View Full Version : Need Pros/Cons Comments

02 Red Rider
12-19-2002, 04:06 PM
I am looking at purchasing Herrmann +2+0 A-Arms and Works Triple Rate w/ Rezzies. I ride with friends at Wayne National Forest, Hatfield-McCoy, Badlands, and 1 maybe 2 GNCC races a year just for fun.

What do you guys think of the above setup for my 400?

Thanks for your input.


12-19-2002, 04:09 PM
You want to go wider for trail riding and GNCC racing???? I wouldn't go wider unless I was racing MX only.

12-19-2002, 04:10 PM
I race with a guy who has +2's on his banshee and he doesn't have many probs in our XC series.

02 Red Rider
12-19-2002, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by GNCC#829
You want to go wider for trail riding and GNCC racing???? I wouldn't go wider unless I was racing MX only.

I ride with a guy who has a Raptor that is +2+1 in the front and the width doesn't seem to affect his ability to get through the trails. Aside from tight trails why else would you not go wider? I also see you are in Wauseon, I could practically ride my Mountain Bike to your house. I live in Monclova on Eber.

Thanks for the input, keep it coming guys!


12-19-2002, 04:30 PM
That is just right up the road from here. I have been in several races that had some pretty tight spots, If my 400 was 4 inches wider, I wouldn't have fit through the trees.

12-19-2002, 04:52 PM
For Shocks I say Elka. But it all depends on your money situation. I mean if you can hold out for a little while longer and save up the rest of the money that it takes to get Elka that would be your best bet.

A arms: I don't ride Gncc but I know some ppl that do. Most guys run +1 or stock length. I know of 2 ppl that run +2 and they have no problem. If yo are doing a little bit of XC then I would suggest getting the +2. But if you plan on racing XC all the time then get +1 or +0.

12-19-2002, 05:28 PM
yea if u do XC a lot dont get +2 you will clip a lot of trees

02 Red Rider
12-19-2002, 06:41 PM
I see already that the general opinion is to not use +2 +0. What are the thoughts on +1 +0? I think Leo had a similar setup on his bike w/Elkas, does anyone know how that turned out? Is Leo still around?


12-19-2002, 07:41 PM
I've got Herrmann +1's along with Elka triple rate's w/ ssd..

together they made a HUGE difference in handling, it's literally like a whole new machine.. I personally don't think I'd want it much wider though, but most of our trails are pretty tight.. The bigger the 4x4's get the wider the trails become though :D


12-20-2002, 08:24 AM
The +1 work great,,I have the houser +1's and haven't had any problems yet. Yes there are some tight spots on the trail,,but goin +2 is not a smart idea. some people might be gettin by with it right now..but goin up a 300 yard hill climb and finding out 3/4 of the way up that your quad won't fit between the 2 trees on the path,,is not gonna be a fun experience...your new arms along with everything else on the quad will be trashed when it stops rolling at the bottom..:eek: