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View Full Version : I need some serious, serious insight.

02-23-2009, 06:37 PM
I am graduating high school in May, and basically like many kids my age, procrastination has got me in a serious dilemma. My slacking in my early years of high school have left me with busting my *** for the last two years to make up for it. I really haven't slacked to much though honestly as far as high school work and grades/GPA etc., but the last two years I just haven't done that great on getting my ACT scores up for help getting into college. I've tried I just haven't got to where I need to be.

I've pondered the idea of tech. schools and other things of that nature and have been presented an oppurtunity which involves that.

I was directed to Thompson Catepillar by a peer at work, and when I met with the guy he talked to me about the Think Big program they have. Basically you are automatically given a job by CAT. and you intern for 6 weeks [paid], then go to some tech. college in south Georgia for 6 weeks and it rotates for a period of two years. After that, your guaranteed [to the best of my knowledge], a full time job for two years at a location they want you at. I've thought about doing it, cause if I go through with it and it works well and I like it and all then great. If not, then I still had the training at a tech. college in possibly welding, hydraulics, and other things of that nature.

I am looking for some serious insight on this and really need to know if its what its buttered up to be. Has anybody on here heard about this, or even participated in this? Or maybe you are already employed. I'm just looking for help.

Thanks in advance.

02-23-2009, 06:43 PM
Think about your life, from what I read it sounds like you will be all over the place, then they will place you where ever they want every two years. Correct me if I'm worng. :) If thats the case then you'll have to consider about marriage, buying a house, family ect ect. I'll tell you what thought, If I could start over again I would go to a engineering school or a architect school. Theres is where the money is at and you'll always have work.

02-23-2009, 06:47 PM
Heavy equipment is a good job , but there's a few guys on here that can give you some better insight. Jerry might be able to tell you a bit more ... I know he's said he's seen a lot of guys with missing fingers though.

02-23-2009, 06:48 PM
Why not go to a community college first, then to whatever college you want.

02-23-2009, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Think about your life, from what I read it sounds like you will be all over the place, then they will place you where ever they want every two years. Correct me if I'm worng. :) If thats the case then you'll have to consider about marriage, buying a house, family ect ect. I'll tell you what thought, If I could start over again I would go to a engineering school or a architect school. Theres is where the money is at and you'll always have work.

You read right, I really didn't explain that part enough. They want you where "they" want you for the first two years. After that it was my understanding that you could request transfer to a location you want. After that it is really up to you if you want to move. I'm sure there would be incentives like a hike in pay to try and get you to move, but it would ultimately be up to you.

The thing is, I moved from south Alabama to up here in Wetumpka [basically a suburb of Montgomery], and I really like it up here. I've got in good with alot of folks and have alot of connections just in the short two years I've been here. If what the guy told me was right, I would be doing my internship here at the Montgomery hub, and then after the two-year intern/schooling was up and it was time for the full time first two years, I would still be in Montgomery because they need workers. Central Alabama is starting to blow up big time with city's like Prattville and some others getting larger and larger by the minute.

So really that would keep me in an area that I like. But there would be another downside. My family is moving again with my dads job, and ironically its back to south Alabama lol. I'm really just trying to gather up all the info I can and just decided on my own. I'm just looking for some suggestions to ya know?

02-23-2009, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Why not go to a community college first, then to whatever college you want.

Well my problem is, is that I have had an unbelievably hard time trying to decide on what it is I would want to study for in college.

I'm kind of a proffectionist[sp?] and that kind of doesn't help me either.

Which 450?
02-23-2009, 06:56 PM
didnt Cat just lay off 20,000 people?

02-23-2009, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Which 450?
didnt Cat just lay off 20,000 people?

That is another downside, but I'm correct it did not affect Thompson Cat. which is operated out of Birmingham and are only in the SouthEastern U.S.

Don't hold me to it though.

But honestly I dont think it would affect me, because its been three months since I met with the guy, and HE called me back so obviously he wants me there ya know what im saying. It's all just speculation for me right now, but obviously he wants me there.

02-23-2009, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
I'm kind of a proffectionist[sp?] and that kind of doesn't help me either.

How ironic... :p :p :p

02-23-2009, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
Well my problem is, is that I have had an unbelievably hard time trying to decide on what it is I would want to study for in college.

I'm kind of a proffectionist[sp?] and that kind of doesn't help me either.

Thats why you go to community college you dont have to pick a major.

02-23-2009, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
How ironic... :p :p :p

I know lol. I get told that alot though especially by my dad. But I guess that didn't factor into my ACT test taking skills lol.

Oh and I meant to say perfectionist IDK how the hell I spelled it the other way:o

02-23-2009, 07:42 PM
what did you get on your ACT?

Military is always a very good option.

02-23-2009, 07:47 PM
You know, you can always take a year off before starting community college. It isn't going to be some major setback in life if you check out this other opportunity first. You could even start by taking 1-2 classes at a community college. The best education I got was the 2 semesters I went to Valencia Community College in Florida before I transferred to WVU. You will get some much needed attention versus huge, oversized classes at a big university. I didn't graduate college until 7 years after high school. It hasn't had any impact on my career.

02-23-2009, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by FlewByU352
Thats why you go to community college you dont have to pick a major.

as far as i know you can now major in "general studies" at most colleges. don't get sucked in to going to college either, it may not be necessary. also don't think that because your not going to a big name school that your not getting the same education. right now college is over rated and over priced. i have friends who went out and got jobs instead of going to school and now with their experience are more desired then the inexperienced graduate. i did 5 semesters and i could easily go back and finish but i was going for a criminal justice treatment degree to work for the connecticut department of corrections which is currently under an applicant freeze because they may have to lay off.... . just make sure your doing something you want to do and if your going to go to school make sure there a jobs readily available in the field your going to go into before you spend all that money. there are a lot of choices out there and you just have to take your time and find the one thats right for you.

02-23-2009, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by ridered11
what did you get on your ACT?

Military is always a very good option.

18 on my ACT after two tries, and hopefully will have the chance to take it two more time before the end of May. Its really busted my tail thats for sure. I spent two years at one school and these last two years at another. The first one blowed and I never even heard of the ACT until the 2nd semester of my junior year. Took it once then, then once in this years first semester with no improvement. I personally think the test is a load of ****.

On the other note, I respect the guys and gals in uniform and love what they, but DEFFINATELY not for me and thats all I have to say about that.

02-23-2009, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
You know, you can always take a year off before starting community college. It isn't going to be some major setback in life if you check out this other opportunity first. You could even start by taking 1-2 classes at a community college. The best education I got was the 2 semesters I went to Valencia Community College in Florida before I transferred to WVU. You will get some much needed attention versus huge, oversized classes at a big university. I didn't graduate college until 7 years after high school. It hasn't had any impact on my career.

This oppurtunity is going to take me at least 2-4 years. Taking a year off wouldn't really be an option.

Or well let me put that in better terms. It would take at least two years, and the what if factor plays in for me. As in "what if i get over here and i think this is a load of ****". Or "what if this isnt me". I just dont want to get put in a bind, or waste my time on something only to find its not for me.

I will mention one thing I haven't yet, and I think alot of people can relate. But one of my biggest fears is failure, as in terms of not impressing my Dad or him being dissappointed with how my life plays out. I know its my life and all that blah blah. But his story is pretty damn amazing from starting out at 18 with me in his lap, no college education, busting his *** for almost 20 years now, and now he's banking money to the likes of some jobs that take years of college. That could be alot of my problem, I just don't want to let him down, and some people just dont understand where I am coming from when I say that.

02-23-2009, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
That is another downside, but I'm correct it did not affect Thompson Cat. which is operated out of Birmingham and are only in the SouthEastern U.S.

Don't hold me to it though.

But honestly I dont think it would affect me, because its been three months since I met with the guy, and HE called me back so obviously he wants me there ya know what im saying. It's all just speculation for me right now, but obviously he wants me there.

All Cat Dealers are hurting right now. My customers are Yancey Cat, Thompson Cat, Neff Rental, RSC, Sunbelt rentals etc.. Trust me i see these guys once a week and they are all hurting. I have yet to go to one place that has not laid off employees in the past couple of months.

If i could do it all over again I would have gotten a engineering degree. No disrespect to any of the heavy equipment guys but look at them, they look old and tired and are getting by to support their family. The guys who went to school and are higher up in the company are not straining themselves everyday at age 45+.