View Full Version : +11/4swinger ?

02-04-2009, 06:16 AM
what are the handling differances between stock and a +1 1/4 swinger?

02-04-2009, 07:54 AM
i would say not huge. what kind of riding are u planning on doing??

02-04-2009, 08:29 AM

02-04-2009, 09:25 AM
i don't have any experience with that swingarm. but i would say it might increase the leverage ratio on the rear shock a little so u may want to have it revavled for the specifeic swingarm?? idk?? wish someone else would jump on this thread. i would say you prolly won't notice a ton a difference in handling. it will be harder to wheelie but that doesnt matter anyway if your racing xc.

02-04-2009, 06:25 PM
Is it hard to keep your front end down?

That is what it will take care of, as far as getting your shock re-valved i dont think that is a problem. My shock is from a stock swinger i think and its on my +2 now and if feels great.

02-04-2009, 08:01 PM
The +1 1/4 swinger is money well spent. It tames the front end, but still allows wheelies when you want to wheelie and doesn't affect the EX's great balance point in a negative manner. Whoops are easier to tackle due to the longer wheelbase, and turning and handling overall are improved. A great mod to do, a must IMO for any EX with a modified powerplant. You will need a chain that is atleast 4 links longer, and get the rear shock revalved as well.

02-05-2009, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by Wheelie
The +1 1/4 swinger is money well spent. It tames the front end, but still allows wheelies when you want to wheelie and doesn't affect the EX's great balance point in a negative manner. Whoops are easier to tackle due to the longer wheelbase, and turning and handling overall are improved. A great mod to do, a must IMO for any EX with a modified powerplant. You will need a chain that is atleast 4 links longer, and get the rear shock revalved as well.

i agree.

i had a lsr +1 1/4. i loved it. made jumps, turns and whoops much easier.