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12-18-2002, 07:44 PM
I want to tear down my ex this winter right dow nto the frame. IS this a big job? ANd has anyone powder coated there own frame? is that a big job?

12-18-2002, 07:59 PM
Thats the easy part, puting it back together, well now thats the hard part.

12-18-2002, 08:01 PM
Rico did it and he said it took 7 hours...and he only had 3 beers the whole time:eek:

12-18-2002, 08:01 PM
its a pretty big job lol if you go at it you can tear it down in a day. I already did mine this year it was fun and gave me somehting to do. But i think you wont be able to pc your own frame its alot of work you gotta strip it down to bare metal then have the right gun ct and then a huge oven to bake it in

12-18-2002, 08:05 PM
Quick tip, (Any bolt/nut/washer ect, put them in bags or cans and mark them, this way your not totally lost when you put it back together. Its to big of a job but if you have no ideah what your doing then its gonna be tough. Me and my friend just toke a bayou 220 apart right to the frame. The hardest part for me was the friggen wires :huh

12-18-2002, 08:13 PM
yea take some good notes lol i was scared of the wires but they werent al that bad to do lol i labeled everything but could have done withough it because its obvious because everyhting is color coated ect but still take notes so you know were to route all the wires / cables. just a couple of hints. definitly use baggies and another trick my boss taught me is either using a video camera or a digital camera and taking pics when you take soemhting off so you can look at the pic when puting it back together. IT what we did when we took a tractor engine apart actually the vidoe worked really good it came in handy with a couple of spots when we wernt sure how a tube went on and small stuff like that.

12-18-2002, 08:21 PM
You got a digi cam? if so just take a bunch of pics on the way down to the frame. Number each pic in reverse order and save them to a CD. Then when you are ready to go back together, just follow the pictures.;)

12-18-2002, 08:24 PM
i would have to like label stuff or i would forget where it all goes

12-19-2002, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by 400exrules
i would have to like label stuff or i would forget where it all goes

You'd probably chit yourself if I showed you the 2 buckets full of bolts and stuff from mine..LMAO

Actually I just pulled a part off put the bolts back in the part and put tape on the back side of the bolt.all bolts are with the part it goes too,,easy way to do it,,but I do have 2 coffee cans full of stuff also,,but it's all commen bolts that can only go in one place..good luck and it's not to hard of a project at all,,just time consuming.:D

12-19-2002, 07:39 AM
its actually fun to do. tearing it down is the easy part, putting it back together is the hard part.

a couple of tips for ya: (mistakes i made:o)

loosen your axle nut while your engine is still in and your chain is still on;)

drain the oil while the engine is in the frame;)