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01-05-2009, 10:16 PM
Ok guys, who's down for the coutdown till the game on thursday. Even though the BCS totally a screwed up process I do believe we have a great game for the big one. Not sure who has the edge to win this one, and I'm not baised to either side but I do believe florida will pull it off. I think by halftime it will be one side to figure out who will win. But I believe the winning play we be made in the last few minutes of the game. OU has a lot to prove with their offense and has been talking their chances of winning are very highly. Should be a great battle between the two...... What do you guys think will happen come thursday night????? SEE YOU AT KICKOFF!!!!!!

01-05-2009, 10:18 PM
I think Florida has got it. And how about them dam buckeyes:mad: 20 seconds left too...:scary:

01-06-2009, 06:21 AM

Yeah, Mr Bradford is gonna shut Tebooboo up....

01-06-2009, 07:13 AM
JVC what happened to we are penn state?
Big 10 once again forgot how to win a game when the whole nation is watching.
I want to see anyone shut Tebow up. I think it will come down to Defense, bc both offenses are powerful, but Florida's D is in another league when compared to OU. I think special teams will also play a large role in this game. My prediction Florida 34 Oklahoma 28.

01-06-2009, 08:28 AM
I'm a Big 10 guy(being from MN) but I agree they can't show up in the big games.:( With that being said I think Texas got screwed out of the title shot so......DOWN WITH OU! Go Gators!

By the way they need a playoff system in College. It is the only good solution to the mess.

01-06-2009, 08:45 AM
Just for the record. I'm an S.E.C.guy but I hate florida. They r overrated and everything else. I was pulling for bama bc that's plain hardnose football. But even though I hate florida I can't find anything bad to say about Tim Tebow. He is a great leader and a true christian and you really have to respect that. He doesn't talk crap or putting any other teams or players down.

01-06-2009, 08:53 AM
I am a Florida fan. How are they overrated? Not being an *** just curious as to your reasoning.

We did get beat by Ole Miss, but they beat Tech so I can swallow that pill. Plus every week in the SEC and Big12 is usually a challenge.

I think the Spread is the future of college football, look at what Pryor can do from the spread. Today's game is speed oriented not so much the brute power game of olden days.

But you said it, Tebow is a humble player with his head on level. He is a great player but he is no legendary all star like the media chalks him up to be.

01-06-2009, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
Just for the record. I'm an S.E.C.guy but I hate florida. They r overrated and everything else. I was pulling for bama bc that's plain hardnose football. But even though I hate florida I can't find anything bad to say about Tim Tebow. He is a great leader and a true christian and you really have to respect that. He doesn't talk crap or putting any other teams or players down.

Hah are you serious? Overrated? I'm a Bama fan and can't stand losing to Florida, but to say they're overrated is crazy. I'm not trying to be an *** either, I just think that's a little over the top. Don't be surprised if Florida walks away with this one.

01-06-2009, 09:57 AM
I'm not going back on saying they are overrated. I'm not talking about just this year. Every year since about 2001 Florida has been picked to be in the championship game. I'm not saying they can't back up the hype this year. Heck they have more play makers than any other NCAA college teams. They have the best recruiting in the nation. But I'm saying they are overrated bc from the start they won't give any other teams a chance. Theys why UTAH was highly over looked. I believe UTAH could beat Florida or Oklahoma and its teams like them that make people over look small conferences doin big things bc they r overrated.

01-06-2009, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
JVC what happened to we are penn state?
Big 10 once again forgot how to win a game when the whole nation is watching.
I want to see anyone shut Tebow up. I think it will come down to Defense, bc both offenses are powerful, but Florida's D is in another league when compared to OU. I think special teams will also play a large role in this game. My prediction Florida 34 Oklahoma 28.

i'ts JCV dumbass.....penn state had a bad quarter. fumble right before the end of the second quarter. If we would have scored there, it would have been a different game.

Tebow is just another average kid with a big ego, big money and a fat mouth.....his NFL flop will blanket Vince Young's....

The biggest difference between the Big 10 and the SEC is we have STUDENT athletes.....not wannabe thugs.....we'll graduate 78%... and until this year, we haven't been headlining the papers with off field incedents.

So I'll take our guys over yours anyday... :ermm:

01-06-2009, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Tebow is just another average kid with a big ego, big money and a fat mouth.....his NFL flop will blanket Vince Young's....

Really now? When have you ever heard anything come out of his mouth besides something positive or God bless?

But to the other guy saying Florida is overrated. Yeah, I'll agree with you there. There have been a few years where they have been overrated but heck who hasn't? I know they definitely haven't been in the past 4 or 5 years. Hah as for Utah, you're definitely right about them being better than people think. They absolutely embarrassed my team.

