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View Full Version : If your sending your kids to collage & paying read this !! Even if your not

02-07-2009, 01:15 PM

When will the American People get fed up and do something, or is it too late...

This is a subject close to my heart. Do you know that we have adult students at the school where I teach who are not US citizens and who get the PELL Grant, which is a federal grant (no pay back required) plus other federal grants to go to school?

One student from the Dominican Republic told me that she didn't want me to find a job for her after she finished my program, because she was getting housing from our housing department and she was getting a PELL Grant which paid for her total tuition and books, plus money leftover.

She was looking into WAIT which gives students a CREDIT CARD for gas to come to school, and into CARIBE which is a special program (check it out - I did) for immigrants and it pays for child care and all sorts of needs while they go to sch ool or training. The one student I just mentioned told me she was not going to be a US Citizen because she plans to return to the Dominican Republic someday and that she 'loves HER country.'

I asked her if she felt guilty taking what the US is giving her and then not even bothering to become a citizen and she told me that it doesn't bother her, because that is what the money is there for!

I asked the CARIBE administration about their program and if you ARE a US citizen, you don't qualify for their program. And all the while, I am working a full day, my son-in-law works more than 60 hours a week, and everyone in my family works and pays for our education.

Something is wrong here. I am sorry but after hearing that they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. That's a real slap in the face. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close. I don't care whether this offends someone or not but this is MY COUNTRY. IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP -- please pass this along. I am not against immigration -- I just expect immigrants to come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

PART OF THE PROBLEM -Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone - YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to speak up. If you agree -- pass this along, if you don't agree -- delete it!

02-07-2009, 01:21 PM
Email it to Obama...he can fix it!:D

02-07-2009, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Email it to Obama...he can fix it!:D

Change is coming....................

02-07-2009, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by TWISTED
Change is coming....................

yeah but I preffered the ***** that folded:scary:

02-07-2009, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
yeah but I preffered the ***** that folded:scary:

AMEN BROTHER!!!! Change is all we will probably have left......

02-07-2009, 01:43 PM
Hope it dont start another hate thread:blah: I just copy what i see. It is a shame though.
My son goes to MMI in orlando ready to graduate, & we both have lots of bills to pay, plus he works 25PLUS hours a week. Good thing though it made him a good kid, just got report card, if thats what you still call them in collage. Grades 99 98 97 90 100 100 99 99 98 100, & only missed 1 hour.

And certain people get this education for free & dont wont to use or study hard:macho ,


02-07-2009, 02:22 PM
LOL..well I wont blame Obama, but I would like to start seeing folks hold accountable ALL of our elected officials. The **** is just out of hand period. This is but a scratch in the pan....there s so much wasted money its sickening.

I hope Obama (any president of ours) can do good for the country, but I think we wont be seeing it no matter who is in there right now. This stuff has been coming for 20 years....its a serious wake up call for many and a huge burden for many more.

My belt is tight, others will be loosing everything and some of it (most of it) has nothing to do with who was or is in the White House, it has to do with living well beyond their means, and that isnt targeted at just individuals.....big companies as well. I was against the bail out, still am...as we can all see it is having no affect on anything and it wont.

02-07-2009, 02:34 PM
Thats horse ****! I work my *** off to go to school and get denied for financial aid, and some immigrant who plans on going back to there POS country gets free money. :mad:

Im sitting here thinking about what i can sell to pay for my books and then i read this, talk about perfect timing.

If everything is supposed to be equal rights than why is it that minorities and apparently now immigrants get free money and get picked for jobs even if they are not more qualified. This is bull****. Im going to start filling out that i am a minority on every piece of financial aid material, just wait here comes the money.

02-07-2009, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Thats horse ****! I work my *** off to go to school and get denied for financial aid, and some immigrant who plans on going back to there POS country gets free money. :mad:

Im sitting here thinking about what i can sell to pay for my books and then i read this, talk about perfect timing.

If everything is supposed to be equal rights than why is it that minorities and apparently now immigrants get free money and get picked for jobs even if they are not more qualified. This is bull****. Im going to start filling out that i am a minority on every piece of financial aid material, just wait here comes the money.

that would actually be pretty interesting if you all of the sudden started getting financial aid and other offers. then, if they find out you're white.. are they going to take it away and prove once and for all that they really do base decisions on race? :eek:

02-07-2009, 04:20 PM
Yeah, that would be interesting. What are they gonna do, prosecute you cause your white! This is total B.S.!!!!!!!!!

02-07-2009, 04:46 PM
its shame when immigrants get better treatment than US citizens in our own country :ermm:

02-07-2009, 04:55 PM
I had a foreign exchange student in my public speaking class last semester from India and he did a speech on how US schools are failing. so at the end of everyone's speech we were allowed to ask questions so i asked him why did you choose to come to America for schooling he stumbled around and said that once he was done with his degree and go to further schooling back in India. this really got to my skin as i know that he is getting some kind of deal to come to school here and is probably not paying much at all and all he can do is sit there and bash our schooling system. it baffles me as to why we pay for these people to go to school when they go back to there own country and don't pay any taxes in America.