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12-16-2002, 02:34 PM
How do i break the news to my mom that i have a D-hall withotu getting too much punishment...i havent had one i 3-4 years....Help

12-16-2002, 02:35 PM
Whats "D-Hall"?

12-16-2002, 02:37 PM
You take it like a man and say "Mom, I got a D". Take whatever punishment is handed out.

12-16-2002, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
Whats "D-Hall"?

dentention hall

12-16-2002, 02:39 PM
be a man about it and go, ive gotten more detentions than i can count.

12-16-2002, 02:40 PM
Just a detention? I wouldn't really worry about it.

12-16-2002, 02:40 PM
Like Guy said, take it like a man. I think must would agree, if you don't get into trouble alot, that if you just tell them straight up, you won't get in trouble as much. Because they will respect you a little more. Maybe not when they are yelling at you, but in a day or so, they will think your growing up and taking responsibility for your actions.


12-16-2002, 02:42 PM
i didnt mind tellin mom...it was the ol'man that had me skeered;)

12-16-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i didnt mind tellin mom...it was the ol'man that had me skeered;)

hehe...its the exact oppisite for me

12-16-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i didnt mind tellin mom...it was the ol'man that had me skeered;)

Thats because that was back in the day when we could get whooped. Now a days these kids, all they get is a time out, and try and do better. Need to go back to the old days and teach a little respect!

12-16-2002, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Ride400
be a man about it and go, ive gotten more detentions than i can count.

same here. but they usually send something out in the mail.

well i have to go get my mid quarter reports out of the mail:devil anyone got a lighter? hehe

12-16-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Rider-400EX

hehe...its the exact oppisite for me

same with me, my dads alright about it he just says don't do it again, but mom. she is crazy she flips out because i have 2 older sisters that got all straight A's and no detentions when they were in school.

12-16-2002, 03:05 PM
that aint nothin, does she have to sign it, if not just say you need to stay to retake a test or somethin :D

12-16-2002, 03:06 PM
yea...she has to sign it,...thats the worst part:grr

12-16-2002, 03:12 PM
i got O.S.S. (outer school suspension) for being part of our school riot.....

try telling that one to your mom :o

12-16-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by honda300ex06

same with me, my dads alright about it he just says don't do it again, but mom. she is crazy she flips out because i have 2 older sisters that got all straight A's and no detentions when they were in school.

thats exactly how it is with me too. i have 2 older sisters who got straight A's and i find a C a good grade for me. it sucks too because we have a small town so all the teachers expect the same things of me that my sisters did. they also ended up with no detentions and i got one in my first week of school.

12-16-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by TANTS
i got O.S.S. (outer school suspension) for being part of our school riot.....

try telling that one to your mom :o

Im thinking of getting a girl to sign the siganuture part....lol in my mom's name

12-16-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2

Thats because that was back in the day when we could get whooped. Now a days these kids, all they get is a time out, and try and do better. Need to go back to the old days and teach a little respect!

haha....i bet my kids will disagree with ya about todays ways:eek: im quick to get the belt:macho and if any of them sissy liberals wanna say i shouldnt.....i will give'm my boot:devil

my ol'man didnt even have to say a word....he just had to give you a look:( man....im rememberin many an arse whoopin here....lmgdao

12-16-2002, 03:17 PM

12-16-2002, 03:18 PM
well, i hav a YOUNGER sister and YOUNGER brother, both who are WAY better than me in school, and smarter, and never get in trouble, i consider a D a celebration in certain subjects, (math, english, art, spanish, etc), my parents dont really care anymore, as long as im not expelled, saturday school sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! 3hrs straight in same room, lol

12-16-2002, 03:27 PM
3 hours? Ours is 4, sometimes 4 1/2....... and the normal sat. teacher is a witch.

I kinda agree witht he old rules of punishment.. Give yer kid the wicked eye, and they are slaped into submission because they know what happens next. Even now I am noticing way less respect from kids, to older poeple and I am only 16.

12-16-2002, 04:17 PM
If its something dumb like being late to class or skipping class, then just tell your mom straight up. Just say something like I know I was wrong and I made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. She should take it alright. And say you learned your lesson. If its something alot worse then that, then maybe you should forget your moms signature, I used to do this, lolollo. Make sure you know what ur moms signature looks like, and dont get caught. But I dont really reccmonend this, lol.

