View Full Version : lets talk body physics

01-21-2009, 10:21 AM
so i want in the worst way to try and throw some tricks this summer. i've watched all your standard ones time and time again, but i wouldnt know where to start as far as how/when/how exagerrated to move my body. heelcliker for example; when do you start to bringing your legs up? do you have to really concentrate on throwing your legs out to clear the bars? at what point during your projectile do you need to start bringing your feet back down to synch with momentum and be on the pegs by the time you hit the ground? etc, etc.......

or insert any other trick logistics, not just looking for heelclicker info here.

01-24-2009, 05:04 PM
Sooner you can start doing the trick the better. really good riders will start to come off before they even leave the ramp. getting back to the quad depends on how big your jump is, and what trick your doing. theres no science to freestyle.... just huck it if you've got the balls, or take baby steps and keep on the safe side.

01-24-2009, 10:03 PM
i have always found it hard to come back to the pegs good if you wait too late to do a trick. so the sooner you get off the pegs off the ramp the easier it is to come back to the pegs.

01-28-2009, 11:29 AM
my friend is getting really good at freestyle and he tells me that alot of times hes not back on the pegs when the quad lands, in fact i think he prefere's it that way.

01-30-2009, 09:42 AM
just shut off your brain and put on your helmet and you be fine;) like flyin5, theres no science to freestyle