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01-30-2009, 02:25 PM
I'd say mine was the first time I road a 450 when I had a dvx 400. It was such a difference, and the power unlike now, felt amazing, this was prob a lil over3 years ago.

Then after that, I got my 450, and the biggest rush was when I hit my first 100+ foot jump, which was a lil over 2 years ago.

01-30-2009, 02:30 PM
mine was at a track in Splendora,Tx. I was running and doing a double, not even trying the triple. well, i got behind one of the faster riders out there at the time and was following him aroung and we came up to the triple, before I realized it i was on the face of the triple and was like"uh-oh". Well, needless to say I made it safely and just kept hitting it after that...was smoother than taking the double-single...lol. that was my "oh-chit" moment.

01-30-2009, 02:32 PM
My first time hitting an Aussie comp ramp. I cased the piss out of the landing, ended up getting thrown off and the show sha bang. Got up, brushed myself off, and everybody made me go try it again right away other wise I'd might puss out later. I did go hit it again, perfect. It was the most fun I've had on a quad.

01-30-2009, 02:35 PM
Jumping my 700XX two weeks ago.

I jumped a burm going downhill and had a LOT more hangtime than I expected.

It landed great and I didn't get hurt, but it scared the crap out of me.

01-30-2009, 02:42 PM
When I was riding my blaster a while back (fastest thing ive ridden at the time) and hopped on my dads banshee right when he got it.

Hot damn. lol.

01-30-2009, 03:23 PM
flying over the 110 foot tripple at birch creek

01-30-2009, 03:31 PM
Hopping on a 400ex knowing nothing back in the day. Just the vibrations felt and the power was amazing at that time. Now I cant feel any of those vibrations you must just get used to it. Being younger and riding a 400ex at the time felt like a rocket. Then after owning a 400ex the rush of a 440 stroker built like crazy. It never lost a race in its day. I would say riding something fast is the biggest rush. Jumping I am never satisfied with the size or how far I go I just want more. I'll hit a jump a few times going faster until there isnt a landing. Then its boring and I instantly want it bigger to hit it faster and fly higher.

01-30-2009, 03:37 PM
Not a quad but heres a bike story

13 years old I was on my old cr80 up at Rausch Creek with a few of my riding buddies.. I'm riding around having a good ol time and then all of a sudden I hear a pack of 4 strokes comin HARD bouncin off the rev limiters, I look behind me and I saw Borich and all his buddys FLYING about 50 yards away, the smart thing would be to pull off right and let them pass right? lol Not me! I freaked out bein young and dumb.. ended up riding that little cr for all it had lmao.. I had the thing absolutely pinned, I ended up flyin down one of their little downhill uphill sections by the pits and landing about half way down the thing rackin my self on my tank.. I got to the open section and I pulled off the track as fast as I could after that happened lol. I hit every jump I was being a *****foot about and actually rode the bike for what it was worth lmao! They all waved and kept ridin along and I could tell they were laughing their asses off.. I had such a addreniline rush going I just sat there and watched them ride! lol good memory though, I bet my eyes were HUGE when I saw them comin! But hey, I got to say I got to ride with Borich for a lap lmao :eek2: :p

Quad I'd have to say when I raced at Evansville, they have a pretty decent 100ftishh down hill and I forgot all about the damn thing, I came flying out of the woods and peaked it and just floated, total Dunk moment from Huevos and the air brakes WERE not working lol.. I musta flew half way down the thing as soon as I got it on the ground again I hit just about every breaking bump there was sending me airbourne, they had a huge bowl turn you had to catch at the bottom.. Well thank god the thing had a TON of soft loamy dust on the top of it cause if not I was going to be flying off the other side which looked like a 10 foot drop off into a huge ditch lol.. My front tires JUST peaked the other side. I was shaking for about a lap on that one! When I got the quad back home as I was checking it over I noticed I mushroomed both the front rotors tryin to get the thing to stop lol Then had another one when I was racing at Jack frost, came flying down a hill two quads wide with a tree at the bottom.. Yeaaahhh I had to clean my racin pants after that one too lol

