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View Full Version : stage 3 hot cam...

12-11-2008, 05:19 PM
Anybody running a stage 3 in a non stroker motor?I know they "claim" its for their stroker kits but im convinced that it'll work in a non stroker 400ex.I came to this conclusion after looking at the cam specs from other manufacturers and they dont specify "stroker" cams only.This stage 3 is kinda in between the 479 and 463 9i i believe.I think it may be more suited for top end judging by the duration numbers hmmm...those of us that ride with buddies wit' 4fiddies are always riding wide open to stay in sight anyhow..:(

Ruby Soho
12-11-2008, 06:39 PM
i ran it in my 440 stock stroke engine.

what a fast motor that was:p

its not only for strokers, it pulls the whole RPM range, did great on my 440

12-11-2008, 08:34 PM
IMO--If you're running anything less than 440cc's and 11:1 compression, don't run this cam.

12-11-2008, 09:09 PM
Well im not one to listen to everything im told,i have always been one to try new ideas.The cam makers dont give a cc requirement on their web site so....Thats why this site can be informative because there are users willing to try something different.i wouldnt have a need for online forums if i can get everything i need from the oem's.Im sure if you asked the local honda dealer if the 450r would fit the 400ex,they would tell you "no".My point exactly.If i come across one cheap i am willing to givie it a try,but judging from the duration numbers,it looks like topend heavy powerband.perhaps the smallish primaries of a stock header may help with some back pressure.Im running 12 to 1 by the way...

12-11-2008, 09:35 PM
Well before it was called the stage 3, it was the "old" stage 2... and tons of guys ran them in everything from 416's on up. If you have a good piston 12:1 and up, then go for it. Anything over 11:1 I like heavy duty head studs and higher than 12:1 I like heavy duty rod in a 400ex too. Just preference though. If you find a used one cheap, get it and try it. Cams are something I like to try and experiment with. Lots of combinations to try. Cant ever have enough cams. Then if you decide you dont like it... resell it.

12-12-2008, 03:33 AM
Cams are something I like to try and experiment with. Lots of combinations to try. Cant ever have enough cams. Then if you decide you dont like it... resell it.

Agreed.Im gonna run it with the stock bottom end for now since its still in good shape.I do realize one can only get but so much from a antiquidated air cooled 1982 based 4 valve motor:D i do have a yz426 bike just sitting idle in the corner of the garage if i feel the need