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View Full Version : Anyone been to Cancun?

01-11-2009, 05:09 PM
I am going for my senior trip. Any advice on what its like down there or what i need to watch out for? Or where to go? Also, do they have like bud light and jack daniels, and the same drinks we have in the U.S.? I don't plan on drinking there water!lol

01-11-2009, 05:35 PM
ive been there before really hot in the winter time when i went there it was around 80 so if ur going in the summer ur gonna die lol, they got all that kinda of drinks there cus its a tourist attraction so they got it all there but preety expensive but nice beaches and women

01-11-2009, 07:45 PM
Keep in mind that Budlight is an import over there. So is Jack Daniels. Corona and tequila are cheap. Stay with a group, and have a blast!

01-11-2009, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by trx400exxracer
I am going for my senior trip. Any advice on what its like down there or what i need to watch out for? Or where to go? Also, do they have like bud light and jack daniels, and the same drinks we have in the U.S.? I don't plan on drinking there water!lol

Get ready for the best time of your LIFE! I went my senior trip too and it was amazing. They basically have anything you want but Dosequis, Tecate, and Corona are like Budweiser, Miller, and Michelobe here. The resort we stayed at only had Dosequis. No domestic beer what so ever. Clubs I would suggest going to are Senor Frogs, Daddios, Coco Bongo, and there is one other but I don't remember the name. They're all right together so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

01-11-2009, 08:00 PM
WTF, is your school funding this trip? Or is it something the seniors just do? My school didnt have a senior trip for us, but we all went to WildWood(best shore in Jersey, 100% guido free) after prom to get crunks.

I wish we could have went cancun.

01-11-2009, 08:04 PM
I've been to hell and back its called Mexico in the summer lol. It was so hot it was just rediculous. Even the water was piss warm

01-11-2009, 08:26 PM
contrary to popular opinion, you can in fact drink the water in the hotel (heavily chlorinated)...just don't eat any salads at all. This means no fresh vegetables or fruit.

01-11-2009, 08:30 PM
man this is bummin me out hearin this. i was gonna go with a group of people on a cruise but a the few people i knew of the group backed out and i did to. i cant go to mexico and be drunk for a week with people i dont like, it just wouldnt be good. i might just try and get all the people i hang with and there parents to chip in for a big place in panama city or something.

people i know that have been to cancun though say its great so have fun;)

01-11-2009, 08:52 PM
i am goin for my senior trip this year and i can't wait!

01-12-2009, 10:34 AM
What the hell? My school told my senior class to never come back.:ermm:

01-12-2009, 10:57 AM
Oh man, Cancun is fun but one of the nastiest most tourist ridden *****holes in the world. It smells like puke on the streets. I would suggest staying with people you know at all times, I know people that got coerced to give the cops money. Its a blast as long as you keep your head on straight.

01-12-2009, 11:10 AM
im going friday:D if you stay in a nice hotel you shouldnt have any complaints. ive stayed at the royal sand 3 times and it has been great everytime

01-12-2009, 11:15 AM
ive been there twice drank the water ate the salad never a problem they have every alcoholic beverage that you can think of and more the night life there is absalutely crazy i went with my friends for our senior trip and it was just insane if you like to party you will have the best time of your life

01-12-2009, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
man this is bummin me out hearin this. i was gonna go with a group of people on a cruise but a the few people i knew of the group backed out and i did to. i cant go to mexico and be drunk for a week with people i dont like, it just wouldnt be good. i might just try and get all the people i hang with and there parents to chip in for a big place in panama city or something.

people i know that have been to cancun though say its great so have fun;)

i went on a cruise in 07 for my sr trip. the funnest thing i have ever done. went to jamaica, cayman islands, and cozumel. cant beat that!

oops im under my cousins name. im yzrida

01-12-2009, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
i went on a cruise in 07 for my sr trip. the funnest thing i have ever done. went to jamaica, cayman islands, and cozumel. cant beat that!

