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View Full Version : Cody's first Duck hunt

01-03-2009, 11:42 AM
05kfx (Casey) and I have been doing a bit of duck and goose hunting and Cody was finally able to tag along. This was his first ever hunting trip aboard a boat and his first ever for Ducks.

5 am had Cody holding my lab "Trooper" as I helped casey set out the decoys


01-03-2009, 11:53 AM
We actually had ducks hitting is at the crack of dawn but they were just out of range. This late in the season they are call shy and pretty leary of anything that doesn't seem right in the smallest way.

Casey keeping a close eye out for them suckers as he hits a call

01-03-2009, 11:59 AM
This was also the first water hunt for Trooper. I wasn't intending on sending him in the water, but instead wanted to work on his boat manners and get him accustomed to the sights, sounds and smells of something totally new to him.


01-03-2009, 12:15 PM
I'm sad to report the ducks and geese smoked us today:p We called in several flights of geese but they just wouldnt commit and stayed literally 10 yards out of shooting range. We did have a blast and watched 2 bald eagles fly in front us on the other side of the river for hours!

When it was almost noon we decided to call it a day. Trooper just had to get wet!


01-03-2009, 12:31 PM
Cody and Trooper hangin' out while Casey and i gather up the decoys


01-03-2009, 12:34 PM
This big tree was what we tucked the boat into and set up the blind


01-03-2009, 12:54 PM
Here is what our blind looked like. Casey built the blind himself, it works like a champ!


01-03-2009, 01:00 PM
Trooper did great for his first time out. he wouldnt leave my side. More work to follow as he gets turned into one grade a huntin' type dog:p


01-03-2009, 01:07 PM
Now your talkin' my language, Pappy!!
I might warn you, it is very very addicting!!

01-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Oh its very addicting alright:p I am saving my pennies now to buy a smaller boat and set up for myself and my boys. Casey and I killed a few birds out of there last week, but today wasnt meant to be.

Cody did great as well, and seemed to really enjoy it all even though not a shot was fired. Casey gave him a brand new Knight Call and he intends to learn how to use it! Cody also has really bad poison oak all over his face, but he refused to sit this hunt out!

Thanks a ton Casey, cant wait to get back on them next week!


01-03-2009, 01:48 PM
Yeah, it can eat up your wallet pretty quick, between a boat, decoys, guns......and the list goes on and on.
I am glad you hear that it was an enjoyable hunt, even though no shots were fired. Being able to enjoy the hunt without killing anything is a sign of a true sportsmen.


01-03-2009, 01:59 PM
See now...if I had a layout boat like that I would just sleep all day:D

01-03-2009, 04:11 PM
lol.....its kinda hard not to when the birds aren't flying. A buddy of mine made 2 of those layout boats. They are pretty sweet. :cool:

01-03-2009, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by ohsobad_chevy
lol.....its kinda hard not to when the birds aren't flying. A buddy of mine made 2 of those layout boats. They are pretty sweet. :cool:

Thats pretty cool!

Its been a learning expierence for me as i havent ever hunted from a boat, so getting to use Caseys has allowed me to kind of see what I might like versus what i thought i wanted etc.

01-03-2009, 05:23 PM
Quack Quack Quack !!!!!:p

The only real duck hunt I've been on ,was when I was 8 and I got a Nintendo with Duck Hunt. :devil:

Our duck season is pretty short up here , and for me to sit in a duck blind and freeze my gonads off .... not my idea of fun... although I wouldn't mind it when it's a bit warmer than freezing.

01-04-2009, 10:41 AM
NOT a problem, like I told you guy's before ANYTIME. Next week we will be set up waiting for um...Just where they wanna be.

01-04-2009, 10:53 AM
Man, I wish I could go to Canada and do some waterfowl hunting!! That would be awesome!!

01-04-2009, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by 05_KFX
NOT a problem, like I told you guy's before ANYTIME. Next week we will be set up waiting for um...Just where they wanna be.

looks like yall had a good time.............im glad to see casey up and about still, your back doin ok man?

01-04-2009, 06:30 PM
Whats up Josh, yeah im still kickin....LOL backs been doing GREAT (knock on wood) until today when I decided to sit around the house on the computer ALL day and do NOTHING, the last 2 weeks being up till at least 2am and workign12-14 hour days have been killen me...Hope you and the family are doing good heard you and the Misses are getting anchored(lol ) i meen married Good Luck....

01-09-2009, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by ohsobad_chevy
Yeah, it can eat up your wallet pretty quick, between a boat, decoys, guns......and the list goes on and on.

that is a TRUE statement. riding is my #2 hobby..... behind duck hunting. there is a romance about it that no other type of hunting has, especially when it's just the pooch and myself on a solo hunt.... and when all the hard work that goes into setting up pays off on one of those days.... that's priceless.

01-09-2009, 11:50 AM
Well, I looked at other boats but due to the economy and my wife threatening to cut me off, I will wait till next year before buying an actual duck boat:p

In the meantime, I was able to talk her down to the point I ordered a blind for my current boat and will use it through March when goose season goes out.

Casey and i will be back out tomorrow for another shot and when my blind arrives and I install it, I will do all the hunting I can during the week.

01-09-2009, 12:00 PM
And Nick...looks like the shore should be on fire next week...arctic blast will move all our birds your way:mad: :blah: