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View Full Version : Took them to the ICE

John Rogers
01-19-2009, 09:29 AM
I wish i could post pictures than everybody would be able to see how fun it is to be slideways at 45mph +.Im only guessing at the speed but 5th gear full pin i know your moven.T^he more studs the better I have adout 1500 in all 4.Anybody else that likes to play on the ice let me know.Rubber side down.John

01-19-2009, 09:58 AM
We love ice riding here! I dont use that many screws in mine, I find the right tire and the direction of the screw head play a huge role though...

We also tried a setup for the drag strip and general screwing around. This is baldish 400ex stockers (used these because they are a radial construction to hold the studs better) and we used 48ish snowmobile picks for the tires. These are not regular studs for those that dont know, they are very sharp pointed picks. They are steel only with no carbide (usually for weight) so they wear fast if you use them on anything but ice. Here is a pic of my buddies screwing around.

The quad would barely brake loose on glare ice. The only way we could get a little spin, was 2nd gear full throttle, dump the clutch, but when it bit it bogged pretty hard. We could take nearly anything off the line haha.

01-19-2009, 01:00 PM
i would love to go hit the ice, but it doesnt stay cold enough around here.

400exrider707, 4 man wheelies are awesome, my brothers decided to do that a few years ago on a KFX400. wish i could post a pic, but only one of them had a helmet on.

01-19-2009, 08:12 PM
ice riding is so much fun. our pond freezes up quite a bit in the winter. it got up to like 5 inches thick a few weeks ago. we had two quads and a golf cart on it lol.

01-19-2009, 08:20 PM
I've gone out to the ice the last two weekends and its definately fun. I just wish some of the snow would melt so i could get better traction. Makes for some sick roost though:p I should grab the camera next weekend

01-19-2009, 08:20 PM
i love ice riding i ride on the big sioux river in south dakota it is so much fun

01-20-2009, 12:33 AM
When ICE was here locally a few years ago, I raced in the "limited" stud class and WOW... that was an experience! I SUCKED!:o :p
I FT raced for a few years, but on ice was a total dif. experience.
IT was alot of fun though!:cool:

01-20-2009, 05:32 AM
We usually have quite a few spots in the winter that get ovals plowed off so snow isn't an issue. One of the hot local spots you'll see up to 50 guys throughout the day out running around, usually dirt bikes and street bikes though. There's a couple guys on some old CR500's that no one can seem to touch, man those 500s pull hard in the straights! I'll have to get some more pics this year.

We usually have anywhere from 6-18" of ice on the lake I posted above. There is a smaller lake near by that gets a lot more bikes on and that one is usually froze over enough by the time december comes around. This time of year there's at least 12" of ice on it.

01-21-2009, 06:52 PM
these should help my deep snow problem:D

01-21-2009, 09:54 PM
got the studs had to try them out