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View Full Version : Are Nerf Bars really worth it? Good buy?

12-16-2002, 08:16 AM
I'm not concerned with price or anything i just wanted to know what they do and if they are worth the time and money. Does it help when landing jumps? Is it jsut a looks thing?

12-16-2002, 09:09 AM
They are mainly a safety issue. Imagine a quad coming at you from the side (like he was going to t-bone you). Without the nerfs, you might as well get an axe and cut your foot off yourself. With the nerfs, the other guys tires will hit the nerfs...not wour foot. Also, when your trail riding, untill i put mine on, i was getting hit in the foot EVERY ride from flying debris. And yes, it does/can help landing jumps. Miss a peg just ONE time while landing a jump and you will be begging god you had nerf!!!! I can tel you. I have missed a peg a few times. Luckily i did have nerfs and they caught my foot as i came down. I don't even want to think what COULD have happened....VERY OUCH!!!

They are also nice for those time you are just out cruising around. You can stretch you legs a little and have somewhere to put your feet.

12-16-2002, 11:04 AM
yes, thats one of the first things you should get imo. I have had so man quads hit me in races in the nerfs not to mention trees and other objects. Stops dibris and sticks from hitting your legs and keeps you from running over your foot. Beleive me when your foot does slip and your rear tire starts to try to climb over it, it is not very fun.

12-16-2002, 11:46 AM
I used to mainly trail ride, but I have since road at a few small MX type courses in some pits and I am so glad I had nerfs. There were a lot of hard landings and my feet missed the pegs a few times and went right into the nets on the nerfs. If I didn't have them I probably would have came off of the quad and more than likely would have broken something.

We also do a lot of freestyling and I have missed the pegs a few times and the nerfs saved me.

Plus like the others said, they stop other things from t-boning you. I've never had that happen, but I don't really ride in a lot of places where it could.

If you've got the cash get some nerfs.


12-16-2002, 01:00 PM
im sure you can find a set on here or ebay real cheap. one of the best investments you can make. I learned that the hard way. My stomach was all torn up. The hospital was picking pebbles out of flesh. yummy.


12-16-2002, 02:52 PM
For trail riding they are good because when your back tire clips a tree it puts a lot of stress on your axle and swing arm but the nerf is there to soak up the blow.

12-16-2002, 07:42 PM
I wish I had some nerfs this weekend when my friends front tire was in between my left front tire and left rear tire, lol.

12-16-2002, 08:04 PM
nerfs were my first mod and to this day still my best mod by far right after my aftermarket shocks. get a set of nerf bars and you'll be glad you did. the only time i wouldn't suggest nerfs is if your a professional hill climber or a super competitive drag racer.

12-16-2002, 08:23 PM
they deffinetly are good and worth it. they don't cost that much, and are easy to install. they do look very sweet too. and yes they deffinetly make your quad safer. my friend got t-boned by a guy doing at least 55 or 60. his DG nerfs shattered into peices but if they weren't there he would have been messed up bad. i don't know if the AC's or any other brand are stronger than the dg's or if they are all about the same. but i really like my AC nerfs.

12-17-2002, 03:50 PM
get them..before i got mine i was jumping one day and when i was landing my foot slipped off because of all the mud and my leg got sucked underneath the quad and into the tire...it was pretty messed up..by them before you learn the hard way!!

12-18-2002, 03:40 PM
yes they are really worth it. one time i was on a mx course jumping and came off a jump wrong, my toes landed on the pegs instead of my heel or center of my foot and my it streached my muscle really far, it hurt so bad i could bearly(sp?) walk at all. that next day i went home and ordered nerf bars. very good investment

12-18-2002, 04:49 PM
I love mine. They've saved me from rocks and other stuff a few times... Also I slipped off my pegs once before I got my nerfs and luckily nothing happened. After that I went straight to the shop and bought a pair of AC Pro Peg Nerfs... It's never happened again but if it does I know I am protected from getting my leg swallowed by the rear tire....

oh yeah.. they look kick ***** too

12-18-2002, 06:02 PM
one of the best investment i made was buying nerfs

12-18-2002, 06:22 PM
i slipped off and got run over once. it feels really bad when you become the terrain that your quading over it ripped me right off and kept goin. i have nerfs now and they look sweet. first money i spent on my bike

12-18-2002, 10:22 PM
i was jumping my old warrior (i know i know) and i did a half cordova but landed as my feet were coming down and i kicked through the guards. i wasnt wearing riding boots either and the quad had mud tires on. on teh video u hear this big snap and lots of swearing. hurt like h3ll. didnt break though. nerfs are the next thing im gettin for the ex. are dg's ok cause my bumpa is dg and i like to stick to brands

12-19-2002, 08:40 AM
Nerfs are a GREAT safety feature! I ran over my foot twice before I was finally allowed to buy some nerfs!!! (my ex hated me spending money for quad stuff......) Running over you own foot is extremely painful, not to mention embarrassing as you are having your quad pulled off of you because you are stuck under and in it! They will keep you from slipping off your pegs, and in a race they will keep someone else's tires from getting caught in between your front and rear tire (which will flip someone for sure) and keep your feet safe. Doesn't matter what kind you get, just get some you like the looks of - they are all pretty decent. I just happen to like the looks of WB or AC's.....

12-19-2002, 12:58 PM
another plus that no one has mentioned yet is how nice they are on tight trails. you can put your nerf against trees to pivot and make real sharp turns.

12-19-2002, 04:54 PM
Yeah Nerfs are a must. My foot slipped off the peg landing a jump and got ran over by the rear tire. Sprained my ankle, almost broke it. Had a nerf been there nothing would've happpened. I bought nerfs after that incident.

DGs are crap, they didn't fit very well to begin with and they bent really easilly!

12-20-2002, 12:15 AM
Obviously that guys question is answered. So for the next question, which are the best brand if money doesn't matter?

12-20-2002, 05:04 AM
I have seen some accidents that have been prevented with the nerfs. IMO AC racing are the best. The propegs are there top of the line, if money doesnt matter, go with those.

12-20-2002, 08:40 AM
Yeah - if money doesn't matter, Pro-pegs are great! Otherwise, I'd say White Bros or AC......you'll have to drill an extra hole in your footpegs and probably make the one that's in there bigger no matter which ones you get (except Propegs) since Honda only has one hole from the factory........

12-20-2002, 03:56 PM
Are certian ones bigger than others??? Thanks A TON guys! I went with ac. I enver thought about hitting trees. I bump them all the time.
thanks agian