View Full Version : SMS-got the pipe!

02-16-2009, 06:48 PM
Just wanted to say thank you for having them drop ship it so Brandon could try it out in time for the wk end. it showed up on Friday-much appreciated!! :)

One thing is its def. not going to be a noise issue..its quieter than what we currently have .Reminds me of what the pipe we had on his old E-ton sounded like.

With a mid to top end built motor, we wasnt able to really notice much on a short track race on low end gains,his clutch just wasnt right and the gearing was still off but still a super wk end.
BUT.... once Brandon gets into the power ,we can already tell this is going to wake things up abit on the bigger courses.

Hes pretty stoked to open it up!

Hopefully things warm up soon at home so we can hit some GP and MX .
Thanks again !