View Full Version : Gym tips?

03-17-2009, 06:27 PM
im starting to hit the gym and i am getting serious about it

right now im like 6'0 and 270lbs which is realize is NOT helping me on the MX tracks, i know i can do it but im looking for some tips

i know everyone says running but when i run for like 15+ minutes my ankles start to hurt funny i know, but im doing this so it wont happen!!!, right now i do the bike and oliptical machine at the gym for 20-25 minutes, then do just about every lifting machine there, what else can i do?

i cant do the 5 meals a day thing because i cant whip out a granola bar in school and eat it every 2 hours. im trying to just drink water as well, anybody got some tips to help me out? thank you

03-17-2009, 06:41 PM
get on the rowing machine! I can hit up almost everything and not feel the burn like I do on a rowing machine. I try to keep my speed above a certain level and just keep pushing to keep it above. Makes you sweat a lot too. To slim down your on the right track with the bicycle stuff. More aerobic type things will help you out. Once you loose enough to where you think you can start running do it. Dont run on treadmills or pavement even dirt is better than that, grass is the best because its easy on the joints. Stepping machines are a great too. I would concentrate on slimming down 1st and then build up your muscles more and work that into the cardio routine and what not.

03-17-2009, 06:46 PM
Anything cardio is gonna help. Especially the rowin machine mentioned. Do you wear a garbage bag during your workouts? Might help. Dont cut weight to fast! I would stay away from the running part its hard on your joints! I'm 37 now and have found the pool at the local gym to be my new thing. Good luck on your new goal!

03-17-2009, 07:14 PM
like the others said cardio is the best for slimming down. but if you weight lift that helps too because muscle burns fat. if i were you i would do what doesnt hurt so no treadmills. i messed up my knee in december and i know that treadmills are harder on it than elipicals. but if you are watching tv a home do situps and pushups on commericals, try to do 10 of each it might not seem like much but it will help. just stay hydrated


03-17-2009, 07:53 PM
live by the quote in my sig and you'll have no problems dropping weight and getting in the best shape of your life.

"cheat on your gf, no your workout"

03-17-2009, 08:52 PM
A really good pair of running shoes will help the joints no matter what kind of cardio you are doing. Im only 19, but Ive had enough injuries that I have bad joints lol. Once I got a good pair of shoes it helped a lot. You might still have to avoid treadmills, but they will help.

03-17-2009, 09:05 PM
For great shoes look no further than Asics! You can notice the difference in each level you try on. I went to the store figuring I would just get a $40 pair. Tried them on and out of curiouity tried on the $60 pair after. Wow it felt much better. Said why not try on the $75 pair, dang thats nice! Ah what the heck I grab the $100 pair and put them on... now were talking! Its bad to skimp on something that protects your body. So I bought the $100 pair. They are incredibly light and its so comfy wearing them. My knees probally from riding and working out before running would hurt around the 6 or 7 mile mark. At a leasurely pace though your still floating. Plus if you run on a track with them where its like the rubber compound your really spring off the ground its nuts.

03-17-2009, 09:06 PM
thanks alot guys especially warner, haha

my goal is to get top 3 in both of my classes this season and i know i can do it as long as i keep it up at the gym


03-17-2009, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by rollie
thanks alot guys especially warner, haha

my goal is to get top 3 in both of my classes this season and i know i can do it as long as i keep it up at the gym


Like someone posted, get a rowing machine. I forgot I actually had one in the attic and I broke it out the other day. JESUS I forgot what kind of sweat that'll make you break!

250r rider 88
03-17-2009, 10:48 PM
im about your size too got 3 inches of height on you though

anyway, swimming has been the biggest help for me, that and the elliptical, i dont run because its harder on your joints and you burn more calories on a bike or elliptical, i also do all the weight machines

right now I'm laid off so I'm at our local YMCA a good three hours a day,

the first 10 pounds will drop like crazy then you really have to keep at it even though the results wont show as quickly

and dont over work anything, it will only set you back, i pulled a shoulder muscle and couldnt do anything for a good 2 weeks

03-17-2009, 11:01 PM
Go here: www.racerxvt.com
This is Racer X Virtual Trainer. It has a ton of training tips, programs, nutrition, etc. They also have a forum board you can post questions for motocross trainers and nutritionists to answer. There is some really good info on there.

03-18-2009, 02:11 AM
like a couple of you said before swimming is probably the best workout you can do, it works out your whole body at once and is easy on all your joints as well and you dont get sweaty!!:D if you do that plus the rowing machine youll be set as far as cardio.


03-18-2009, 09:16 AM
anyone do crossfit?

03-18-2009, 02:10 PM
Hey nick, if you need anytips or questions PM me, i know a good amount of stuff to do when it comes to training for motocross, me and shawn found a new technique that will help alot, might look and sound retarded but it works! I 4th the rowing machine. Get on a concept 2, learn the pull, catch and recovery and go at it! Remember, work on a base, 30-45min minimal, then once your cardio gets up, work on intervals to due with racing, like 2min slow row(2min 5sec 500m) then a all out sprint for 1min(1min 30sesc) thats just my times. Try to do that for 10-15 min, just work ur way up! And remember, diet diet diet is key! No junk food, lotsssssssssss of water(where most ppl suffer) and just stick with it!

03-18-2009, 05:24 PM
idk this works for me.. I use dumbells as I'm on here so eh.. lol

run for 30 minutes in the morning, go for a RUN.. not a tread mill.. I come home at lunch and do 30 min weight training, 30 minutes on a pedal bike through my trails with leg weights on my ankles, come home, run for another 30 minutes to an hour around my trails and a trip around town, weight train with free weights, push ups and sit ups for atleast 1-2 hours after that.. Then I go to Muay Thai on the punching bag till I get too tired to even hold my arms up/stand up or it's time to go to bed.. do it all over again everyday..

Not to mention I sand cars all day long and inbetween coats I use dumbells and the punching bag at work, I also strap them leg weights you can find at any store and I wear them all day at work.

I take it a bit TOO seriously but I figure why work out for 2 hours when you can make your whole day a work out.. Plus if someone ever wanted to try and mugg me one day I don't want to come up short handed on the matter.

03-18-2009, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Plus if someone ever wanted to try and mugg me one day I don't want to come up short handed on the matter.

I got my buddy RUGER to take care of that,

Definitely keep working out but a lot of it has to do with eating. For you to start dropping some weight you got to eat good. Stay away from high fat and high sugar foods/snacks. Try to not eat any carbs or starches after the sun goes down, there ok in the morning b/c you burn it off throughout the day, but stop eating them later in the day. No fast food or deserts for sure.

03-19-2009, 10:27 AM
That's too quick and easy, I think it's more fun to beat them till they can't move then call the cops personally.. :devil:

03-19-2009, 12:20 PM
There is so many things you can do.. Just work hard at when ever you choose to work out and stick with it.. I dont wanna do cardio everyday but I know to compete at the level i want I gotta do it.. Just find the drive whatever it be for and go for it..

03-19-2009, 12:38 PM

machines don't really help you. they work with a stable muscle...when your riding your not moving in a linear direction...so why should you during your work outs.

spend some time reading and watching the videos on crossfit. give it a month and you will see awesome results