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View Full Version : Boy my wife is going to love her present

12-24-2008, 04:57 PM
well finally got my project done, and can't wait to see the look in her eyes when she see's these beauties!
Man, She is going to be THRILLED!

hopefully tommorow, she will want to take the boat out, down to the Harbor, for a little test fit, and trial swim.

I really do know how to make a woman feel Special, and Loved!
I mean Honestly, how many other women will be getting Concrete Swim Fins for Christmas ???

what do you guy's think?
is she going to like them?
I did make them myself!



12-24-2008, 05:15 PM
LMAO!!!!!!!!! :eek2: :D :D

12-24-2008, 05:23 PM

12-24-2008, 05:33 PM
lmao!! That aint right.....but funny as hell!!

12-24-2008, 05:49 PM
LMFAO... that is so wrong but the funniest thing I have seen today..

I think she for one will love them.. they were made with so much Love and attention to detail as to fit nice and tight so they will not fall off and she lose them...

12-24-2008, 06:28 PM
you can put those on ebay when she is done with them. I am sure you would make a nice profit. :D

12-25-2008, 01:26 AM
The gift that keeps on giving!

12-25-2008, 06:58 AM
looks like u will save some money next year:D

12-25-2008, 01:00 PM
OMFG... I have to admit, that was some funny ****!!:p

12-25-2008, 05:50 PM

12-25-2008, 06:11 PM
Ok, I could use a little help here...
I'm not real sure what has happened, and maybe you guys can help me figure it out.

I remember waking up this morning, The kids had come into our room all excited yelling ...
"Daddy, Daddy, WAKE UP !!","Santa's been here", "There is all kinds of presents under the tree !!"

I got out of bed, and sure enough, there were gifts piled all around the christmas tree.
I told them to wake up Mommy, as I went to make some coffee.

My wife got up, we made breakfast, and all seemed perfectly normal.
We ate some nice Christmas pancakes, (my speciality, made with eggnog rather than milk), and waited for the grandparents to get here, so we could start with the days festivies.

Once all the Grandparents arrived, we had some coffee and pastries, and the kids were climbing the walls to get at those presents.

We all went to the family room, and started passing out gifts. again, Everything seemed as normal as it could be,... wrapping paper was flying all over the room,...
kids were screaming "Look what I got from Santa!!!",..."it's just what I've always wanted!!", Toys were flooding across the floor, packs of batteries were being consumed at an amazing rate, etc., etc.,... All was going fine.

I remember my wife opening a few gifts, and smiling at the treasures she had recieved...
She bagan to open the last of her packages,.....

The next thing I know, I was waking up about 5 hours later, ... but the strange part is,
I have found myself knocked-out-cold, behind the dumpster at the local gas station. laying out in the rain, freezing my butt off.
I have a large lump on the side of my head, and a gash the size of the Grand Canyon!, Blood flowing down the side of my face, and Nobody was around except for some guy living in a refridgerator box, and he sid he heard the squeal of someones tires leaving, so he looked out of the box, and saw me lying there.

I don't remember anything before that, and don't know why my keys won't work in the front door of my house now, and noone will answer the door, or their phones when I call.

I walked to my buddies house, to get cleaned up, dried off, and some dry clothes. He is letting me use his computer to try and figure out what has happened, and where the last few hours had gone...

I have a splitting headache, and probably could use some stiches in my head, I feel like I ran into block wall, and am pretty dizzy.

can anyone here help me out?
I cant seem to get into my house, and it's getting very cold. the rain is starting to come down really hard, and I just want to know where my family is.

Did anyone see or hear ANYTHING ?? I could use some help here... How could this have hapened to me??

12-25-2008, 06:20 PM
^^^^i hope u are joking.:uhoh:

12-25-2008, 07:08 PM
Can i get those in a size 5 as a late present....Too funny!

Which 450?
12-25-2008, 07:56 PM
this is hillarious

12-25-2008, 08:36 PM
Wow. One of the funniest threads! Tri5ron, you are HILARIOUS!! :p

I was ROLF-in'! haha

Do hope you where joking about the last part however. haah ;)

12-25-2008, 08:43 PM
Its weird, your wife came over my house, gave her the same gift and went out fishin. She makes good bait.:o

12-26-2008, 06:06 PM
are they Italian made? :D

12-26-2008, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by CHAR250R
are they Italian made? :D

no, they would be marble and carved by a master craftsman. ;)

12-26-2008, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
no, they would be marble and carved by a master craftsman. ;)

I think you may have missed my point. The mob is known for concrete shoes.

12-26-2008, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by CHAR250R
I think you may have missed my point. The mob is known for concrete shoes.

oh, I thought you meant fancy Italian shoes. Made me think about the big cathedral church in DC that had all the craftsman from Italy over carving the stone.

12-26-2008, 08:13 PM
Ok, guess I should come clean so no one thinks I was serious...

I was obviously, (or so I thought), just havin' a little fun here, and knew some of you would get a kick out of it.
I love to joke around, and try to be a little creative too.

The Truth is I absolutely love, and adore my wife, and I am very lucky to have her. She is definately the "Better half".

BUT,.... That being said,.....
I also love to play tricks on her (harmless, of coarse), just to get her stirred up. Gotta keep her on her toes, ya know!

So to tell you the real story behind the Concrete Swim-Fins,
YES, I really did make them. YES, I really did give them to her as a gift, BUT...

I had actually done this last year for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We took a wonderful 8 day cruise to Acapulco, Xtapa, and Manzanillo, and had a fantastic time.
We had both agreed to not buy ech other gifts for the anniversary, because the cruise was plenty enough of a gift for the both of us.
But since I AM the jokester,... AND,
I own a Mobile-mix Concrete Truck,... AND,
We were going on a Cruise Ship....
(well, you can put the rest together).

Then, a few days before boarding the ship, I posted her picture with the swimfins, on a website called Cruise Critic, where many of the people on our ship had been posting some threads about themselfs and the upcoming cruise.

Well, we had'nt been on board the ship for more than an hour, and some lady walked up behind us and asked my wife,....
"Are you the Swim-fin Lady ???"

I just about pee'd my pants from laughing so hard, and my wife just smacked me upside my noggin, as she answered the lady, "Why yes I am".

We met up at the fantail bar with some of the people on Cruise Critic, had a great time introducing ourselfs, making some new friends, and for the remaining 7 days abord the ship, Suzanne was known as the "Concrete Fin Lady".
We had a blast for the entire cruise, and want to go on another one sometime in the future.

As I said before, I love to pull jokes on her, and that was only one of many that I have concocted.

Maybe some time later, I'll tell you guys about the Christmas gift that I DID give to her a few years ago...
A Diamond Studded Pooper-Scooper !!!!
(Yes it's true,... I DID give her one, and have pics to prove it).

Now, do I really know, how to make a woman feel SPECIAL, or WHAT ???
can anyone here claim to have EVER given their lady a Diamond studded pooper-scooper????....
NO, .... I didn't THINK SO!

You guys just haven't yet learned, what makes a woman know she's loved!!! HAHAHAHA!

12-26-2008, 08:22 PM
i hope your wounds have healed.:D