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View Full Version : swing arm bolt???

03-17-2009, 06:51 PM
i have a 88 89 style swing arm. and the piviot bolt thats in there has to nuts on on each end... and that baby is stuck in there! every other time i had a swinger bolt get stuck i just got a torch or a saw and went to town if i had to i chopped a swinger becuase it was stock... now im dealing with all aftermarket... so what can i do? any one make a press for it?

03-17-2009, 07:19 PM
I dont know about a press or puller for it.
Soak it on and off for a couple days.
Thats what has always worked for me. Might need to really hit that puppy!
Might also need to put a little heat on that bolt and let it transfer into the swongarm brg. area.Then cool it off with WD-40 or PBR blaster. Sometimes that little bit of expansion and contraction of the heating and cooling effect is enough to get'er broke loose.

03-17-2009, 07:20 PM
what I did was spread the frame apart with a large pickle fork(air hammer) and used a sawzal and cut the swingarm bolt. It may damge the collars and spacers at the end(you were gonna replace them anyway?). Remove the swingarm in one piece. Then you can hit the bolt/tube/spacers out or take it to a machine shop and press it all out. In the past I've noticed that the bolt is seized to the tube inside and the whole thing will come out easy, it will be very hard to get the stuck bolt out from the tube. Heating the swingarm all day and cooling won't do anything. You can't get to where the bolt is seizing. Many times a seized bolt will spin, but not come out, its seized to the tube, not the swingarm.

03-17-2009, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by deathman53
what I did was spread the frame apart with a large pickle fork(air hammer) and used a sawzal and cut the swingarm bolt. It may damge the collars and spacers at the end(you were gonna replace them anyway?). Remove the swingarm in one piece. Then you can hit the bolt/tube/spacers out or take it to a machine shop and press it all out.

I've also done that before as a last ditch effort. I used a Sawzall blade that had little chunks of carbide on it. Went right thru like butter!

03-17-2009, 07:39 PM
it wont spin... i cant get it to... theres 2 nuts on it one on each end... i rounded off the one on the shifter side but it was kinda junky anyways but i got it off.. i thought if worst came to worst im gonna put a small jack in the frame rails and take the sub frame off and pull it appart and then use a saw and try to cut it out...

i used like half a can of WD on it and i've been usein a breaker bar and spacers and pulling it out the other side but i made one of the spacers too big and i pulled the threads right out of the nut a little bit... i really dont want to do any damage to it at all...

thanks for the help... some one needs to make a puller for this thing...

03-17-2009, 07:48 PM
Pulling or prying on it isn't gonna get'er done!
You need the shock effect of a hammer! BFH!
I beat on one of mine for about 3 days off and on....letting it soak at night.
Finally on the last day I said to my self, its all or nothing!
Hit it like a redheaded step child and it moved!

No offense to any redheads on this forum! :o

03-17-2009, 07:58 PM
haha BFH... well i pulled it but i was raming the **** out of it and it didnt spin or move at all... so i started to pull it... some on you make a puller that would thread on to the bolt then pull the **** out of it...

hopefully i can soak it like non other...

03-17-2009, 08:05 PM
Be patient with it......I almost gave up on a few of'em!
Is the bolt a hollow stocker? If so you can tap the end with a 3/8x16 tap and then thread a long hard bolt into it. Then use what we call a Morgan Knocker. Its a huge slidehammer for pulling body panels on cars and whatnot. You can also take a nut that threads on the swing arm and then weld that to an adaptor so you can thread the knocker on that. Might be able to get it spinnin' with an impact.

However, I have had the best luck with the BFH!

03-17-2009, 08:07 PM
If you are trying to soak it, use PB Blaster. I have not seen anything work better than that stuff. Spray it down and let it sit. Come back and spray some more and let it sit some more.

That stuff works better the longer it sits.


Cut it out and then beat the .......... out of it! :D I like that idea the best.

03-17-2009, 08:12 PM
LSR, its some sort of aftermarket one with nuts on each end... its in a PRP rull chassis and i have never seen or hear of one of these... i think that the bolt is straight but its just locked up in the bushings...

03-17-2009, 09:10 PM
support your frame with a piece of pipe big enough the bolt can go into put the pipe up against a wall or pole. This will transfer you big hammer blows to the bolt instead of the frame flexing. if that wont budge get out the drill bits dill the bolt out try not to ruin your frame.

03-17-2009, 09:32 PM
Deathman hit the nail on the head....no pun intended...lol

the bolt is gaulded to the collers for the needle bearings. she ain't comin out. there's only two options....

pb blaster, not wd, for several days followed by a bfh and a brass pin. I also like the pipe against the wall idea. never thought of that one.

or, get out the sawzall and start hacking. takes four cuts to drop it....two outside, two inside. Then, them ole collars will fall on the floor with the bolt inside as if someone welded em in there.

have fun :devil:

03-18-2009, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by EXtreme-
Deathman hit the nail on the head....no pun intended...lol

the bolt is gaulded to the collers for the needle bearings. she ain't comin out. there's only two options....

pb blaster, not wd, for several days followed by a bfh and a brass pin. I also like the pipe against the wall idea. never thought of that one.

or, get out the sawzall and start hacking. takes four cuts to drop it....two outside, two inside. Then, them ole collars will fall on the floor with the bolt inside as if someone welded em in there.

have fun :devil:

agreed 99%
i helped out another guy with this problem first hand and i have to say the sawzall is the only real option, it only takes a few minutes and dosent put any stress on your frame. you will have to get a new pivot kit and probably a new bolt either way. the bfh can work but its going to take ten times as long and possibly damage your frame. i used a metal cutting blade called the torch youve probably seen them before it also cut through like butter.

03-18-2009, 10:55 PM
I use the sawzall and BFH method to great effect, like others have said they always seem to seize to the inner collar. I don't like hitting on my frames so cutting it out works better. BFH BFH BFH BFH!!!!!!:D Good luck

03-19-2009, 06:38 PM
well when i say i was pulling on it.. the bolt wouldnt spin so i could put a spacer in it and crank on it, i got it to move about a inch then i sprayed a **** ton on it and then she just spun so i got out the splittin **** and went to town and my back hurts... i got a buddy with a huge press... im gonna see if we cant pull the axle and a-arms and set it in there... if all else im gonna end up cuttin the ***** out...