01-06-2009, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
I am a Florida fan. How are they overrated? Not being an *** just curious as to your reasoning.

We did get beat by Ole Miss, but they beat Tech so I can swallow that pill. Plus every week in the SEC and Big12 is usually a challenge.

I think the Spread is the future of college football, look at what Pryor can do from the spread. Today's game is speed oriented not so much the brute power game of olden days.

But you said it, Tebow is a humble player with his head on level. He is a great player but he is no legendary all star like the media chalks him up to be.

I agree with the spread being the future. I am a die hard Auburn fan and laughed at the idea of it coming to Auburn, and predicted it would ultimately fail and it did. We have always been a power run and gun type team. But never just sole passing. But a team like Florida always has the brute strength and speed for a spread type offense.

Other than a few mistakes, at the end, the speed and better defense of Florida helped prevail over Alabama. Alabama is a great team, very hard nosed program. But plain and simple they were not prepared for the speed. Same with the way they lost to Utah. At the end they just couldn't hang. The almighty Nick Saban even said he was not prepared for the a.. whippin Utah gave them.

I'm pulling for the Florida Gators to win the championship.

01-06-2009, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
I agree with the spread being the future. I am a die hard Auburn fan and laughed at the idea of it coming to Auburn, and predicted it would ultimately fail and it did. We have always been a power run and gun type team. But never just sole passing. But a team like Florida always has the brute strength and speed for a spread type offense.

Other than a few mistakes, at the end, the speed and better defense of Florida helped prevail over Alabama. Alabama is a great team, very hard nosed program. But plain and simple they were not prepared for the speed. Same with the way they lost to Utah. At the end they just couldn't hang. The almighty Nick Saban even said he was not prepared for the a.. whippin Utah gave them.

I'm pulling for the Florida Gators to win the championship.

Well put. It hurts me to agree with that, being an Alabama fan, but it's the hard truth. I'm just happy we did well enough to make it to a BCS game. Especially since we're still playing with a ton of Shula's players. It's really gonna help getting that punk JPW outta there.

01-06-2009, 06:43 PM
I'm from Oklahoma but I have a feeling like OU isn't going to win this one.

01-06-2009, 06:48 PM

sorry i just had to give a shout out to my school, lol

I HATE the gators!!!!! but i have a feeling they'll be walking away with this one :grr:

01-06-2009, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by ricksmx865

sorry i just had to give a shout out to my school, lol

I HATE the gators!!!!! but i have a feeling they'll be walking away with this one :grr:

I am feeling for you right now man, cause Tulsa just spanked that a..:ermm:

I'm glad Auburn just picked up there offensive coordinator.

01-06-2009, 10:00 PM
I hope the heck Florida wins. Not because I'm a big FL fan it's just OU fans make me want to hurl. I live in Western AR, right on the AR/OK border, so I get my fill of them. You can't go anywhere with out seeing a family wearing an excessive amount of OU apparel. The guy will be sporting his OU hat and T-shirt, they wife will have her OU sweatshirt, OU pajama bottoms and OU house shoes, and the kids will all be dressed to mirror their parents. They were this to the grocery store, restaurants, visiting their friends at the hospital, etc. It's insane. Their probably wearing OU socks and underwear too. The vast majority are also sporting the timeless fashion of the mullet (shemullet for the female of the species). Plus a friend's wife is a huge OU fan and nothing would make we happier than shoving OU's lose straight down her throat. GO GATORS!!!

01-06-2009, 10:02 PM
JCV, not to call you a lier or anyhting but i happen to live right next to penn state main, and every year there are many PSU football players gettin in trouble with the law... not to mention many other PSU sports players....and do i really even need to mention Curtis Enis?

01-07-2009, 12:26 PM
can any of you florida gator haters explain the reason why you hate TIM TEBOW? i mean please list your arguement why you want to shut up a guy that goes to speak to children, then goes to speak to people in prison about God and christianity, then he goes back to school to practice and plan for the games he plays, then also works with his dad doing missionary works back an forth to different places then to go home and do school work. And then on top of that he is a great leader... hate the GAYtors! but i love tebow for all the things he has done not just for the team but all that he influences. So other than just being JEALOUS of him being a great player why would you disrepect someone like that and talk bad about him? try to read what it says on his cheeks in the championship game thursday. he always puts a bible verse in the black lines under his eyes, the verse hat inspired him before the game........

