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View Full Version : Wood Workers, Cabinetry/Furniture Builders...

12-29-2008, 06:48 PM
I've got a couple questions for you guys, but before I type it all out is there even any of you guys on here?:p

12-29-2008, 06:51 PM
Well i've been working in a birdhouse shop for 2 years now. I'm sure I can answer some questions. Before anyone says anything.....Building birdhouses IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!

12-29-2008, 06:56 PM
Building birdhouses IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Right LOL LOL

12-29-2008, 07:02 PM
The was hella quick.:blah:

Not sure on how to start off but...
Right now I'm working with a general contractor, framing, decks, additions, remodeling ect ect. I took three years of wood shop in my highschool and did everything from building a foundation to wiring to roofing along with funiture/cabinetry making. I loved it, but I have an "ich" for lack of better words for building cabinets and funiture and I was throwing around the idea of switching over to that. I plan on having a nice little wood shop in my garage by summer as well, and selling my bike to pay for the tools.:p
My problem is that I can't find anywhere to work. I want to work in a shop that builds funiture and/or cabinets. I know I'll start low like sweeping floors and cleaning the tools and whatnot so that don't really bother me.
How can I or how did you guys find a shop to work in? I looked online at a few places and most of the job sites didn't come up with squat and if one or two popped up they wanted someone with 10+ years of experience.

Sorry for rambling on.:p

12-29-2008, 07:11 PM
Go to your local lumber yard and ask where/who the local cabnet makers are.

Then just go and knock on their doors.

Good Luck.

12-29-2008, 07:39 PM
there is a place in Honesdale, PA called New Wave Woodworking that makes top of the line furniture frames for big stores in NYC, right now they are very slow and arent hiring anyone but hopefully in the next few months things will pick up.

12-29-2008, 07:52 PM
to bad you don't live in Mississippi are you could work for me

i hope you find something

Stan "BIGDADDY" Digby
ITP Factory Support
Bigdaddy Motorsports
Cabinets By Bigdaddy

12-29-2008, 07:53 PM
Really thanks. I'm 25 minutes from there and I never knew they existed.:blah:

12-29-2008, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by d1g888
to bad you don't live in Mississippi are you could work for me

i hope you find something

Stan "BIGDADDY" Digby
ITP Factory Support
Bigdaddy Motorsports
Cabinets By Bigdaddy

Know any houses for rent?:blah:

12-29-2008, 08:33 PM
my dad has a cabinet shop and used to do alot of general carpentry. he built up a pretty good reputation, but now he doesnt want anything to do with it, so he handed down his shop and all his tools, also all the jobs he gets now he gives to me. I've been in the shop sense i was able to walk and ive worked for deck company as a builder for 2 years, so i know my way around, but its stressful to try and run your own company when your 17. It does help with the costs of racing though:eek2:

12-31-2008, 08:11 AM
i deal with interstate building materials, first option, and several smaller suppliers. interstate has many branches around nepa, but with the market, there are going to be more layoffs than hirings for a while here.

from what i've seen, new construction has slowed incredibly. beings its the winter season and with all the weight bans in affect on so many roads most new starts are held off till spring. then throw in the screwed up economy, and it's not good. i suppose i'm one of the luckier ones, i'm still working. (trimwork, cabinetry, self employed) but most of the work now is crap work. more remodeling than new starts. but if you are willing to work, there is always work to be found.

good luck man..didnt mean to rain on your parade or anything.

12-31-2008, 10:52 AM
you'll be lucky to find any builders hiring. Cabinet shops too, most big time cabinet shops build cabinets for new construction, which has slowed down so much. Everything now a days like stated above is remodel... If you can work on your own your chances of gettin work are much greater then if you are looking to others to hire.

12-31-2008, 10:58 AM
Thanks for your help guys. I got a call this morning from a guy I work with. He said that Friday on for the next three to four month we will have tons of work. So thats real good considering I just had a 3 week "vacation".:ermm:
I was also talkin to my uncle last night who was in the union for 27 or so years. He said he could give me a few number to call and what not but I don't think I'm goin to give them a call or anything til I get a new truck in a year or two.:p