09:15 AM
Yes, the WB pipe has a plate that blocks off the end of the pipe. Adding this plate will quite the pipe down and make it a US Forest approved spark arrestor pipe.

I have an extra one that I can sell you. PM me and lets make a deal.

12-28-2002, 09:37 AM
They are $6 from WB I believe. I had to get one also.

12-28-2002, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the info. It is all clear now. Need the plate forget the quiet core. Life is beautiful again.:D

12-28-2002, 09:54 AM
Here is the picture of the one I have:

12-28-2002, 10:17 AM
how would my 400 preform if i took the plate and discs off then bolted up the race cap thing so the exhaust flow would run out the back i know id have to re jet it but would i loose power with my current mods

12-28-2002, 01:52 PM
if your going to race sell that pipe befor it breaks

12-28-2002, 01:54 PM
yea, i was gonna get one but all i ever heard was how they all kept breaking so i got the T-4 and i'm happy with it. it looks sweet when it's polished up a little.

12-28-2002, 01:57 PM
yeah mine fell off after i crashed

12-28-2002, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Stunz
Here is the picture of the one I have:

How much you want for that?

I had to drill a hole in mine when i got it dyno'd and could use another.

12-28-2002, 06:13 PM
ill sell my broken wb pipe for 20$ + shipping the disc are still good

12-28-2002, 07:28 PM

If you crashed, does that make it a crappy pipe?

12-28-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by 99_400EX
how would my 400 preform if i took the plate and discs off then bolted up the race cap thing so the exhaust flow would run out the back i know id have to re jet it but would i loose power with my current mods

I tried the "no end cap" thing at the dunes on Thanksgiving. That was when my bike was stock. I noticed no difference in power between an open exhaust and 18 discs. It was however a little louder.

12-29-2002, 01:10 AM

The pipe fell apart while racing many times, and if you go to stock from that of course you will know the difference, but your missing out, Get An LRD pipe are an Sparks and you will notice a hudge notice in power, The wb pipe is alright but is made very cheap not strong at all. if the made it better i would have kept mine. but get any pipe that aloows more flow and you will see....