01-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
can any of you florida gator haters explain the reason why you hate TIM TEBOW? i mean please list your arguement why you want to shut up a guy that goes to speak to children, then goes to speak to people in prison about God and christianity, then he goes back to school to practice and plan for the games he plays, then also works with his dad doing missionary works back an forth to different places then to go home and do school work. And then on top of that he is a great leader... hate the GAYtors! but i love tebow for all the things he has done not just for the team but all that he influences. So other than just being JEALOUS of him being a great player why would you disrepect someone like that and talk bad about him? try to read what it says on his cheeks in the championship game thursday. he always puts a bible verse in the black lines under his eyes, the verse hat inspired him before the game........

because hes so good.

go gators!!!!:macho

01-07-2009, 12:35 PM
Its ok JCV is just sour because his entire conference got embarrassed again. It just goes to show you the caliber of the big 10 pure powerhouses. ROTFL

We do it year in and year out down here boss, we play and win titles almost every year. If you aren't SEC, Big 12, or USC you have no business in a title game.

01-07-2009, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
Its ok JCV is just sour because his entire conference got embarrassed again. It just goes to show you the caliber of the big 10 pure powerhouses. ROTFL

We do it year in and year out down here boss, we play and win titles almost every year. If you aren't SEC, Big 12, or USC you have no business in a title game. thanks for the good deal on atv vs mx untamed. still playing it to this day.

01-07-2009, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
Its ok JCV is just sour because his entire conference got embarrassed again. It just goes to show you the caliber of the big 10 pure powerhouses. ROTFL

We do it year in and year out down here boss, we play and win titles almost every year. If you aren't SEC, Big 12, or USC you have no business in a title game.

That's funny bc I believe UTAH is.the best team in the nation and could beat anyone. Including USC, OU, and FL. Props to the coach at UTAH he put one hell of a team together.

01-07-2009, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
Its ok JCV is just sour because his entire conference got embarrassed again. It just goes to show you the caliber of the big 10 pure powerhouses. ROTFL

We do it year in and year out down here boss, we play and win titles almost every year. If you aren't SEC, Big 12, or USC you have no business in a title game.

i dont want to disagree with you on this but to say that they dotn belong in a championship game is a chump shot....

ya, all those divisions are pretty much better than what the big ten is right now, but there have been years in teh past when the teams from the bigten have been just as good as everyone else...

plus i'm a pennstate fan and i dnot care for ohio state adn was glad to watch them loose, but if you think that in two more years that they wont be good, then you probably shoudl think again becuse tressel and pryor are gonna make that a foot ball juggernaut....

also, usc played fantastic in that game, in teh second quarter...other wise they dditn play all that much better than pennstate....and im not saying this as a biased opinion cuase i believe that hey could and dominiate the gators right now in teh national championship...if you dont believe me just look at the quarter by quarter stats...

but al that aside....im tired of the sec winning all these national championships....thats why im rooting ofr ou to win....

01-07-2009, 01:00 PM
After determining the Big-12 championship game participants, the BCS computers were put to work on other major contests and today the BCS declared Germany to be the winner of World War II.

"Germany put together an incredible number of victories beginning with the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland and continuing on into conference play with defeats of Poland, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. Their only losses came against the US and Russia; however considering their entire body of work--including an incredibly tough Strength of Schedule--our computers deemed them worthy of the #1 ranking."

* B/R Ticket Guide

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Questioned about the #4 ranking of the United States the BCS commissioner stated "The US only had two major victories--Japan and Germany. The computer models, unlike humans, aren't influenced by head-to-head contests--they consider each contest to be only a single, equally-weighted event."

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler said "Yes, we lost to the US; but we defeated #2 ranked France in only 6 weeks." Herr Hitler has been criticized for seeking dramatic victories to earn 'style points' to enhance Germany's rankings. Hitler protested "Our contest with Poland was in doubt until the final day and the conditions in Norway were incredibly challenging and demanded the application of additional forces."

The French ranking has also come under scrutiny. The BCS commented " France had a single loss against Germany and following a preseason #1 ranking they only fell to #2."

Japan was ranked #3 with victories including Manchuria, Borneo and the Philippines.

01-07-2009, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
That's funny bc I believe UTAH is.the best team in the nation and could beat anyone. Including USC, OU, and FL. Props to the coach at UTAH he put one hell of a team together.

Utah? GTFO They beat Bama, but IMO any team with speed and a good QB that runs the spread can take bama out. Bama has a 4-3 base D, not gonna work against the spread. Same of OU the better have a good nickel package worked out before the game.

I agree in years past 8+ the Big 10 was a powerhouse, but I dont ever see them returning to the greatness of old. Pryor will be injured, sure he can run but he is not a Tebow. More like a Pat White(vag).

I say good luck to everyone and their respective teams, but the SEC is the conference.

01-07-2009, 01:30 PM
the fact that you think Utah is the best team shows we should not take anything you say about college football seriously.

01-07-2009, 01:32 PM
Yeah, you can't say that USC out played PSU by much. OSU was right there with Texas, but I was pulling for the longhorns as I hate Texas.