Then at Breezewood I went off a table top chasing Pappys boy Cody around ( darn you ) lol I went off the table top and the front of the quad darted off cause the shock mount broke clean off the aarm somewhere before the jump.. I did a lil half arse dismount/flip off the side of it, got up and there was a kid that was using the path that went around the table top slammed on his brakes sliding at me as I'm on the ground.. If the wreck didn't give me the rush of a life time seeing a quads bumper rollin about 25-30 at eye level with your head sure is!!!! lol :blah:

01-30-2009, 04:00 PM
I feel like everytime i throw my leg over mine its a rush. But my biggest rush was back in 05 when i first got into MX. I had just bought elkas and stuff for my old 05 and went to a big track about an hour away. I didnt have any gear. I had a helmet and and was riding in Red wing work boots. This track was big and had a finish line tripple that was about 90 foot. It had like a 40 foot step on to the face of the triple. Kinda like a supercross jump i guess you could say. There was one guy on what looked to be a pro built YFZ jumping it. The way it was made when you jumped the 40 foot step on you had to kinda be on the brakes to land the double good. So finally toward the end of the day i said hell with it if that guy can jump that on a 450 i know mine has the power to do it (young and dumb at that time, thought no matter what a 450 was a 450 haha) So i hit that step on, mashed the throttle and went for the ride. It felt sweet till i landed. I landed good but those red wings rolled my ankle. I left there with bragging rights, bought some gear and started loving MX more every weekend. Its been an expensive addiction ever since

01-30-2009, 04:01 PM
doing this triple


another veiw


01-30-2009, 04:17 PM
Climbing a hill we named Cha-ching on my property. Its the most wicked, straight up and down, gnarliest hill ive ever seen. Puts "The Wall" in Tennesee to shame. Im the only guy thats made it on a quad so far.

01-30-2009, 04:19 PM
Mine was on a 3 wheela...and her name was Katie:devil:

01-30-2009, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Mine was on a 3 wheela...and her name was Katie:devil:

I hope it had 3 wheels instead of 3 legs! :scary:

01-30-2009, 06:29 PM
First rush was simply the first time I rode it, and had it pinned in top gear,....

BIGGEST Rush is,.....
Well, I haven't been able to talk my wife into it yet.

01-30-2009, 06:41 PM
Probably the first time I got close to toppin out the 400 years ago when I was like 12 (and used to riding my 90). Or the first time I went to the dunes. When we first pulled into the open part and saw these huge sand hills my face was like this--:D haha

02-04-2009, 01:23 PM
mine happened when i went riding my 250ex at my buddys house at the double we made and he neglected to tell me he added a massive lip to it a day b4

that was fun....

i went off the jump and b4 i knew it the quad was pointed dead at the ground and i hit the very top of the landing and the quad bounced on the front tires and scared the hell out of me

i saved it though

02-04-2009, 02:06 PM
going from a foreman 500 to a 450r,lol at first when i got it n i rode it around when i got off i was shaking,love that feeling!!! there just about aint any feeling like going fast for the first time with a quad or vehicle whatever but speed just feels GREAT!!!
try driving a 3/4 ton diesel at about 140mph,that'll give you a rush and a half too :cool:

DP #000
02-04-2009, 02:13 PM
One of them was the first time i raced in A class and i grabed the holeshot and led for the first lap and ended up 5th after 6 laps.

Another one was winning the neatv 200-300 championship after winning the final moto of the year :D

02-04-2009, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I hope it had 3 wheels instead of 3 legs! :scary:

josh, meet three wheeled katie. :devil:

02-04-2009, 02:37 PM
I was driving some old 4x4 through the woods and went to go around a mudhole, the front tire hit a tree and climbed up it and flipped the quad sideways into the hole, it was about half under water and my friends leg was caught under the tire, it was pretty funny, we didn't get hurt but shoes were lost.

02-04-2009, 02:46 PM
my first weekend out on my 400ex i was just about topped out in 4th ditch riding with a friend and the front right tire broke through the ice, and sent me and the quad into a kind of twist flip through the air, i landed on my back and the quad bounce over me.

02-04-2009, 02:47 PM
doing the 110 ft ski jump at bpg and doind a superman over the flag jump there.i was shaking after the superman

02-04-2009, 05:58 PM
My first rush was moving from a blaster to a built 265r.

Any new triple is a big rush. Another big rush is when you land a new trick for the first time.

02-04-2009, 06:07 PM
Riding Gust's championship winning Z400 at his house in 2004.........

02-04-2009, 06:14 PM
Defiantly the first time riding. Which at that time I was so young and weighed less than 100lbs, so I really didn't effect the quads handling since I didn't really weigh enough to d anything to it's suspension ect. And at that time is was still always 4x4, and I was on the pavement. Blasting through the gears, it was fun.

Then on my current quad, after we got rid of the recon, even though it's only a 300ex and not even a 400 I can get it to lift the wheels in every gear, it never gets old, pin it, shift, wheels pop, repeat, repeat, repeat.

02-04-2009, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Mine was on a 3 wheela...and her name was Katie:devil:

o yea how about a 4 wheela and her name was megan. and it was my sisters trx 250:p . squeaky b*****d:chinese:

probobaly going 5th gear pinned in the woops trying to hang with the faster pro am riders. my bumper touched the ground and sent me flying. did a couple cartwheels and managed to land on my feet and just walk away? :eek2: :huh

02-04-2009, 06:38 PM
Shooting cover for a mag

02-05-2009, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Shift_DVS
Shooting cover for a mag

Thats pretty awesome but i think the guy who got to ride with Gust wins

02-05-2009, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by hypersnyper6947
Thats pretty awesome but i think the guy who got to ride with Gust wins

It was definately a high point in my career...... I've got some pics, but I just need to find them.....

02-05-2009, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Mine was on a 3 wheela...and her name was Katie:devil:

mine is my wife now...i sold my three wheeler to her brother...we took her dads ute and the three wheeler out for a spin...then i took her for a spin in the ute...

02-05-2009, 12:15 PM
the first time i rode my friends built yfz. i was used to a 350 raptor. i mean dang that was a rush. but now i have my own

02-05-2009, 02:56 PM
i got my front tires like an inch off the ground!!!!!1

never do that again

:o :devil:

02-05-2009, 05:20 PM
when ever i got straight off my 300ex, and hopped onto a built 96' banshee. layed into in about 3rd gear and everything went straight to tunnel vision. 98 or 99mph was amazing.

2nd place to me would be the first time i hit a 100' triple

02-05-2009, 05:30 PM
mine was the first time i tried riding a quad, and it was my buddies banshee that was bord and stroked, with full exhaust. When i hit that powerband in second gear i thought i was gonna **** myself! huge rush!!!

02-05-2009, 09:04 PM
i really got a kick out of riding wheelie in my front yard on my 450r, and that was my first bike so i diffenatly liked the adrenaline from that.

and the number one rush i had when i was looking for a dirtbike and i test rode the 450 i have now. when i rode it i took it easy through the guys yard, then hammered down on the road, and i havent ever rode anything thats fast and snappy. i couldnt believe when i was doing like 65 and i slammed the throttle the front end would stand up. the most unreal feeling i have ever experianced!

02-05-2009, 09:21 PM
Hitting the started button on my first quad for the first time, after at least 2 years or work and begging my parents to let me purchase such a machine.

02-05-2009, 10:34 PM
I'd have to say the VERY first time I hit a decent size jump on my old 400ex. Man that was back in the day. I thought I was somethin jumping a home made 40 ft table top.

OR the time I went over 100 ft at the local sx style track. Was an uphill triple and thing would still be a rush if the *********s still let quads ride.:mad:

02-06-2009, 05:47 AM
My first rush on an atv would probably be about 3 years ago, when we were at our local riding area, riding in a big pack to avoid being t-boned. (This place is really bad for that) Anyway i was in the back because i had a 250ex at the time, and this motorcycle comes ripping out of the woods and hits my back tire, causing me to flip doing 40...Somehow neither of us got hurt...or scratched...HELMETS-The modern god.

02-06-2009, 07:16 PM
I jumped on a dealership sponsored built crf450 (im not a bike guy) but talk about adrenaline riding wheelies 5th gear with just a slight twist of the throttle.

