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View Full Version : What is the best grab bar out there?

08-02-2001, 01:06 AM
I personally am wondering if replacing it is even nessesary, I mean lots of people don't. And are fine with it like that, but if you popping wheelies it might not be a bad idea. Plus isn't that stock bar strong enough? Many people say the raptors isn't good though.

What do you all think?

Btw if you have a none stock grab bar what do you believe it the best? I like the dg, but thats my opinion.


08-02-2001, 01:45 PM
dont buy a ac. i bought a brand new one and the first time i set it back in 2nd gear it ripped off. the welds broke, it might have just been bad welds but i know i will never buy another one.