One other problem with Penn State this year was they played sissy teams like Coastal Carolina and Temple... They don't know how to "prepare" for the big games.

Ohio State as much as I hate to say it....knows how to prepare for big games. They where there in it with Texas right up to the end. :ermm:

With all the coaching experience Joe has, you'd think he could get the guys ready to play....I think that just proves more and more that he's more of a figure head on the coaching staff, and it also hurts that we can't recruit anyone out of the state lines.

01-07-2009, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
Utah? GTFO They beat Bama, but IMO any team with speed and a good QB that runs the spread can take bama out. Bama has a 4-3 base D, not gonna work against the spread. Same of OU the better have a good nickel package worked out before the game.

I agree in years past 8+ the Big 10 was a powerhouse, but I dont ever see them returning to the greatness of old. Pryor will be injured, sure he can run but he is not a Tebow. More like a Pat White(vag).

I say good luck to everyone and their respective teams, but the SEC is the conference.

well dam and they also beat TCU who is ranked like number 1 or 2 in the nation for defense... do some homework dude, first they beat Michigan which wasnt a factor, they beat Oregon state who gave USC there lose, then BYU another ranked team, and Bama and even won by giving every team they played an *** beating.. like I said all the BCS shhit is overrated and stupid... Florida runs the spread also and they did against Bama and Florida trailed six point until the last minutes in the fourth quarter, Bama had a month to prepare for the SPREAD offensive following the lose to Florida and UTAH still whooped that a_s_s. Like I said I AM A SEC FAN, but UTAH should be in the NATIONAL GAME this year... Idk who else they would have to beat to prove to anyone, maybe all the coaches will call each other and set up games after the game Thursday and let them all play so that UTAH could go 15-0 this year............................................

01-07-2009, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by c450Razy
the fact that you think Utah is the best team shows we should not take anything you say about college football seriously.

and for that shhit you can kiss my a_s_s, i prolly keep up with college football more then most of you on here saying stuff about the teams you are going for, I believe im the only one on here that is completely unbaised to any football team and i watch and keep up with just about every team worth watching. Like i said instead of following the BCS system do some homework on college football for yourself and you might think a little different, then go back and watch the dam games instead of numbers of the final scores. i think next year if Mccoy stays at texas it will be Texas vs LSU in the championship game, also following the decision of Tebow to how good florida will be, USC has shoes to fill and will end up in the top 5. OU will be in the top 10, TCU will be better, and TN Vols will be ranked in the top 25 haha, and as for the rosters and people coming back next year, the SEC will have the edge mark my words....

01-07-2009, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
well dam and they also beat TCU who is ranked like number 1 or 2 in the nation for defense... do some homework dude, first they beat Michigan which wasnt a factor, they beat Oregon state who gave USC there lose, then BYU another ranked team, and Bama and even won by giving every team they played an *** beating.. like I said all the BCS shhit is overrated and stupid... Florida runs the spread also and they did against Bama and Florida trailed six point until the last minutes in the fourth quarter, Bama had a month to prepare for the SPREAD offensive following the lose to Florida and UTAH still whooped that a_s_s. Like I said I AM A SEC FAN, but UTAH should be in the NATIONAL GAME this year... Idk who else they would have to beat to prove to anyone, maybe all the coaches will call each other and set up games after the game Thursday and let them all play so that UTAH could go 15-0 this year............................................

Keep dreaming, TCU =nothing BYU = nothing. The only decent football team Utah played was Bama. And Bama didnt show up to play. GTFO

01-07-2009, 02:27 PM
HAHAH who did TCU play that had a good offence??? so ofcouse there D is good... i'm done talkin to you.. your a idiot.

01-07-2009, 02:53 PM
i understand people have their own opinions but dam this website has really gone down, too bad, I used to enjoy getting on here when it was exrider.com and there were no ignorant *******s to question opinion in such a blount way. I forget now people on here are a**holes who think they are right about everything... it really is ashame... now when i get on here in the open forum every dam topic is a huge agruement.. i believe they should charge for people to be a member, that would keep some off.

Although it is funny how i my point is plain to see by reading this thread, I posted who do you think will win between OU and FU on thursday, and its a roit on who should have been in the game, and now I brought up other team liable and yall switch stances and contradict each other and is way off topic...

01-07-2009, 02:55 PM
UF / thread

01-07-2009, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by c450Razy
HAHAH who did TCU play that had a good offence???


01-09-2009, 11:12 AM
And it came to pass.
CHOMP CHOMP 2010 National champs coming soon.

01-09-2009, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
And it came to pass.
CHOMP CHOMP 2010 National champs coming soon.


01-09-2009, 04:06 PM
its great to be a florida gator.

01-09-2009, 04:08 PM
tebow is sick.
it was awesome how he was wearing the verse john 3:16 under his eyes.