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View Full Version : Economy effecting quad riding?

12-16-2008, 08:04 PM
What changes have you guys noticed? I know that all my sponsorships this year are coming back with lower discounts than last year even though im racing a faster class, my last year results were good, and my resume is way better this year. I've seen some posts about companies going out of business and stuff. What changes have you guys noticed?

12-16-2008, 08:27 PM
there are a TON less racers. Both bikes and quads

12-16-2008, 10:41 PM
a local indoor facility is running their winter series right now and their numbers are way down from previous years. I know im not racing the whole winter so that i can save some cash to hit a couple nationals next year. I think you will hear of alot of your small aftermarket companies going under. Money is gettin tight, house forclosure is up and unemployment is at a record high. Unless ppl are pretty well set then you cant afford to just go out and sink money into stuff like suspension as high as that stuff is. I think the ppl that do have a little bit of spare cash will be buying more LTRs and YFZRs cause of cost compared to what they need to buy. You will see some guys buying the KTM for that reason but thats still a 12 grand price tag.

12-17-2008, 12:08 AM
This sure had hit home for us ... :(
We will be doing alot less this next year ,this was a BIG dissapointment. I predict we will see the Nationals numbers fall and see abit more racing locallyfor some .Sucks with fuel prices being down -FOR NOW. That was tough for us last season traveling so far away.
I hope we pull out of things soon,its pretty scary out there right now .Thre doenst go a day where there isnt someone I know that lost there job.

12-17-2008, 06:27 AM
I played it smart and instead of paying an arm and a leg to go racing before I saved the money for when gas finally went down.. Didn't ride for almost 2 years but I finally got the honda I wanted lol..

My area must be doing pretty good through all this because job loss hasn't really hit the area as hard as others, in 4 towns we have 18 body shops and the only one laying off was the huge insurance company backed shop, they had 25 guys now they have 6 :eek2: Business hasn't slowed down either, monday morning I pulled into work and saw 5 front end hits ready to go.. I love ice storms :devil: Alot of what I've been seeing if anything is people getting laid off that were getting high dollar hourly rates and they are cutting it about 5-10 dollars and hiring someone else instead, which makes sense.

Now one job I wouldn't want right now which is taking a huuuuge blow in my area is contracting, there is half finished 400,000 dollar houses everywhere, couple of the places look like they are going to make some good riding spots if they never come back.. I know the local bmx guys already built a skate park more or less in one house that was left about 5 years ago.. :chinese:

12-17-2008, 12:56 PM
yeah. its no good. Alot of the guys who run the nats for points already have big money and it wont effect them to much, but for me and my buddies we have plans to car pool as much as possible to make as many as we can. Its weird though, gas prices were about the highest at the end of the summer, but national turn out was still kicking ***. i know The WPSA goin out of business is one less quad organization, but that did help to boost numbers for the ATVA nats.