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02-24-2009, 10:16 PM
I just recently started lifting a little, i figured i might as well get something done in the evenings. i really need to start a program/schedule cause right now i just end up going to the weight room and benching and curling and stuff till im too sore (im not extremely serious about it right now, just gives me something to do) what does everyone on here do? (how many reps per set, how many sets, what workouts, how long, etc...) also, supplements-- i hear they're good and know a lot of people that take them and i really know nothing about any of it. i guess a lot of people take creatine??? what is good to take thats not extremely expensive but gets the job done?

02-24-2009, 10:45 PM
All depends on what your trying to accomplish? Endurance, size, pure strength? Also just whatever you do man, PLEASE dont do just bicep curls and bench press lol. People that lift regularly, WILL make fun of you. hahaha. I know I do atleast. See some people walk into the gym, big nice chest(homo if you want it), swole bi's, but no tris, no shoulders, no upper chest(they only do flat bench), and most importantly, NO LEGS! Effin pencils, lol, its hideous! Let me know what you need and Ill try to help you out!

02-25-2009, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by JRP
All depends on what your trying to accomplish? Endurance, size, pure strength? Also just whatever you do man, PLEASE dont do just bicep curls and bench press lol. People that lift regularly, WILL make fun of you. hahaha. I know I do atleast. See some people walk into the gym, big nice chest(homo if you want it), swole bi's, but no tris, no shoulders, no upper chest(they only do flat bench), and most importantly, NO LEGS! Effin pencils, lol, its hideous! Let me know what you need and Ill try to help you out!

Their shoulders also push forward and they look ape ish. You got to do some back too so this doesnt happen to you.

02-25-2009, 04:07 AM
just started weightlifting team just to gain weight, get stronger.

bench 135 :(
squat 270 :)
clean 145 :ermm:
military press 125:mad:

ill get up their. but if you really want to get into shape get a trainer or join a team. working out by yourself is dumb.

02-25-2009, 06:37 AM
i do cable crossovers, back rows, bicep curls (curl your wrist to strengthen your forearms), dips, chin ups, hand to passes with twists with a medicine ball, push ups, chest and laterial pull downs

02-25-2009, 07:01 AM
size=8-10 reps, last few should be hard

lean muscle=12-15 reps,

eat protein

02-25-2009, 08:17 AM
I have a workout routine I got off the internet. It's a three day a week workout, but I've done it long enough to where I go Sun, Mon, and Tues take Wed off, and then Thurs, Fri, and Sat. First part of the week is light weights high reps. Second part of the week is heavy weights low reps. Cardio is very important in your workout as well.

I'm at work right now and it's not in my bookmarks so when I get home I will get you the link. Unless I can find it now.

02-25-2009, 08:44 AM

i do this workout...and drink nitrotech protein shakes


02-25-2009, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Their shoulders also push forward and they look ape ish. You got to do some back too so this doesnt happen to you.

yeah completely forgot about the back lol, deffinitely do deads, sldl for lower back and hammy's, lat pulldown, one arm rows, pullups(wiiiiiide grip)

02-25-2009, 09:21 AM
Yea you definitely have to workout your back just as much as you do your chest because if you dont then you start to look like a hunch back.

LOL I always laugh at the people that come in the same times as I do. They are like "man why do you do something different everyday, you don't gain body mass or strength that way..."

One guy said that to me and I asked him.."and how much has your bench went up in the past month?" he said maybe 10LBS. Then I said, "well mine has went up almost four times that!!"

He didn't understand that when your muscles are sore that you want them to heal.

I had to explain to him that the reason the are sore is because they are trying to build up from where they tried to exceed their limits making them tear slightly, and that you're supposed to give them a break usually 2-3 days before you work them out again.

02-25-2009, 10:25 AM
haha the best thing i hear in the gym is when i ask someone what they are working out today and they go "ummm i dnt really know yet" thats when you really know they have no clue what the are doing.

02-25-2009, 12:15 PM
benching works a lot of upper body so i would do it. do an MMA or wrestling workout. they WILL work you. i would also take whey protien or cretian. but if you do take creatian take the pills they are better for you. they are called 189 amplifier. but any one without weights push ups and leg lifts work great just do a lot of reps

02-25-2009, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by yamahaman623
benching works a lot of upper body so i would do it. do an MMA or wrestling workout. they WILL work you. i would also take whey protien or cretian. but if you do take creatian take the pills they are better for you. they are called 189 amplifier. but any one without weights push ups and leg lifts work great just do a lot of reps pills are better than powder? What BS magezine did ya get that out of? lmao

02-25-2009, 12:29 PM
If you want a good routine ask Warnerade. He gave me something to go by not too long ago that got me pretty big. And I've been lifting serious for probably 4 years now. It's all about "muscle confusion" and I think that's why it helped me so much. I had been doing the same routine for almost year and mixing it up helps kick start growth.

02-25-2009, 12:56 PM
when it comes to taking supplements you need to be sure to have a great routine working and work your way up. starting out if I were you I would work out 3 days a week, and during a work out do a full body workout.( reminder to people wanting to quote me, I once was amateur body builder and worked with many begginers. and best results for begginers is a full workout and then 24 hours of rest.) then when you see improvements and your body maximizes then you move to 5 days a week working different portions of your body. that is when you can consider taking supplements. But i wont lie to you, many supplements arent healthy and are very bad on your liver. do research on what you believe is right for you. depending on your size and your goal will depend on what you take> you want to gain 15-20 pounds I want refer you to Mass Tabs. they work a little faster than most. If you want to cut there are some that are good but some that rip you off. Best thing if you want serious results and you get in routine,( working out becomes an addiction), you might be better off using steroids.haha I should get a reaction to that!!! Steroids are safer than most supplements though but i'm not goin to get on that subject unless you want more info....

