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View Full Version : Help Installing my Sparks Igntion Key?

12-26-2002, 04:27 PM
Ok guys I have my left case off like I am supposed to. Then I am looking at a round rotor with a gear underneath it. In the very middle of the rotor there is a bolt. I finally got the bolt out.

Now What do I do. I have the flywheel puller. All I have to do is get the rotor and gear off then I can change the timing key.

What do I do with the Fly Wheel Puller? And what do I do Next?

12-26-2002, 04:38 PM
Put a little grease on the tip & first few threads of the flywheel puller. Thread it into the hole in the center of the flywheel, where the bolt was. An impact wrench will be the best thing to use to get the flywheel off, just put it on the head of the flywheel puller, sqwueeze the trigger & be ready for the flywheel to pop off. FI you don't have an impact, get a friend, a big wrench (don't remember what size) or one of those Craftsman strap wrench things might work. Anyway, one of you needs to hold the flywheel still while the other cranks on the flywheel puller.

Hope that helps...

12-26-2002, 10:29 PM
Take a saw, and cut it in half, and throw it away.
It killed mine, went from me pulling, to me getting pulled.
That being the only change. Mine is hacked up, but I put it up for anyone who wants to buy it.

12-27-2002, 06:32 AM
when you re-assemble read the directions carefully!!! i bet i read them 5 times before i even figured out what they were trying to say with the rotating the flywheel before you tighten it

i thout the direction provided sucked, im glad i have a service manual, but overall i think it helped