View Full Version : Who does Powdercoating around NH?

12-18-2002, 01:25 PM
I need to get my frame and my swingarm PCed. I want to find somewhere around NH, but if it has to be sent out i think thats alright. just let me know your guestimate on the shipping, and the painting. thanks a lot!

12-18-2002, 03:50 PM
I would recommend Pappy/Kenny/PPC Racing in Maryland

Or East Coast ATV: Sorta expensive tho.

12-18-2002, 04:01 PM
well my dad does it but it would cost you up your a hole no joke lol thats who i had do mine and i even stripped mine and he still had to spend an entire day one it it was like 500 so i doupt you would go there. the best is prolly just to send it out ot like 2 r's i think his was the best deal prolly like 225 total

12-18-2002, 10:46 PM
How far are you from northern VT i will be able to do frames in a month or so when i build an oven. right now i just do parts that will fit in a normal house oven. I dont have an exact price yet because i want to do my own so i can se just how much time and evvorf will have to go into the frame.

12-19-2002, 06:13 AM
throw it ina box & ship it here ..;) ,

12-19-2002, 06:30 AM
I send you a box of dog turds out today..:macho

12-19-2002, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by monkeyboy
I send you a box of dog turds out today..:macho

I think gold on the turds will make them look badarse..LMFAO

FatBoy Redrider
12-19-2002, 11:29 AM
Hey 2 Rs. How do you like your 310 PV? I just bought one but havne't put it on yet. I can't wait. What carb are you running?

12-19-2002, 01:52 PM
all the shops around here charge anywhere from 5-100 bucks depending on what ya got i`m getting my whole frame and almost everything on the frame done for 30

12-19-2002, 01:55 PM
$5-$100 for a frame being powder coated,,,let me know if they use crayola markers or crayons on it...LMFAO

12-19-2002, 01:57 PM
i **** you not i`m getting mine done right now! i`ll show some picks when i get it back together :blah

12-19-2002, 02:16 PM
I think it might just be getting painted. Cause anyone that Powdercoats a frame for 5-100 bucks is either poor and is losing money every time they do one or is rich and likes to spend money on other ppl quads.

12-19-2002, 04:01 PM
im kinda leaning to the POR15

12-19-2002, 07:38 PM
nah its the local shop that paints scaffolding and metal accessories for workshops like shelves and whatnot, they are spraying my frame and stuff, they do it a lot for peoples quads and race karts and whatever people have to do

12-19-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by FatBoy Redrider
Hey 2 Rs. How do you like your 310 PV? I just bought one but havne't put it on yet. I can't wait. What carb are you running?

I love it :D
I am running a 38 mm airstryker & a few other goodies
including ... LRD pipe
lil headsup ..make sure your bottom end is real good .
mine was 100% rebuilt .. & stilling running strong ..

12-19-2002, 08:43 PM
i just tried it, i prepped it and put the por15 on about an hour ago, i got little dots in it, is this normal. will it go away as it dries?

12-19-2002, 09:02 PM
Hello guys:

It is possible to get a pretty good powdercoat job for $100 or less. There are a couple tricks to powdercoating that can make or break the job however, and your powdercoat shop should know them. Some of the other posts have mentioned powdercoat jobs on A-Arms & Swingarms that chips off very easily, and I know why that is happening. Sometimes the powder coat shop has to work on the process before they get it dialed. We certainly did! Just like you have to get your jetting right before your motor can run to it's full potential.

I'll check a few shops tomorrow to see what they would get for 1 frame. I know they could do it for $100. The thing is, it better come in clean. Nothing worse than having to clean the grease & dirt off somebody elses parts before you work on it for them. I know one of the shops can get it blasted however.

Talk to you later.


12-20-2002, 06:49 AM
I'm not sure if it's normal...(the little dots) what color are they? what color is the paint? I'd say go ahead and paint something small first, and see what happens. or contact POR...but let me know how it goes! thanks

12-20-2002, 07:45 AM

Let me ask a couple questions. You are seeing little round circles in the finished powdercoat job... Are they a different color than the rest of the frame? Do they look like the area was barely covered or not at all? If that is the case, they are almost certainly a condition known as "Fish eye".

Fisheye is caused by a couple things...
The part wasn't clean, and the powder couldn't stick
The wash system wasn't clean
Some powdercoat shops will try to re-use powder that has already been through the system, and it gets contaminated. (it's safer to throw it out) They will vacume or sweep it up, and put it back in the box

For a good powdercoat job you first need to start with a CLEAN part. The best way is to burn off the old paint (which also burns the oils & moisture out of the INSIDE of the tube) Then lightly sandblast the part.

After that the part should have ALL the holes plugged and should go into an acid bath to remove any oils from touching it. After this you should never touch it again until it is dry. If you absolutely have to because they don't do parts on a moving line, they need to use cotton gloves that will not leave fuzz on the part. You can't leave any skin oil on the frame! Hopefully the acid bath also has an etching agent in it to etch the part and get it ready for powder. After the acid bath the part should go into a drying/preheat oven, which gets every bit of moisture off of it, and out of every nook & cranny. From there it should go into the powder booth, and then into the curing oven.

I am betting the part still had oil (or probably silicone) on it in those areas that show spots. The wash/acid bath/etching system probably had silicone in the water, which is VERY difficult to get out of the system. They may have picked that up from someone trying to plug the holes with a silicone, or from welded parts where another powdercoat customer used a silicone based anti-spatter spray on his part. Thats pretty common. By the way, they make special powdercoat rubber plugs for the holes that are not silicone based.

Talk to you later.

12-20-2002, 09:32 AM
He is correct about prepping the work.
Poor prep work will show on the finish,or durability of the finish.
Oil can be a powdercoaters biggest enemy,it usually shows up looking like lil rings or spots. ..second comes dust or old paint .Painters who are not burning off old paint or just sanding will not have good adhesion as burnt off & sandblasted part.
Also if the pcs are done in an enviroment where there is a lot dust(from sanding etc) this is not good.
Its usually the powdercoaters who are inexperienced or who make shortcuts or who do it in there small dusty garage at home who have the most problems.
Powdercoating is possible at home when done correctly & in the right enviroment .
You are safer having an experienced company do your parts,
it may take some time before you see the result of inadequate prep work.
I have been in the manufacturing industry many years & have seen these types of things ...short cuts etc ...bad prep work etc .

So I do speak from experience.

12-20-2002, 11:47 AM
hey Jnine

the local shop has been in operation for allmost 20 some years now, they have everything dialed in corectly they`re just shooting my frame on the line with the other metal works