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12-18-2002, 07:26 PM
Anyone else notice that none of the bolts or nuts fit normal wrenches. I have tried both loosening or tighting, but the sockets don't fit it snuggly(either to small or slightly big) and end up strippig the head. Why is this? Do I have to buy a special HONDA wrench set?

12-18-2002, 07:28 PM
Ever heard of the METRIC system...LMFAO!:devil

DGR Designs
12-18-2002, 07:28 PM
no you dumb ****, you have to buy special METRIC wrenches..... lol jus kiddin bud. but yeah you only need metric tools for your quad

12-18-2002, 07:30 PM
yea you definitly gotta use the metric system on the hoda products lol no offense but that was one of the funnier things iv heard all day

12-18-2002, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by infantry317
Ever heard of the METRIC system...LMFAO!:devil

friggon classic:cool:

well youngin.....i geuss ya learned something new....just in time for x-mas:p get a metric tool set and hammerdown:macho

12-18-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by infantry317
Ever heard of the METRIC system...LMFAO!:devil


12-18-2002, 07:44 PM
Now now, be nice, didn't you notice where he was from?
Just pokin sprtrx300ex :D
Get your self a good metric wrench and socket set and you'll be good to go.

12-18-2002, 08:00 PM
LMFAO thats funny

12-18-2002, 08:15 PM
LMFAO, Time for a little toolbox ed.

12-18-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by HONDA55
LMFAO, Time for a little toolbox ed.

we have all probly made that mistake or a similiar one at one time or another. its all good .....thats how we learn:p

12-18-2002, 08:24 PM

12-18-2002, 08:30 PM
that ok, wait until you have to find a socket to take the spark plug out when you don't have the one that came with the EX.

12-18-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Alky472


That about sums it up.

12-18-2002, 08:34 PM
I'm sorry, but DAMN! I know that we all have to learn some way, some how, and thats fine. But some of these kids from Virginia need some help!I hope someone gets this lad straightened out and quick before he tears something up or hurts himself.

Also, READ THE OWNERS MANUAL AND GET A REAL MANUAL FOR YOUR QUAD AND STUDY IT!!! You will learn more about your quad in this way than any other. This includes listening to any of your booger eating bonehead buddies who claim that they are expert mechanics.

Good luck Jr. , you're gonna need it.................

12-18-2002, 10:04 PM
Just get a metric adjustable wrench. j/k

12-19-2002, 06:46 AM
I use a pair of vice grips for every job I do on the 416,,nice thing about it is it makes all the nuts and bolts round which I think is very trick lookin..:huh

12-19-2002, 06:50 AM
Very nice Rico!!! Yep, if you like that round look Visegrips will do it!:D

12-19-2002, 07:50 AM

thats as good as the kid that asks if you need to cut the frame to take the engine out:D

12-19-2002, 08:43 AM
cresent wrench and a pair of channel locks, that all you need.:) and this plug of spark thing everybody keeps talking about, i cant ever see it, out of sight out of mind:confused:

12-19-2002, 12:34 PM
Vise Grips and a cutting torch should get any troubling bolts
out :devil

12-19-2002, 01:48 PM
Ya just watch out for the left handed adjustable jaw wrench they look just like the right handed ones .................:D

Just run and get ya a set of wrenches and sockets from WalMart there cheap if your on a budget...

But i have seen 3 diffrent types of bolt head sizes, Standard, metric and some weird name i cant remember...Its between metric and standard size, it was very strange.............

12-19-2002, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Rico
I use a pair of vice grips for every job I do on the 416,,nice thing about it is it makes all the nuts and bolts round which I think is very trick lookin..:huh

you forgot to mention it adds HP too!

12-19-2002, 04:01 PM
Did you ever wonder why the bolts have numbers on them... like 12... that stands for 12 mm etc... You really should check the manual to make sure you are using the right tools.

What are the rest of you talking about, all you need is a good set of teeth and you lock your jaws.... JK That might hurt a bit.

Good Luck... Do you Americans not learn about the Metric System? Just a Q.