Then i got a little fresh showing off some third gear ones and flipped it over backwards:ermm: . I didnt break anything though. But it sure makes you apreciate that grabbar. :p

white tails
09-14-2009, 03:58 PM
flying through the woods and coming around a turn that you remembered a little less sharp lol
having it pinned in 5 riding the ditch.
5 gear wheelies

09-14-2009, 04:22 PM
Going from a Yamaha Timberwolf 250 to a 250ex to riding a 400ex I was like wow! The whole quad vibrates and this thing rips! Then I got one and you dont feel any of that anymore. I cant feel the vibrations or anything. Now i'll be getting on my 450 this weekend... lets see what kind of smile that puts on my face

09-14-2009, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by FlewByU352
Going from a Yamaha Timberwolf 250 to a 250ex to riding a 400ex I was like wow! The whole quad vibrates and this thing rips! Then I got one and you dont feel any of that anymore. I cant feel the vibrations or anything. Now i'll be getting on my 450 this weekend... lets see what kind of smile that puts on my face

LOL, you always used to say how you will never go to a 450 and how the 400ex is perfect for you. WTF?

09-14-2009, 04:43 PM
I've had several, but one of the most memorable rushes I had was at the first lap of the General GNCC this year. I didn't get a chance to walk the motocross section, and just went for it all on the first lap. Cleared the first tabletop, cleared the next double, then found that big downhill and nearly flat landed at the bottom. I calmed down after that.

Biggest 3 wheel rush. Some of you may try to call a BS on this one, but I don't care, you weren't there. My neighbor built a ATC70, with a 106 big bore and stroker motor, supercharged it, and it ran on alcohol. I'd do anything to have a picture of it. I rode it and it dumped me on my *** when I shifted into 3rd. It would run circles around his stock 300ex. He had gocart wheels and tires on it.

Biggest 2 wheel rush. First time out on my old CR250 after a frame up rebuild, and lots of motor work. I got up on the road and did my first ever 5th gear wheelie. My KTM has me spoiled now, but man it was fun.

09-14-2009, 04:50 PM
1987, I was 11 years old. I took our brand new '87 LT250R out on an old, hardpack railroad bed and pinned it in 6th gear. My dad would've beat me if he caught me...

09-14-2009, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX
LOL, you always used to say how you will never go to a 450 and how the 400ex is perfect for you. WTF?

I love my 400ex and it is perfect for me. The 400ex that I have was my dream quad, the 99-04 style. But maybe giving the 450r another shot may not be a bad thing. Now is the time to buy things are cheap. Almost everyone I ride with is on a 450 and they will just walk away from the power difference in pretty much everything. Now when the other riders are less skilled I can hang right with them or pass them on the 400. But the people I ride with are pretty damn good at riding. I dont think I ever said I will never go to a 450 but I said I didnt see the point. Now I do see the point. I want more power which is going to require some engine building to just maybe get to were a stock 450 is. I wanted to go wider which the 450r is already wider. It was a great ride with it but i'm looking for something a little different. Who knows I might like the 400ex better and go back to that.

09-14-2009, 09:12 PM
Wow thinking about it i've had so many crazy/rush experiences. My first race beating a few 400ex's and 250r's on my blaster... always been a fan of big air and going fast. So many things to overcome to get to the ultimate rush.... words cant explain how fun this is!

09-14-2009, 10:33 PM
my first rush ...that i can rmember was probably clearing my first double, my biggest...i cant say, this was a decent rush tho:p

this was pretty wild, no brakes, 200x..winter..

09-14-2009, 10:34 PM
nothing more exciting than a trike

09-15-2009, 05:11 AM
Hada be my 1st ride - it made me spend all my $$$$$$$$$. Currently 3 450's , 250 & a 90 quad & all the extra's........... toyhauler, flatbed , HMT, trips to BPG. its never ending :D

two years ago racing @ BPG in the old man class being in 1st place twice during the race but ultimately comin in 2nd & I did the downhill ski jump for the 1st time.

Watchin FLYBOY 62 doin his thang :devil:

Dad loves ya kid.

WORK SUCKS but the pay is decent:macho

Sorry - got carried away. So many things get me excited about riding. :blah: