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03-05-2009, 11:53 PM
Recently I joined a news group that opposes motorized use of public lands. At first I didn’t write any post, I just sat back and read the e-mails each day. Finally one subject in a digest e-mail caught my attention. I responded with a short note that disagreed with the author of the original post. Each day there was a new post and I had to defend motorized recreation. This weekend a member wrote a long degrading and insulting post, and I responded in much the same tone. Today I received an e-mail that read.

We have tried to accommodate your strong views, but it appears that you have such a low opinion of anyone who opposes the use of mechanized rec vehicles there is no use to continue your participation. Therefore your subscription to this news group has been cancelled.

That’s fine with me. I learned something from this. There is no point in trying to talk to those who oppose us. Their level of contempt and intolerance for us is beyond reasonable levels. Fairness is not in their lexicon. The time and effort was a total waste. I could have used that energy to write my representatives in Washington D.C. , so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I encourage you to do the same. They have to listen to us, those who oppose us, and the BLM, Forest Service, Park Service etc DON’T and they won’t. Call your Senators at 202-224-3121, the House of Representatives at 202-225-3121, and The President at 202-456-1111. Call, send e-mail, letters, faxes, whatever works best for you. Now more than ever we must roar like a lion, or be slaughtered like a lamb. Please get involved ,when we get together as a group, we get results. Join an organization, there are many listed on my website http://www.atvstoday.net. Click on the button”Keeping Our Trails Open” Join as many as you can. It looks like Tellico is lost, and the recent ban on child size dirt bikes and ATVs is still in effect. Believe me , with the political climate in Washington, we stand to lose it all, I mean it, ALL, EVERYTHING. Don’t let us get Kicked Out, please help.

Thank You

Bob Crandall

03-06-2009, 01:25 AM
way to keep on the hippie douche bags

03-06-2009, 01:44 AM
LOL Ya I'm sick of those freak show kooks.

03-06-2009, 06:57 AM
This is how people work sadly enough, they have the power to remove you and they want THEIR cause to be seen.. Kinda rediculous that people would stoop to that level and remove someone fighting for their riding rights and freedom..

I am a member of ABATE of PA which is an organization that fights to keep the rights of motorcyclist alive and well... It's been so bad the past few years they have had to have a full time Rep in Harrisburgh to handle all the problems that would arise.

That's why I hope the younger generation would fight for their freedom but PLEASE be smart and nice about it, I don't think calling them a retard and a " Hippie douce bag " is going to free up their opinion on us.

Were you being livid or calm when you were posting? :confused:

03-06-2009, 07:14 AM
well.....I kinda understand their point.

If a "hippie douche bag" were to come to this forum and try to express their views about how we must all be crazy to ride quads all day long, I dont think the reception to this person would be warm...just like you dont join PETA and invite everyone to a Barbeque with a leather pants dress code.

Pick your battles a little better maybe.

03-06-2009, 11:03 AM
All of my post were very professional. No name calling or profanity. We were actually having some good back and forth, until one guy wrote scathing post that even took a personal shot at me. Well that did it. I wrote a post that was firm again no name calling or profanity, but strong in defense of this sport and myself. Thats when I got the boot. You're right we need to choose our battles. all of my efforts are going to Washington and with organizations like Blue Ribbon and others. The experience left me aggravated and bitter. the only way to deal with these people is with numbers and organized efforts.

03-06-2009, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by ATVsToday.net
the only way to deal with these people is with numbers and organized efforts.

the only way to deal with them is to KILL 'EM ALL!! MUHAHAHAH!

j/k dont take that seriously

ya, the people who dont ride atv's or motorcycles will never understand, or care about us having riding spots:(

03-06-2009, 06:40 PM
I tell you what, i dont get access to alot of places i would like to ride because people are afraid to get sued these days. Tree huggers and the easiness to sue people for stupid crap is making things hard on us these days.

03-06-2009, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
the only way to deal with them is to KILL 'EM ALL!! MUHAHAHAH!

sadly, that might just be the only way.

03-06-2009, 08:36 PM
Let's hope violence can be avoided, but eco terrorist have committed arson, and yes what gets me is people who have never been on a ride or attended an organized event. They're cultest who believe whatever they're told from those at the top without question.

03-07-2009, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by zwark
sadly, that might just be the only way.

that is quite possibly the best, first post i have ever seen.