View Full Version : O ring vs non O ring

12-28-2008, 02:30 PM
I have an 07 with about 7-8 gallon of fuel through it, question I have for the guys who have alot of time of these 400ex, I noticed when I have my bike up on the stand and after cleaning the and lubing the chain the wheels do not spin freely, I can turn them but I would like to know if any riders went to non O ring chain and can the difference in the resistance be felt when riding the quad, any gains in get up an go.

12-28-2008, 03:11 PM
i know i can feel the difference between a lubricated chain vs a dry one. It rolls much smoother and pulls better. I think non o-ring free up 1HP

12-28-2008, 04:22 PM
Non o-ring= faster wear if ridden anywhere but on a track, less resistance. X-ring is your best bet for low resistance but it will last longer than one without seals.

12-28-2008, 04:36 PM
actually if you take GOOD care your chain, a non-oring one will last just as long as any other one out there.

I take mine off once a year during the winter months and let it soak in my solvent tank running for a couple of days, washing and rinsing often.

then let it hang dry and soak it in a coffee can of ATF for another couple of days, let it drip off and re-install it. Ride it once when its dry out, then use either standard chain lube or a wax.

There are lots of inexpensive very strong non-oring chains out there. Keep it clean and keep it lubed when your not riding it.

12-28-2008, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by FoxHondaRider
I think non o-ring free up 1HP
i remember looking at a dyno chart from somebody, might have been GT thunder, that compared non o ring and o ring chains. there was about a +1hp difference to the wheels using the non o ring chain.

12-28-2008, 05:10 PM
found it! actually about .3 hp, its at the bottom of the page
dyno chart (http://www.geocities.com/gtthunder.geo/testbed_set.html)

12-28-2008, 05:12 PM
I wonder how a sidewinder x-ring would do on the dyno. They claim it has extremely low resistance. The basic principle of x-ring having less resistance makes sense, but I wonder how much difference it really makes. Personally, I would take less chance of wear over 1hp unless I was racing or drag racing.

12-28-2008, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by dunatic
actually if you take GOOD care your chain, a non-oring one will last just as long as any other one out there.

Is that in dune riding, or muddy trail riding?

People tried to sell me on non-oring chains when I first started riding. After tossing it a few times a ride, once cracking the case, I never went back.

But I ride Georgia red clay strewn with roots and mud puddles. If I were on sand, I'm sure I could get away with it.

12-28-2008, 07:23 PM
i've had a renthal r1 non o-ring chain for a year. it works great in rough trails, mud, all the rough stuff, my quads only thrown it once but that was because i didnt tighten it enough. But as long as u lube it after every other ride it will last for a long time