02-25-2009, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
when it comes to taking supplements you need to be sure to have a great routine working and work your way up. starting out if I were you I would work out 3 days a week, and during a work out do a full body workout.( reminder to people wanting to quote me, I once was amateur body builder and worked with many begginers. and best results for begginers is a full workout and then 24 hours of rest.) then when you see improvements and your body maximizes then you move to 5 days a week working different portions of your body. that is when you can consider taking supplements. But i wont lie to you, many supplements arent healthy and are very bad on your liver. do research on what you believe is right for you. depending on your size and your goal will depend on what you take> you want to gain 15-20 pounds I want refer you to Mass Tabs. they work a little faster than most. If you want to cut there are some that are good but some that rip you off. Best thing if you want serious results and you get in routine,( working out becomes an addiction), you might be better off using steroids.haha I should get a reaction to that!!! Steroids are safer than most supplements though but i'm not goin to get on that subject unless you want more info.... amen!

I'f I didnt race, hell I'd be all juiced up haha.

something no one here has mentioned yet, a good DIET is more important than any supplement ever will be. If you eat like a retard, your not gonna be seeing much results in the gym, no matter how many supplement ads seduce you into using their product

02-25-2009, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
when it comes to taking supplements you need to be sure to have a great routine working and work your way up. starting out if I were you I would work out 3 days a week, and during a work out do a full body workout.( reminder to people wanting to quote me, I once was amateur body builder and worked with many begginers. and best results for begginers is a full workout and then 24 hours of rest.) then when you see improvements and your body maximizes then you move to 5 days a week working different portions of your body. that is when you can consider taking supplements. But i wont lie to you, many supplements arent healthy and are very bad on your liver. do research on what you believe is right for you. depending on your size and your goal will depend on what you take> you want to gain 15-20 pounds I want refer you to Mass Tabs. they work a little faster than most. If you want to cut there are some that are good but some that rip you off. Best thing if you want serious results and you get in routine,( working out becomes an addiction), you might be better off using steroids.haha I should get a reaction to that!!! Steroids are safer than most supplements though but i'm not goin to get on that subject unless you want more info....

You're right about steroids being safer than most supplements. That's why I take milk thistle twice a day so maybe it will counter all the negatives on my liver. It makes me wanna puke how many people think you'll die as soon as you put any amount of steroid in your body. They don't realize that two or three cycles used CORRECTLY are relatively safe. Like Warner said, I would be an absolute MEAT HEAD if I didn't ride.

02-25-2009, 01:19 PM
hell I forgot about mentioning diets haha thanks for adding. yea many typical lfter don't study what they eat because they think they have controll body weight by lifting, WRONG. To see results you have to study and know how to eat to make a big difference also. In the gaining/building stage I ate 6 meals a day. Alot of Tuna fish and grilled chicken and steaks for the protein. In the cutting stage most like to eat salads and more veggies and eat around 2 meals a day and add a small snack. There is alot to it but it all depends on how serious you are about your body. You could send me a picture and i could tell you what you need to concentrate more on if you'd like. Lifting is a lot like motocross< you have alot more posers than real racers< many talk the talk but dont walk the walk. Many people you prolly know have a God given muscular body from being an athelitic growing up, but those are the ones who don't understand what its like to be in a gym 3 hours every day trying to scuplt every mucle in the human body. Funny part is I can walk into any gym and pretty much pick the posers out. It takes dedication

02-25-2009, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
hell I forgot about mentioning diets haha thanks for adding. yea many typical lfter don't study what they eat because they think they have controll body weight by lifting, WRONG. To see results you have to study and know how to eat to make a big difference also. In the gaining/building stage I ate 6 meals a day. Alot of Tuna fish and grilled chicken and steaks for the protein. In the cutting stage most like to eat salads and more veggies and eat around 2 meals a day and add a small snack. There is alot to it but it all depends on how serious you are about your body. You could send me a picture and i could tell you what you need to concentrate more on if you'd like. Lifting is a lot like motocross< you have alot more posers than real racers< many talk the talk but dont walk the walk. Many people you prolly know have a God given muscular body from being an athelitic growing up, but those are the ones who don't understand what its like to be in a gym 3 hours every day trying to scuplt every mucle in the human body. Funny part is I can walk into any gym and pretty much pick the posers out. It takes dedication awww, finally, I've met someone on this forum who I feel I can hold an actual conversation where I dont have to explain anything about the art of body building


02-25-2009, 02:35 PM
well when it comes to steroids you only hear bad side affects and all the problems they cause> Not always true when you use them correctly. Many cases people abuse steroids more than take them with percaution. Steroids are serious and need to be respected. In many cases you go through a 6 week cycle and consist of 2 shots of injection in 1 week. 1cc isn't much but it's the correct and safest way to persue the cycle. when you see people having troubles from steroids it is because they don't respect their capability. Many don't use only 2cc's a week and they also don't go on a 6 week cycle and then a 6 week off cycle. Ive seen people use a 6 week cycle within 2-3 weeks. then they have so much problems that they lose what they intended to gain bc their bodies breakdown. steroids can be good for your body. they can strengthing your tendons and that makes healther joints and can help ur bone mass become stronger. I hate it when people talk bad about steroids because idoits use them incorrectly and not respectfully. Doctors use them on patients to make certain body parts stronger and heal faster. You'd be suprised what good things you hear about roids when you have someone who knows what they are talking about.

02-25-2009, 03:10 PM
Yes it does definitely take dedication. I'm in the gym anywhere from 1 to 3 hours at day.

Most people underestimate the power of eating three GOOD meals a day.

They also don't understand how cardio is just as important in your daily workout as well.

02-25-2009, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by ThreeDollaBills
Yes it does definitely take dedication. I'm in the gym anywhere from 1 to 3 hours at day.

Most people underestimate the power of eating three GOOD meals a day.

They also don't understand how cardio is just as important in your daily workout as well. three? Eek, if I ate three meals a day when I was lifting weights I woulda starved to death lol

02-25-2009, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by ThreeDollaBills
Yes it does definitely take dedication. I'm in the gym anywhere from 1 to 3 hours at day.

Most people underestimate the power of eating three GOOD meals a day.

They also don't understand how cardio is just as important in your daily workout as well.

you should be eating 6 to seven small meals a day, no more than 400 calories a pop when doing basically any kind of intense atheltic activity. If you go to long between meals when your working out, you run out of fuel for your body, which will cause you muscles to go into a catabolic state, basically breaking themselves down for fuel.

02-25-2009, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by ben300
you should be eating 6 to seven small meals a day, no more than 400 calories a pop when doing basically any kind of intense atheltic activity. If you go to long between meals when your working out, you run out of fuel for your body, which will cause you muscles to go into a catabolic state, basically breaking themselves down for fuel. you do know that "no more than 400 calories" isnt realy a real rule of thumb right? Different calorie intakes for different disciplines AND varies on how much you weigh.

Someone that weighs 220 lbs and is pretty lean, is obviously gonna need mroe calories a day than someone who weighs a lean 170...but you still wanna consume the calories needed, in the same amount of meals.

02-25-2009, 04:16 PM
what would be the best thing to take to help me beef up a little...
im 5ft 11in tall
8.6% body fat
max bench 180

im at the gym atleast 3 times a week
and ride atleast 3 hard 30min motos a week

at the gym i do alot of cardio, rowing machine, spin cycle, elyptical, high reps

everytime i wreck riding motocross i break something. all of my joints grind constantly from being abused by motocross. what can i do/take to help me beef up, smooth out my joints, and strenghten my bones.

02-25-2009, 04:23 PM
glucosamine and chrondrotin (sp?) (its combined in one pill), that is used to repair joints and keep them healthy. Another thing is Shark Cartalidge (sp?) This actually helps lubricate your joints.

02-25-2009, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
three? Eek, if I ate three meals a day when I was lifting weights I woulda starved to death lol

I would eat more than three meals a day if my schedule permitted it. I eat breakfast before work, lunch I get ten minutes during work, and then I work out from 3 to 5 and then I eat supper before school at 6. Sometimes I get a small snack like yogurt or fruit after class.

02-25-2009, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
well when it comes to steroids you only hear bad side affects and all the problems they cause> Not always true when you use them correctly. Many cases people abuse steroids more than take them with percaution. Steroids are serious and need to be respected. In many cases you go through a 6 week cycle and consist of 2 shots of injection in 1 week. 1cc isn't much but it's the correct and safest way to persue the cycle. when you see people having troubles from steroids it is because they don't respect their capability. Many don't use only 2cc's a week and they also don't go on a 6 week cycle and then a 6 week off cycle. Ive seen people use a 6 week cycle within 2-3 weeks. then they have so much problems that they lose what they intended to gain bc their bodies breakdown. steroids can be good for your body. they can strengthing your tendons and that makes healther joints and can help ur bone mass become stronger. I hate it when people talk bad about steroids because idoits use them incorrectly and not respectfully. Doctors use them on patients to make certain body parts stronger and heal faster. You'd be suprised what good things you hear about roids when you have someone who knows what they are talking about.

EXACTLY. Good to hear someone besides Warnerade that knows what they're talking about.

02-25-2009, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
you do know that "no more than 400 calories" isnt realy a real rule of thumb right? Different calorie intakes for different disciplines AND varies on how much you weigh.

Someone that weighs 220 lbs and is pretty lean, is obviously gonna need mroe calories a day than someone who weighs a lean 170...but you still wanna consume the calories needed, in the same amount of meals.

im am well aware of this...i was just using that for a genralization....

and 105 girl that is a gymnast is not going to consume 400 calories per me, just th same as a division 1 line backer is going ot need more..

im well aware that different body styles, weights, adn athletic regimens require different caloric intake...

02-25-2009, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by JRP
All depends on what your trying to accomplish? Endurance, size, pure strength? Also just whatever you do man, PLEASE dont do just bicep curls and bench press lol. People that lift regularly, WILL make fun of you. hahaha. I know I do atleast. See some people walk into the gym, big nice chest(homo if you want it), swole bi's, but no tris, no shoulders, no upper chest(they only do flat bench), and most importantly, NO LEGS! Effin pencils, lol, its hideous! Let me know what you need and Ill try to help you out!

i guess im going mostly for size. and i really dont have a lot to work with. at my house we have a little lifting station thing. it pretty much just a lat pull down, vert. bench, butterfly, leg curl, and a squat thing. my friend works at an ice plant and we go there sometimes, they just have a bench and a bunch of free weights pretty much.

our school has a nice weight room but i work after school every day so thats out of the question. like i said its not extremely important for me right now, im not going to get a gym membership right away or hire trainers or anything. just looking for something to do evenings.

02-26-2009, 06:34 AM
3 lifts that will work you and challenge you are arnold press(upper body) bus stops(total body) and turkish get ups(lower body and shoulders)

02-26-2009, 07:41 AM
care to explain ^^^^^^^^^^

02-26-2009, 09:25 AM
im sorry but i had to :macho

02-26-2009, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by buck440
im sorry but i had to :macho

Did you watch the special on tv where he talks about how his right bicep is messed up.

He tried doing surgery to remove a hematoma on his bicep. Ended up in the hospital.

02-26-2009, 10:06 AM
yah i seen where he put the needle in his arm trying to drain the puss and what not :rolleyes:

02-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by buck440
yah i seen where he put the needle in his arm trying to drain the puss and what not :rolleyes:

yeaa and then him and his friends in the gym sit there and watch the home video and laugh...i guess that would be something id watch and laugh about? haha

02-26-2009, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by buck440
im sorry but i had to :macho

you know to over accentuate his size...he injects his muscles with botox and has had fat cells placed in his biceps..

