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View Full Version : 250r Vin Numbers Needed! Please Look!!

12-22-2002, 04:59 PM
hey whats up everyone, i bought a 250r this weekend and i have a problem, it came without vin numbers. I live in NYC so this could be a problem because if i get caught riding in the streets the cops will impound the bike and i will never get it back. If anyone has a set of Clean 250r Vin numbers that u would like to sell please get back to me as soon as poissible, It is very important.
E-mail me and pane2k@aol.com

12-22-2002, 05:04 PM
isnt it illeage to "sell" clean vin numbers? its probly a 95% chance its stolen, what year is the 250r? if its an 86 then there was a 4 inch plate with the vin numbers on it, welded onto the frame rail by the rear shock (clutch side) someone probly knocked that off with a hammer, see if that area i discriped is all screwed up...
i would talk to the guy you bought it from

pic of location...

12-22-2002, 05:07 PM
yo the plate is missing i kno what your talking about. There are also numbers that are stamped on the left side of the frame right in front of where your foot would go, someone told me those are the vins also, but theres only 14 digits there, shouldnt there be 15? Yes it is a 86
Yo if ur blocking me on aim please take me off maybe u could help me out with this

12-22-2002, 05:10 PM
those arent the vin numbers. go back to the guy and ask for a refund, you will have trouble throughout the line. and if you get pulled over there goes all your money. that or buy another frame...

12-22-2002, 05:59 PM
send me your frame ill send you one back with good numbers,what year is your frame i have a 87-86-and two 89 models,615 848 2998 im david

dont consider it stolen,if it is a 86 style the tags on the back will come offpretty eazy.i have seen some ,actually i have a rx right now that way.if it ever gets bent back by a limb,and you bent it back,it will break off- thats why they changed 88-89 style,for that reason/