12-16-2002, 04:36 PM
i have had 3 detentions in 2 yers for hitting ppl, other times i just dont get caught

12-16-2002, 05:17 PM
any more ideas?

12-16-2002, 05:26 PM
forge the slip..ur school isnt going to remember ur moms signature..just make it look authentic and not like u sat there for 10minutes doing it..one quick signature. then say u have to stay after school or ur going to a friends house or something after school.;) good luck

12-16-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Andrew400ex
forge the slip..ur school isnt going to remember ur moms signature..just make it look authentic and not like u sat there for 10minutes doing it..one quick signature. then say u have to stay after school or ur going to a friends house or something after school.;) good luck

i think that what im going to do

12-16-2002, 05:34 PM

12-16-2002, 05:36 PM
What do you think your mom would be more pissed about? Getting your first detention or getting caught forging her signature? Dude, it's a detention. Just tell her.

jay's 300
12-16-2002, 05:38 PM
D-Hall..... Oh, the memories! :D Had more D-Hall hours than classroom hours. No biggie! :devil

12-16-2002, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Guy432
What do you think your mom would be more pissed about? Getting your first detention or getting caught forging her signature? Dude, it's a detention. Just tell her.
you dont know my mom.......

12-16-2002, 06:00 PM
lol i knwo people who get out of school detention fir kicking over a garbage can,,, i get afterschools all the time and my mom doesnt care, there is kids that have saturday for the rest of the year. some kid jump out of a second storry windo and got out of school for like a week,

12-16-2002, 06:01 PM
Well then why would you risk getting caught forging her signature??

12-16-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Guy432
Well then why would you risk getting caught forging her signature??

I THINK that i haver a better chance at forgening than getting a puishment...but i dont know

12-16-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Rider-400EX

I THINK that i haver a better chance at forgening than getting a puishment...but i dont know LOL!! Tell us how it goes when she catches you:D

12-16-2002, 06:16 PM
i got suspended for taking a leak in the class trash can:rolleyes: the teacher said if i had to go bad enough....to use the trash can:D oh well, 3 days from school was worth it....the ol'man thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.....and i didnt get in much trouble:p

12-16-2002, 06:16 PM
welp i just confessed and she had to sign it but the good thing i did cause the teacher called her and told her...i hate my teachers :D ..oh well no internet for a week...cya guys...this is my last day until next monday :(

12-16-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i got suspended for taking a leak in the class trash can:rolleyes: the teacher said if i had to go bad enough....to use the trash can:D oh well, 3 days from school was worth it....the ol'man thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.....and i didnt get in much trouble:p


12-16-2002, 06:56 PM
try getting expelled 2 times. parents didn't care. makes me wishes i didn't though cause it took longer to get through school. 8th grade year i was suspended 72 days. that almost half the school year

12-16-2002, 07:40 PM
alright, ill take your lead

and why were you expelled for 72 days....

12-16-2002, 07:42 PM
many things leading up to it. i was expelled 6 weeks but i also had many suspensions before it..i guess it was being a moron and not think about how i was screwing up my education. i still got one but in the end i worked harder for it.

12-16-2002, 08:00 PM
I have had detention a lotta times...i got about 3 days of it i was suppose to have before the end of this semester and i havent been to school since thanksgiving, i got mono and have been out and now i find out my liver/splene are swelled up and inflamed..i am gonna be out till after christmas break and i was suppose to have 3 detentions lol.

We get sent out of class for a lot of reasons...our favorite word to say is CHIT...yea thats right, not ##it, chit...it sounds like it and they arent suppose to send us out of class, one of my friends looked it up and it means pretty young lady or something. One day my friend got sent out of class when he said it. We all started saying ahhh chit like every guy in the class was doing it and he about sent us all of but he sent me out cuz i guess he thought i was the main "chitter" lol.

We also love to piss off this old substitute we have. We were suppose to watch a movie in class and took the remote before she got in there so she jus had to push buttons. When the movie started my friend hit the power button and it cut off...she asked what was wrong with it, we said ahh its jus old, you have to hit it on the side to get it to work right. She hit it and he hit the on button, we did it a few times, that old woman was beating the #### out of that tv!!!! LoL, finally we went to lunch and put the remote up there before she got back to the room after lunch haha.

12-16-2002, 08:14 PM
lol, reminds me of all the stuff we use to do back at my old school, lol. We would be sitting in class throwing pencils at the ceiling getting them to stick. Then we would also play a game where you and another person would say penis and go louder each time and if you didn't you lost. Lol we put a bunch of smut on the computer background once in one of the classes and we also spit in a teachers mug a couple times. lol we had two evil teachers and me and two of my friends were the worst we did so much stuff, lol. The one teacher we called crusty quit the year after and about the last half of the class she just scolded us on the stuff we did in the other classes and how we act. Oh memories.:(

12-16-2002, 08:50 PM
hahaha, Slick...that Sub and the Remote thing was HILARIOUS....I'll have to try that.LOL.

12-17-2002, 07:28 AM
okay nausty, its called the penis game, we used to do that but we have more fun with our "chit" game, LoL the mug thing is a good idea!! Ill try it sometime. We also have this really old teacher named Mrs. Bolejack, she cant hear good and if you say Mrs. Ballsack, she will answer to it. One day we were watching a movie in her class and a lot of us got in the floor around the desks, i lit up a cigarette, well my friend wasnt going to be outdone and he seriously brought out a bowl in the middle of class HaHa! I cant wait till i go back cuz it sucks to be stuck at home since im sick with this mono ####, but im going to best buy to look around today maybe so it will be fun:devil

12-17-2002, 07:45 AM
get kicked out of school and then sent to two alternative schools while your dad is laid off

that always sparks up some nice family conversation:macho

12-17-2002, 01:27 PM
Just tell her when she is in a very very good mood.

12-17-2002, 01:41 PM
this week i havent gotten ne detentions yet, im hoping to go a full week w/ out getting one. usually i'll end up w/ like 2 or 3 by the end of the week. lol it sux, and now at my school they have this saturday detentin bullsht, you have to serve all ur detentions b4 a certain date or u have to go to saturday detention at like 7am, its bs. Last year you could have like 3443809 detentions and serve them all at the end of school, if u didnt some would carry over onto the next year.

I like that remote thing w/ the sub, thast funny. We have tvs in all our rooms and sometimes we turn them on and put on jerry springer and all this sht, lol

12-17-2002, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

haha....i bet my kids will disagree with ya about todays ways:eek: im quick to get the belt:macho and if any of them sissy liberals wanna say i shouldnt.....i will give'm my boot:devil

my ol'man didnt even have to say a word....he just had to give you a look:( man....im rememberin many an arse whoopin here....lmgdao

reading that brought back memories of my dads look.

wait a min he still gives me that look :grr

12-17-2002, 02:08 PM
lol the kid who sparked a bowl in class, thats classic. we did that last year in my study, we had this lady who could barely speak english, and about 15 mins into class she fell asleep. theres a bunch of windows in the room on one side, so we cracked a few of them and smoked a bowl, ill never forget that lol.

12-17-2002, 02:18 PM
haha the cig and the bowl are fckin crazy,lol

try playing this game.. u and a couple friends in class have to get ur teacher to say a word starting with a all the way to z. when the teacher says the word u slap ur desk. it g ets fun though when ur stock on like q or x or somethin and u gotta like ask a question or think or somethin creative to get ur teacher to say it. fun stuff when ur board..

or u can pick words at the beggining of class, like real random odd words and each kid gets like 5 words and u have to get ur teacher to say them all by the end of class..we have fun with that stuff


12-17-2002, 03:59 PM
I have more than i can count...i get em all the time....around here the teachers are just plain DUMB so we sign em ourselves

racin 400
12-17-2002, 04:00 PM
1 time when i was in like 5 or 6th grade me and my friends took the bolts out of our teachers chair lol i got iss for 2 weeks.:)

12-17-2002, 04:04 PM
When I was in school I had this english teacher, Man he was sooo boring I had to fight to stay awake, I fell asleep everyday for like three weeks and he finally called the rents, but after they met him they didn't blame me.

the second time I had him, we used to make him cry all the time cuz no one would pay attention.
One day heyelled at one of my freind to leave the room and my buddy was like NO, you laeve the F-ing room. and he actually did for like 15 minutes. it was SO hiarious

12-17-2002, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

haha....i bet my kids will disagree with ya about todays ways:eek: im quick to get the belt:macho and if any of them sissy liberals wanna say i shouldnt.....i will give'm my boot:devil

my ol'man didnt even have to say a word....he just had to give you a look:( man....im rememberin many an arse whoopin here....lmgdao Im the same way Pappy,just look at the kids these days,a good ol fashion "tune-up" would do alot for alot of todays kids,a few whips w/ the belt and I was getting the point of what not to do,lol;)