02-26-2009, 12:06 PM
even if only half of his muscle was real he'd still be pretty strong

02-26-2009, 01:15 PM
Yes greg valentino used roids, but then he used synthol. That is why his arms got so effed up, not roids. Then he didnt inject the synthol right which caused infections which is why now his arms look horrible

02-26-2009, 01:17 PM
when they get that big it get disgusting ughhh nasty...i need some workout guidance or direction,im 127lbs last time i weighed 5'7ish" all im looking for is looks,need big arms lol,already got the abs covered,back aint bad,shoulders and chest are okay,if anybody has any good workouts proven to work for geting big asap please pm me if you can.

02-26-2009, 01:42 PM
i wish i was skiny again, im 6-1 240lbs....god it sucks being a D.U.F.F.

02-26-2009, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by buck440
i wish i was skiny again, im 6-1 240lbs....god it sucks being a D.U.F.F.

Haha, I'm 5'10" 205 here. I'm not far behind you :P

02-26-2009, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
when they get that big it get disgusting ughhh nasty...i need some workout guidance or direction,im 127lbs last time i weighed 5'7ish" all im looking for is looks,need big arms lol,already got the abs covered,back aint bad,shoulders and chest are okay,if anybody has any good workouts proven to work for geting big asap please pm me if you can.

lol man, there is NO SUCH THING as getting big asap! Your looking at a minimal of 3 months to really see a minimal difference. LIke it takes a LOOOONG time to get big without roids.

02-26-2009, 02:27 PM
well than tell me what to do to see the bigest diferance i could posibly see in three months with my arms,i just wana know whats the best way to get big arms is thats all and then i can work on it for months or a year or however long it takes to get to where i wana be

02-26-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
well than tell me what to do to see the bigest diferance i could posibly see in three months with my arms,i just wana know whats the best way to get big arms is thats all and then i can work on it for months or a year or however long it takes to get to where i wana be

Basically just lift like a mad man and eat until you're full and then eat some more. Eat until you're on the verge of puking.

02-26-2009, 04:07 PM
but wont that make you fat if your just working out your arms?

02-26-2009, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
well than tell me what to do to see the bigest diferance i could posibly see in three months with my arms,i just wana know whats the best way to get big arms is thats all and then i can work on it for months or a year or however long it takes to get to where i wana be

seek advice from a personal trainer, be dedicated and work out like a mad man...

..if all your looking for is to MAKE YOUR ARMS BIGGER....

..then you should seek advice from a shrink to cure your "Bro Syndrome"

02-26-2009, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by buck440
but wont that make you fat if your just working out your arms?

no, but eating till you puke every meal will..

..im guessing that he's and ectomorph(hard gainer) and that it would have to take some serious dedication to see any serious gains...

02-26-2009, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
well than tell me what to do to see the bigest diferance i could posibly see in three months with my arms,i just wana know whats the best way to get big arms is thats all and then i can work on it for months or a year or however long it takes to get to where i wana be your an idiot and exactly the kinda person that gets picked on in the gym. "i just want big arms thats it" lmao give me a break.

oh, and at 5"7 weighing 127, your chest and shoulders are not "ok"

go buy a bowflex

02-26-2009, 04:39 PM
anyone wanna hook me up with a good core routine? i'm 5' 10" 205 and the only place i'm lacking is the abs, i just can't seem to keep the stomach down lol.

02-26-2009, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
anyone wanna hook me up with a good core routine? i'm 5' 10" 205 and the only place i'm lacking is the abs, i just can't seem to keep the stomach down lol. missionary position

02-26-2009, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
your an idiot and exactly the kinda person that gets picked on in the gym. "i just want big arms thats it" lmao give me a break.

oh, and at 5"7 weighing 127, your chest and shoulders are not "ok"

go buy a bowflex

ya hes like one of those 5'2" pop my collar jersey shore ****s who you see in there 5 days a week pumping out bi's and tri's

02-26-2009, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
your an idiot and exactly the kinda person that gets picked on in the gym. "i just want big arms thats it" lmao give me a break.

oh, and at 5"7 weighing 127, your chest and shoulders are not "ok"

go buy a bowflex

hahahah shawn, the last 2 posts were probably the funniest things ive ever read on here. the "go buy a bowflex" and "missionary possision" lmfao

p.s. ima call you here shortly!

02-26-2009, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by JRP
hahahah shawn, the last 2 posts were probably the funniest things ive ever read on here. the "go buy a bowflex" and "missionary possision" lmfao

p.s. ima call you here shortly! im in class, call after nine

02-26-2009, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
im in class, call after nine

ill be at the gf's then. ill just text you. talk to you soon baby;)

02-26-2009, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by JRP
ill be at the gf's then. ill just text you. talk to you soon baby;) <3 you

02-26-2009, 05:39 PM

02-26-2009, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
well than tell me what to do to see the bigest diferance i could posibly see in three months with my arms,i just wana know whats the best way to get big arms is thats all and then i can work on it for months or a year or however long it takes to get to where i wana be

Rule of thumb also. If you exclude your legs then your not gonna get much improvements. Many think they can just workout the upper body and get big, your legs are a core muscle of the body and if those muscles grow then the rest of you grows also. so never exclude the legs. atleast do leg press or quad curls.

And for you a workout. Mondays Chest-hardcore, biceps-hardcore, abs-hardcore, and leg press and then run a mile or two. Tues- Rest, Weds. Triceps-hardcore, shoulders hardcore, back muscles and lats hardcore, then abs-hardcore. then run a mile or ride the stationary bike for awhile. Thurs, rest.. Fri- Chest-hardcore, biceps-hardcore,traps & shoulders- hardcore, maybe triceps also, then abs and leg press and quad workouts, then run a mile and do stretching workouts with weights.

that should be a good start and if you want a good improvemnet then keep watch of the clock, after each set stop and wait atleast 52 seconds for oxygen to get back to your muscles, also take it serious.. no one can get a real good workout in less then 45 min unless it is straight cutting stage and the workout is including cario workouts within the workout.

And for everyone who is wanting to gain muscle and good looks with their body, STOP using machines. The machines are ripp offs, yes they work yes they make your muscle grow,BUT free weight trains your muscles and makes them grow more rapidly. The machines don't allow your muscles to balance the weight and also have a designed line of motion, so if your not in the right position it wont help you as much. plus you dont believe be. get on your bow flex and bench as much as you can. I bet if you get on a free weight bench press you only gonna be able to press half or 75% of what your max is on the machines. Free weights train your muscle and does not restrict them from other surrounding muscles...

I know its long but if you take time to read if then you will learn more then you thought you knew. Machines are used for cutting stages once you maxed to goal weight and already have your muscles trained and built to size.

02-26-2009, 05:59 PM
look guys im not looking to JUST get arms but thats just my priority now,im NOT a hard gainer at ALL,i have a six pack that i never had to work for and i have high motabalism,i want a routine guys,nobodys gona help me out here?if i need to get straitened out then straiten me out and set me on the right track thats what im asking for,i want a routine or somthing i can go by that has been prven to show good results,i will send pictures to anybody that wants them so you can tell me what to work on etc. just give me your email or better yet email me, saj9391@yahoo.com all im asking for is alil help,i thought since you offered it to other people it might be avalible to me too...

02-26-2009, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by S.A.J
look guys im not looking to JUST get arms but thats just my priority now,im NOT a hard gainer at ALL,i have a six pack that i never had to work for and i have high motabalism,i want a routine guys,nobodys gona help me out here?if i need to get straitened out then straiten me out and set me on the right track thats what im asking for,i want a routine or somthing i can go by that has been prven to show good results,i will send pictures to anybody that wants them so you can tell me what to work on etc. just give me your email or better yet email me, saj9391@yahoo.com all im asking for is alil help,i thought since you offered it to other people it might be avalible to me too...

The 2nd paragraph in my last post was for you homie :)

02-26-2009, 06:07 PM
sorry 300extreme i didnt see the reply bfore i said what i did,if you wana email me and go into lil more detail about the specifics feel free or ask any questions too just do

02-26-2009, 06:40 PM
well you have to pursue it at your own rate. my workouts may not fit to you like i'd want them to. So its prolly best if you just go try new things and focus on the muscles I listed and i'm free to any question you have after that. Its also hard to explain in words, it would be better if I made a video of the workouts than type them. but for chest i'd say start with chest butterfly machine(only workout with machine that doesnt hinder muscle growth) then do incline press with dumbells, and butterflies with dumbells. also start off with flat bench press. then for biceps do arm curls, first with a bar using both arms at same time then end with individual arm wrokouts with dumbells. tris- do nose breakers, then overhead tri pushes and then do some dips. Shoulders you can do shoulder flies and front shoulder flies. traps do shoulder shruggs, and abs do a lot of sit ups, and use decline bench to do them. then do Squats for legs and quad curls and hamspring curls... that should be a good first time workout. once you get used to it then you can get more complex with the individual workouts for different muscles.

also you wanting to gain weight and muscle. for your sets and reps, try to atleast do 4 sets of every workout... for the first set do about 10 reps with lighter weight, then 2nd set do 8 reps adding 10-15 pounds to the weight, 3rd set do 6 reps adding 10-15 more, and 4th set do 4 reps and add 20 more pounds to what was used on set 3. When your building you want to start lighter in weight then get closer to your max as your reps are peaking and getting smaller. This maximizes full muscle usuage b/c your muscle must flex more and stress more as the weight getting heavier and the reps get smaller. Try that with every work out but you have to find your max in every work out to know what to work with. Also you must find your comfort zone so you know your limits, don't try to do too much and have to cheat b/c it's not helping you gain anything when you have to cheat. And don't move up too quick, your body will know when to move up when the last set of 4 reps become extremely easy, this is when you can add a 5th set including 2 reps and using your max to test your gains... hope this helps... its hard to put it in words on here but if you got any questions I can answer them

02-26-2009, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Warnerade
your an idiot and exactly the kinda person that gets picked on in the gym. "i just want big arms thats it" lmao give me a break.

oh, and at 5"7 weighing 127, your chest and shoulders are not "ok"

go buy a bowflex

Lmao. I'm glad you're on here to say the things some of us are hesitant to say. Like I've said before, you cease to amaze me with your witty comments. I thought I was good, but I was wrong. You're my hero ;)

02-26-2009, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by ben300
no, but eating till you puke every meal will..

..im guessing that he's and ectomorph(hard gainer) and that it would have to take some serious dedication to see any serious gains...

Not if you eat the right things. You're not gonna get big just piddling with a bite or two here and there. Ask ANYONE at the gym how much they eat when they're trying to grow. Most will say as much as possible.

EDIT: Ask anyone at the gym that isn't a curl monkey.

02-26-2009, 06:51 PM
and since your gaining weight you also need to eat alot, You must stretch your stomach to increase metabolism and to hold more in your system for your body to use. I ate 6 meals a day. I'd wake up around 6am and eat 2 pb&j sandwiches, around 10 or 11am I'd eat 2 cans of tuna fish or more, around 12:30-2PM I would eat grilled chicken and baked potatoe skin and all, around 4-5pm eat a steak or a few pork chops , around 8-9 eat more tuna fish, and then before I went to sleep I'd eat 2 more pb&j sandwiches. Eatting before you sleep helps gain weight also because it slows down digestion and your body uses it and proccesses slowly when your asleep and you wake up more active.

You have to be dedicated to drive yourself to do this but once you conquer it then it's only another routine.

02-26-2009, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
and since your gaining weight you also need to eat alot, You must stretch your stomach to increase metabolism and to hold more in your system for your body to use. I ate 6 meals a day. I'd wake up around 6am and eat 2 pb&j sandwiches, around 10 or 11am I'd eat 2 cans of tuna fish or more, around 12:30-2PM I would eat grilled chicken and baked potatoe skin and all, around 4-5pm eat a steak or a few pork chops , around 8-9 eat more tuna fish, and then before I went to sleep I'd eat 2 more pb&j sandwiches. Eatting before you sleep helps gain weight also because it slows down digestion and your body uses it and proccesses slowly when your asleep and you wake up more active.

You have to be dedicated to drive yourself to do this but once you conquer it then it's only another routine.

Thank you!

02-26-2009, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by madskrillz2
Not if you eat the right things. You're not gonna get big just piddling with a bite or two here and there. Ask ANYONE at the gym how much they eat when they're trying to grow. Most will say as much as possible.

EDIT: Ask anyone at the gym that isn't a curl monkey.

Right, many will tell you they eat so much till they pute, hell It used to happen to me and i still stuck with it. Your body will adapt to the eatting if you stick with it:) also madskrillz, I know where warner is coming from bc I was also trying to work my way to the real deal but i'm not gonna call anyone out and it's good that people do call people out and they learn their place in some situation, but it also shows when people need help understanding the concept, so people( like me) step in to educate hahahah

02-26-2009, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
and since your gaining weight you also need to eat alot, You must stretch your stomach to increase metabolism and to hold more in your system for your body to use. I ate 6 meals a day. I'd wake up around 6am and eat 2 pb&j sandwiches, around 10 or 11am I'd eat 2 cans of tuna fish or more, around 12:30-2PM I would eat grilled chicken and baked potatoe skin and all, around 4-5pm eat a steak or a few pork chops , around 8-9 eat more tuna fish, and then before I went to sleep I'd eat 2 more pb&j sandwiches. Eatting before you sleep helps gain weight also because it slows down digestion and your body uses it and proccesses slowly when your asleep and you wake up more active.

You have to be dedicated to drive yourself to do this but once you conquer it then it's only another routine.

im sorry, but if you gave that advice to most kids at the gym and they ate liek that, then theere would be more fat asses walking aroudn than anythign...

..i agree with some of the foods your eating, but the quantities of calories contained in some of them is outrageous...yes tuna is good, yes stake, lean grilled skinless chicken is good, pork chops, ok....whole grains...

but honestlys... ppl have to have a rough idea about what food they ar putting int ehre body adn what ammoutn of calories and grams of protein, fats, carbs they are taking it...

if your serious about muscle, then your gonna wanna take in 1.5 to 2 grams of protein for every pound of body mass you have...

you also need to have 20%/40%/40% ratio of fats/protein/carbs in your intake

seriously, if your serious about putting on muscle, increasing physical performance, or looks, then log onto bodybuilding.com or pick up a magazine or a book and do some research

02-26-2009, 07:42 PM
true, but i also portioned the food there bud. Don't worry I did much research and other methods till I found out what worked for my body. I did eat alot and more then your average person is supose to comsume, BUT I also work my body way more than the average person does and my body begged for more food. Like I said You stretch your stomach. This is the only way you hold more food in your system. It's not always healthy. Go ahead and read from the websites ofcourse there aren't gonna put up things that arent healthy and actually work better. Talk to some guys that body build professionally. If you want improvement you gotta change more in your diet than just counting calories. I'd go to the gym in the morning and run and do stretching exercises untill I went to work at 8, then get off at 6pm and hit the gym right after for my Mon-Fri and also Sat-Sun. I spent more hours in the gym in one week than most average people do in one month.... You gotta think bout that stuff to man... Not everything is gonna be health when it comes to gaining weight. thats just part of the building stage...

02-26-2009, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
true, but i also portioned the food there bud. Don't worry I did much research and other methods till I found out what worked for my body. I did eat alot and more then your average person is supose to comsume, BUT I also work my body way more than the average person does and my body begged for more food. Like I said You stretch your stomach. This is the only way you hold more food in your system. It's not always healthy. Go ahead and read from the websites ofcourse there aren't gonna put up things that arent healthy and actually work better. Talk to some guys that body build professionally. If you want improvement you gotta change more in your diet than just counting calories. I'd go to the gym in the morning and run and do stretching exercises untill I went to work at 8, then get off at 6pm and hit the gym right after for my Mon-Fri and also Sat-Sun. I spent more hours in the gym in one week than most average people do in one month.... You gotta think bout that stuff to man... Not everything is gonna be health when it comes to gaining weight. thats just part of the building stage...

ohh i hear ya...i know that that no matter how much i work out..if i eat to much..weather it be super lean and good in quality...ill put on fat...im not an endomorph, but thast jsut how my body reacts...

and i dont question your commitment neighter shoud you question someone elses, im in th gym 6 days a week, and have been for 4 years accept for a 6 month period from this past march till begining of september for torn tendons adn cartilage in my wriste from skiing..

i do a plethora of weight lifing exerciese but im also a conditioning freak.. i run upwards ot 20 miles a week adn bike twice that much a week in teh summmer...

02-26-2009, 07:51 PM
...i also understand what your saying about magazines adn the internet but i would take what guys at the gym say with a grain of salt...

i went to high school with two guys that have their pro cards....and htey are great help, but not all of their exercises and routines worked for my body as it did theirs..

..some of the best advice i ever got in person was from a pro light heavey weight strong man competitor is part owner of one of the gyms in my home town

02-26-2009, 08:09 PM
Lots of 12 oz curls on the weekends. Plenty of "hops."

02-26-2009, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by ben300
ohh i hear ya...i know that that no matter how much i work out..if i eat to much..weather it be super lean and good in quality...ill put on fat...im not an endomorph, but thast jsut how my body reacts...

and i dont question your commitment neighter shoud you question someone elses, im in th gym 6 days a week, and have been for 4 years accept for a 6 month period from this past march till begining of september for torn tendons adn cartilage in my wriste from skiing..

i do a plethora of weight lifing exerciese but im also a conditioning freak.. i run upwards ot 20 miles a week adn bike twice that much a week in teh summmer...

Ahh but now your catching my point. You have to over load. It takes fat to make muscle. Ur muscle can only grow so much before they relie on a source to gain any more. That's y Its called the gaining stage. I started at 155 then got to 185 and turned it into muscle. 185 is the goal weight I'm in the process to gaining to be 205 then once reached turn it into pure muscle then cut but down to 185 and be one heck of a 185 pounder.

02-26-2009, 08:58 PM
gcart to answer your question this is an explanation to those 3 lifts

all 3 of these are on youtube

turkish getup is where you have a dumbell in your hand above your head and your flat on your back and you get up without lettin the weight down then you go down and switch hands

i do a arnold press variation that my coach taught me you curl the rotate the dumbells so your palms are forward then you press it up then you rotate them again so your palms face you and go down slow and let it burn.

bus stops is where you do a power clean then a miltary press then a front squat

02-26-2009, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
Ahh but now your catching my point. You have to over load. It takes fat to make muscle. Ur muscle can only grow so much before they relie on a source to gain any more. That's y Its called the gaining stage. I started at 155 then got to 185 and turned it into muscle. 185 is the goal weight I'm in the process to gaining to be 205 then once reached turn it into pure muscle then cut but down to 185 and be one heck of a 185 pounder.

true but not true....you cannot turn fat into muscle...

muscle is a fiberous cell tissue that is utilized for burning calories while fat cells are smoth cells used for energy storage....

you simply cannot get fat and just hen work out adn turn it into muscle...

you get fat in your bulking phase because you simply are consuming more calories..yes more calories than what your muscles will need..

but yes you are right..your body needs more calores to repair and grow..

02-26-2009, 09:28 PM
No no no you keep trying to justify what I'm saying. 3 percent body fat isn't healthy. When you get that lean you have to gain fat for your body to opperate in order to grow and build more mass. This is also how many use supplements to produce testosterone to build muscle. But your body has to have fat to function in the way to gain muscle. 6 percent is healthy and lean. Average build has 12 percent fat while in building stage. I major in Human Health and Performance in college. So I've had classes on this.

02-26-2009, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
No no no you keep trying to justify what I'm saying. 3 percent body fat isn't healthy. When you get that lean you have to gain fat for your body to opperate in order to grow and build more mass. This is also how many use supplements to produce testosterone to build muscle. But your body has to have fat to function in the way to gain muscle. 6 percent is healthy and lean. Average build has 12 percent fat while in building stage. I major in Human Health and Performance in college. So I've had classes on this.

i understand...you need fat for many functions in yourboyd...especially brain functions...

but there is this huge mis conception with new with ppl new to body building thinking that ya...i can turn what fat i have into muscle..and taht simple does not work..

02-26-2009, 09:54 PM
Never said fat turns into muscle, I said it takes fat to make more muscle. Look at people who from 150 to 215 or so. It takes a lot of building up on water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to remain healthy and keep your body in the process of growing. When you overload your body more of a portion breaks them down and you gain weight. Then you lean yourself out and build muscle. And this allows your body to keep the weight up and muscles grow and reduce body fat ;)

02-26-2009, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
Never said fat turns into muscle, I said it takes fat to make more muscle. Look at people who from 150 to 215 or so. It takes a lot of building up on water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to remain healthy and keep your body in the process of growing. When you overload your body more of a portion breaks them down and you gain weight. Then you lean yourself out and build muscle. And this allows your body to keep the weight up and muscles grow and reduce body fat ;)

well if your lifting hard, and your uping your caloric intake..your muscles are growing along with your fat cells...

you dont get fat, ad then the muscle grows as you lean...your muscles grow from your work out and caloric intake and then when you lean out...the muscle that you have built..becomes more defined....

i dont know if your contradicint yourself wtih your statemetn above

02-26-2009, 10:21 PM
Look man. If your just trying to win then go ahead and get youself a trophy. This is pointless and not helping anyone wanting help to building their body. I'm getting a degree in this so I don"t really need anyone tryin to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. And I wasn't contridicting anything I've stated. But seriously, I was going to school to be an atheltic trainer..... I was learning to help people with this kinda stuff anyways. Now I"m going to be a Physical Ther. So if anyone has any questions then I will answer them the best to my ability just pm me.

02-26-2009, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
Look man. If your just trying to win then go ahead and get youself a trophy. This is pointless and not helping anyone wanting help to building their body. I'm getting a degree in this so I don"t really need anyone tryin to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. And I wasn't contridicting anything I've stated. But seriously, I was going to school to be an atheltic trainer..... I was learning to help people with this kinda stuff anyways. Now I"m going to be a Physical Ther. So if anyone has any questions then I will answer them the best to my ability just pm me. I've made many nutrionalists look like complete idiots and have gotten a job offer at every GNC and vitamin shop in my area....

and I completely agree with what ben300 is saying and, for the first time in this thread..have to disagree with you.

Your telling people to over eat? thats completely riduclous. I dont care how lean you are, how fat you are, or how much you weight. Your body only NEEDS so many calories a day, and can only USE that many calories per day. If you eat more than it needs, wtf you thinks gonna happen? That turns into FAT, and the method your describing is exactly why everyone on worlds strongest man is fat. I used to eat 10 egg whites first thing in the morning, a steak and pasta about 3 horus later, then I'd eat two whole chicken meals from boston market within the next six hours, then a **** load more pasta for my last meal...when I was bulking. It was damn near the perfect amount of calories for me,and if I exceeded that, it would turn into fat. and thats exactly what I didnt want.

A also, eating right before you go to sleep? You've gotta be kidding me. Thats the worst idea ever, especially a PBJ sandwhich. If anything, drink a protein shake with milk right before you go to sleep, your body will digest it a LOT faster than a stupid sandwhich, but it will also digest slow enough from the casein protein in the milk that your body will be able to fuel itself throughout the night, and wont rely on using your muscles as a source of energy.

I dont know where you were going to school at, but was there two n's in university?

oh and,

Originally posted by madskrillz2
Lmao. I'm glad you're on here to say the things some of us are hesitant to say. Like I've said before, you cease to amaze me with your witty comments. I thought I was good, but I was wrong. You're my heroLmao. I'm glad you're on here to say the things some of us are hesitant to say. Like I've said before, you cease to amaze me with your witty comments. I thought I was good, but I was wrong. You're my hero ;)

02-26-2009, 11:23 PM
maybe i did go a little over board trying to defend my statements> Though I did state, my meals were in portions.. i know what I was putting into my body and what I was doing to balance it out. Also never meant to come off letting people think too over eat more then they can handle. What I should have said is that facts are, to gain more you need to eat more portions of the satifing foods that your body needs for it to grow. I ate before I slept because it helped me gain weight. I found after 4 years of trying to get over 155 pounds that actually worked for me. I did give me fat tissue, but working harder also burns the extra over time. and over time muscle growth helped stabilize body weight. Now I can hold the weight of 185 and be muscular. I'm not trying to come off as I know best. I was just defending myself and my statements and do apologize for getting carried away.

02-27-2009, 03:44 PM
hey 300extreme i just followed your advice,just got done working out heres what i did.started out benching 120x10 then 130x8 then 140x6 then 150x4 and i mayyy have been able to do 150x5 or 6 at the end but im gona stick with this for a week or two i think.and then i did curling all with dumb bells,the only weight i got in dumbbells is 35lbs well prolly 38lbs and only one of them so i gota work with wat i got but i did hammercurls 38 x 12 then regular curls 38x12 then hammercurls 38x12 and then finshed off with regular 38x12.then i moved to chin-up/pull-ups and when i do these i keep my legs pulled up to like sitting position to where it tightens my abs so i get them worked abit to anyway i did 4sets of 10 and that was it for today,that atleast an okay workout?

02-27-2009, 03:57 PM
definitely a good start, make sure when your using dumbells not to use to much either. I can curl 45lbs fairly easy but when building arms is also better to use slower movement in curls so I use lighter weight and get a more effecient workout, especially when in downward motion. Next time when your curling make sure you hold your elbows in place and slowly let your arm proceed in the motion of going down. I use to count to 8 mississippi before my arm was extended and then lift it back again and do it again. Many people don't realize that when curling the downward motion does just as much as the upper motion to build biceps, infact it makes them broader and not centered in the middle. :) Most just throw the dumbell up then let it free fall and do not control it.

02-27-2009, 04:01 PM
Also in your using one arm at a time you work your arm better if you curl while your sitting down and your back against a wall or a something that keeps your body straight up. Also hold weight in your opposing hand to counter the balance of the working arm.

02-27-2009, 04:16 PM
okay,and yeah i gotcha on the controlled part,i do control them but i guess i could abit more then i do,i will next time and i was siting down but i'll see if i can get somthng to lean against and get some weight to counterbalance...i can curl 100lbsx12 or 10 on the bar and have curled more than that but i cant do 50lbs on dumbells more thn once twice if im lucky,can you explain that?

02-27-2009, 05:40 PM
well when you used the bar then your using both arms right?and when you use a dumbell then your only using one arm. When your are using both arms you get more force applied bc you have both arms helping each other. its simple. Thats why people use dumbells to single out the certain muscles in one arm at a time. Its like this, if your standing and your drop down and sit on your angles and stand back up its easy, but if you do the same thing but on the way up only use one leg then its going to be alot harder and more of a work out to that one leg bc you singled it to do the workout. The weight didn't change.

02-27-2009, 05:57 PM
okay yeah makes sense....so you think benching 215lbs when i weighed 132lbs is okay or is it kinda underpowered?

02-27-2009, 06:03 PM
its actually good. Don't see too many 130 pounders benching that much unless they've been working out a long time. You also need to test your squat because its sad when people can bench more than they squat. I've see people bench as much as they squat and thats not good bc your legs should be way more powerful. how much do you weigh now?

02-27-2009, 06:13 PM
now i cant do that,i may be able to do 200lbs now but i started working out idk mayb year and a half ago mayb just on n off n only got serious to were id do it like every other day about and i quit like mayb 2 or 3 months ago but right bfore i quit i benched 190x6 and 200x4 and 215lbs once and curled 90 and 100 on the bar like x12 think i did 110 bak then too...ive tried squating once like 120 or 125 bcause i dnt have a good setup to squat,all i got is a bench i tried to make somthng to put the bar on to squat but i still gota make it all work right which i think i will do very shortly,now i weigh 127 or like 128...if you want i'll send you some pics so you can tell me what more specificly to do or what to work on,watever idk if its necisary or not but just thought id offer if itd help.

02-27-2009, 06:23 PM
well it doesn't take long to gain strength back. are you wanting to gain weight pm me and we will talk so we don't have to keep this thread going.

02-27-2009, 07:02 PM
pm sent

02-28-2009, 05:42 PM
Yeah don't ever worry about what someone else is benching. If someone weighs 300 pounds and benches 310, that's horrible. Just compare what you're benching to your bodyweight. I read an article somewhere that over 50% of males in America can't even bench their own body weight. Hah, so, don't get discourage if some fat *** is benching more than you.