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View Full Version : touch econamy= poor pro attendence at national??

02-19-2009, 10:10 AM
does anyone know since were in this horrible economic times,if there are any pro's out there not doing the whole series or even taking the whole season off.be sad to see some of the best racers in the world not being able to make it to the races.or if any teams have cut off there pro riders do to the economy like suzuki did with there amatuer program.

02-19-2009, 10:18 AM

02-19-2009, 10:39 AM
I hope they put more funding into public schools after reading that post!!!!! :eek2:

02-19-2009, 10:51 AM
suzuki still has their amatuer team

2009 Rockstar Suzuki Amateur Team
Jarek Balkovic, Camp Hill, Penn. RM85
Steven Gretchen, McMechen, W. Va. RM85
Jeremy Martin, Millville, Minn. RM85
Jesse Masterpool, Austin, Nev. RM85
Tristan Miller, Alpine, Calif. RM85
Jace Owen, Charleston, Ill. RM85
Jake Riggle, Monument, Colo. RM85
Rookie White, Winchester, Calif. RM85
Jordon Smith, Belmont, N.C. RM85
Austin Politelli, Sun City, Calif. RM-Z250
Gannon Audette, Cairo, Ga. RM-Z250
Nick Paluzzi, Riverside, Calif. RM-Z250, RM-Z450
Drew Mitchell, Oregon City, Ore. RM-Z250, RM-Z450
Austin Howell, Red Bluff, Calif. RM-Z250, RM-Z450
Ian Trettel, Silver Springs, Fla. RM-Z250, RM-Z450
Justin Weeks, Cincinnati, Ohio RM-Z250, RM-Z450

02-19-2009, 11:23 AM
sorry.i'm no grammer major like the rest of you rocket scientists on here.and really,i dont give a damn either.who gives a damn how i spell.just trying to have a topic worth chatting about on here.if you dont like the way i spell,speak,look,smell,taste, ect then dont responde to this post.

now,yes suzuki still has there program.but the cut it by 90% or something.they sponsered over 50 riders last year.now there down to 16 or 17 or something along those lines.

02-19-2009, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by dehner47
sorry.i'm no grammer major like the rest of you rocket scientists on here.and really,i dont give a damn either.who gives a damn how i spell.just trying to have a topic worth chatting about on here.if you dont like the way i spell,speak,look,smell,taste, ect then dont responde to this post.

now,yes suzuki still has there program.but the cut it by 90% or something.they sponsered over 50 riders last year.now there down to 16 or 17 or something along those lines.

At least make it legible so the rest of us rocket scientists can read it.


02-19-2009, 12:27 PM
haha, well if these kids classes get cut out of the atva series theyll lose 10 classes, and a ton of money, which will be rough on the sport..... time will tell

02-19-2009, 01:07 PM
is there any news lately about were or not that ban is going in effect or they trying to sort things? not really read up on it in the past week or so.just wondering whats the deal with it now.hope it doesn't effect the races.just think what it would do the nationals let alone the mini nationals.hell,half there classes are kid classes.be sad to see something like that happen to a kid who has is sight set on racing them.

02-19-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
At least make it legible so the rest of us rocket scientists can read it.


sorry dude.didn't know you could only read stuff that was spelled up to your standards.didn't realize i was still in grammer class.my bad lil whipper snapper.i wont let it happen again.

thank you come again :devil:

02-19-2009, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
At least make it legible so the rest of us rocket scientists can read it.

Thanks x2:huh

02-19-2009, 03:59 PM
pretty sure rocco arno wont be doing the whole series, just what u heard through the grape vine

02-19-2009, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
sorry dude.didn't know you could only read stuff that was spelled up to your standards.didn't realize i was still in grammer class.my bad lil whipper snapper.i wont let it happen again.

thank you come again :devil:

haha just let it go they think there cool because there still in high school and wear what the cool kids wear. atleast your not useing slang that nobody over 25 understands. personaly I could care less how anyone spells its the internet. if you want to ***** about spelling to read some youtube comments.

as far as racing im sure its going to be hard on everyone because of companys cutting funding to stay alive.

02-20-2009, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
haha just let it go they think there cool because there still in high school and wear what the cool kids wear. atleast your not useing slang that nobody over 25 understands. personaly I could care less how anyone spells its the internet. if you want to ***** about spelling to read some youtube comments.

as far as racing im sure its going to be hard on everyone because of companys cutting funding to stay alive.

When you read the title of this thread, you're just asking to be ridiculed. :rolleyes:

02-20-2009, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by Sprks450r04
pretty sure rocco arno wont be doing the whole series, just what u heard through the grape vine

was told the samething.his uncle is my sports dr. i was gonna call rocco this week and see if its true.if so that sucks.he was starting to show he could run with the big boys even with a privateer ride.

02-20-2009, 08:59 AM
You have to figure attendance we be down too whether some of the pros are there or not.

Kids racing not happening is the scariest thing to the sport. It is going to cut out not only the kids but the dad's, mom's, and older siblings who race in some of the other classes.

I am po'd that I missed Dunk at Birch Creek due to a work emergency and now this year he won't be there because he is running in a series out west. I don't know if this is the effect of the economy or not. You know Chad not running for Suzuki was which then impacted somebody else on another team and so and and so on. Somewhere there is an up and coming person who isn't going to get sponsorship this year.

Dehner, don't let anyone get your down about your post. You aren't going to win any writing contest but you got your message across which is effective communication.

02-20-2009, 09:22 AM
when i spoke to dunk last he told me he basically had to make the decission to run the west cost cause of $$$.he wasn't making enough racing the nationals and needed to do what he needed to do to pay bills and get his career to the next level.cant hate on a man for watching out for #1.either way,hope he does great out there with the west coast boys.he should.got the skills now has the bike.

thanks quad2xtreme.appreciate that.just wish some dudes on here were cool as you and felt the sameway.never was good at spelling and or grammer.thats why i ended up racing quads.dont need to be the brightist bulb in the chandalier to jump big stuff and go fast:devil:

DP #000
02-20-2009, 07:43 PM
i think i saw that rocco arno is running neatv this year

02-21-2009, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by dehner47

thanks quad2xtreme.appreciate that.just wish some dudes on here were cool as you and felt the sameway.never was good at spelling and or grammer.thats why i ended up racing quads.dont need to be the brightist bulb in the chandalier to jump big stuff and go fast:devil:

LMAO, I could think of two words that would sum that up, but I'm not gonna say them. It's just hard for people to follow posts with bad grammar, espeically if you're trying to read them fast.

02-21-2009, 12:55 PM
ill be ova at da furst race out in alabamah

02-21-2009, 05:43 PM
We just got back from Motorama and the crippled economy sure didn't show there.There wasn't an empty seat in the arena and it was elbow to elbow anywhere you went in the place.No shortage of racers either.

Dunk was ripping on the Golden West Cycles Yamaha too!

02-21-2009, 09:04 PM
Horrible spelling= poor attendance at school

02-22-2009, 09:34 PM
I think the attendence will be down for sure.

OP, at least put a space in between your sentences, so they dont look like this... "hi guys.i dont know how to use a spacebar.i like apple pie."