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View Full Version : Cheap XC mods?

01-04-2009, 02:33 PM
OK - Christmas is over, and the local club XC race season is coming up. I've only run one race (the last race of the season last year - had a ball).

I might be able to scrounge a few hundred bucks before the start of the season. I already plan on buying some 450r front shocks, and have put on a swingarm skid, nerfs, taller bars and a new front bumper. My tires and wheels are in pretty good shape, and the engine is still running like a champ.

I'm not really looking for more power (it goes fast enough to scare me as it is).

I was thinking about plus 2 a-arms, but don't know if I'd also be able to get a wider axle (both financially and mechanical skill-wise). Would making the front wider along with the 450r shocks make a noticeable difference, and would it be terrible without the rear axle? What are the disadvantages?

What do you old XC racing salts recommend for a relatively inexpensive mod for racing. Just looking to get the most bang for my bucks and basically since it's slow right now kinda want to fiddle with something.

So, what should a brother do? What do I need to spend my money on?

01-04-2009, 02:45 PM
go to eBay and get a steering stabilizer...theirs a guy on there that's makes puck style stabilizers for under 200 and their really nice and fully adjustable... think its called cnc stabilizer. u can search for them on here got nothing but good reviews. anyways that with the 450r shocks would work very good. dont know how wide the trails are but +2 might be too wide. i would put the money towards sending ur 450r and stock rear shock off to gt thunder and gettin them converted and set up for your waeight and xc racing along with the xc link. the stablizer and suspension with link would be my first priority then worry about axle and arms. i would run stock till they wear out. u dont want a real wide quad for xc racing.

01-04-2009, 03:01 PM
get some xc tires if yours are worn out.

01-04-2009, 03:20 PM
BH . . . can't find the stabilizer you described on e-bay. My search fu sucks, though. A stabilizer never crossed my mind, though. My arms do take a beating while riding trails. I imagine that would help. But all I can find are the stick type for under $200, and then the $500 elkas.

01-04-2009, 03:36 PM
its here (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/honda-TRX-400EX-steering-stabilizer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43972QQihZ01 7QQitemZ270323680567QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW)

u got 21 hours. if u lose the bid email him directly customcncparts@yahoo.com he'll help ya out. if u end up gettin one.....i hate u.....i've wanted one for a while but am broke and on temp leave of spending money for my quad and want one really bad :D

01-04-2009, 03:37 PM
Check out Denton. They make some good stabalizers.

01-04-2009, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Stoke88
Check out Denton. They make some good stabalizers.

All stick styles are the exact same cartridge with a different sticker on it.

01-04-2009, 05:58 PM
i need a stabilizer for mine. if that CNC one relly much better than a stick style cuz i can get a stick cheap

01-04-2009, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the link.

BTW - are the puck-type stabilizers that much better than the stick to justify the price difference in general? Seems like the stick ones are a whole crapload cheaper.

Right now I'm thinking along the line of:
450r fronts
Resprung/revalved stock rear
Steering stabilizer.

I'm very new to the game and don't have any aspirations of winning a whole lot of races. Just doing it for fun mainly since I finally have weekends off.

01-04-2009, 10:10 PM
yea do a search on here to back it up but pucks are a whole lot better than sticks esp when u can get the ccp for about the same price as a stick...if ur gonna spend the money get a puck and ccp is the way to go.