oops im under my cousins name. im yzrida

i know i really want to go but not with the people that are going you know what im saying. they always say stay with someone you know when your on a trip like that. well i couldnt hang around none of those dousche bags for too long so i guess i'll just be sittin this one out unfortunately:(

i'll make the trip one day though, i'm dead set on going on a cruise one day so one day soon i'll be taking that trip

01-12-2009, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
i went on a cruise in 07 for my sr trip. the funnest thing i have ever done. went to jamaica, cayman islands, and cozumel. cant beat that!

oops im under my cousins name. im yzrida

Damn. I bet that was a trip! We were actually in Cozumel but it might as well be Cancun since it's just 30 or so minutes away. For those of you looking into all inclusive deals, check out Palace Resorts. That's where we stayed and it was AMAZING. It's also a little cheaper since it's not actually in the middle of Cancun.

I found the link to their website. This is the link to the resort we stayed in. They have several but this one seemed to be their nicest. http://www.palaceresorts.com/Resorts/MoonPalace/Index.asp

01-13-2009, 01:20 PM
I went 3 years ago after I graduated high school as well. I went for 7 nights and had the time of my life! I went to 7 different clubs (one every night) and it was amazing!! By far the best club is The City. It's the biggest club in Latin America. Daddio's is really nice, and Coco Bongo's is something to see.

I stayed in an all inclusive resort and it was definitely the way to go. Free drinks allllll day, tons of activities. (Beach volleyball was my favorite!) The sand there is AMAZING. It's like walking on flour, and something neat about it is that it doesn't get hot. Nothing looks nicer than the water in Cancun, just wait until the first time you see it driving from the airport to your resort!

I must say... be careful. I met some chicks from Mexico City who I have been back to visit several times now and they came out here for the first time last New Years. They say it is extremely dangerous right now, and Cancun is one of the most dangerous spots in Mexico. Just warning you... the drug runners are killing people for no reason right now because they are furious with the government.

Good luck! Have fun!

01-13-2009, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by mephyst
I went 3 years ago after I graduated high school as well. I went for 7 nights and had the time of my life! I went to 7 different clubs (one every night) and it was amazing!! By far the best club is The City. It's the biggest club in Latin America. Daddio's is really nice, and Coco Bongo's is something to see.

I stayed in an all inclusive resort and it was definitely the way to go. Free drinks allllll day, tons of activities. (Beach volleyball was my favorite!) The sand there is AMAZING. It's like walking on flour, and something neat about it is that it doesn't get hot. Nothing looks nicer than the water in Cancun, just wait until the first time you see it driving from the airport to your resort!

I must say... be careful. I met some chicks from Mexico City who I have been back to visit several times now and they came out here for the first time last New Years. They say it is extremely dangerous right now, and Cancun is one of the most dangerous spots in Mexico. Just warning you... the drug runners are killing people for no reason right now because they are furious with the government.

Good luck! Have fun!

You're right about the drug runners. Even as a big group, we got offered coke, marijuana, heroin, and everything else you could think of. All this happened at the markets so watch your back there.

Les Davis
01-13-2009, 09:52 PM
like everyone else said above....stay with a group of friends at all times. I had a co worker get fleeced of all his cash from the Policia because he made the mistake of peeing behind a building under construction. I think it was a $250 f*ck up on his part:D :devil: Trust no one in Mexico and stay away from the water!!

Oh yeah, check out the late night Booze Cruise! Had a blast doing that along with all the other tourist traps there. Be safe and have fun!

01-15-2009, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Les Davis
like everyone else said above....stay with a group of friends at all times. I had a co worker get fleeced of all his cash from the Policia because he made the mistake of peeing behind a building under construction. I think it was a $250 f*ck up on his part:D :devil: Trust no one in Mexico and stay away from the water!!

Oh yeah, check out the late night Booze Cruise! Had a blast doing that along with all the other tourist traps there. Be safe and have fun!

I think I heard about that, did they give away free rum

Les Davis
01-15-2009, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by trx400exxracer
I think I heard about that, did they give away free rum

Oh yeah! The Tequila and Rum were flowing....freely. One of the few times I've heaved from drinking! It's a Festivus Miracle for all:blah: :devil: :D