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View Full Version : Trade Tax on Euro Motorcycles

250r rider 88
12-10-2008, 02:28 PM
did anyone else see this article on Racer X?

our government wants to impose a 100% trade tax on Euro motorcycles up to 500cc, so if anyone wanted to buy the KTM atvs or bikes like the 450 would have to pay double the price they are now if the bill passes. This is just outrageous, I for one hope the bill does not pass, this would kill all the dealerships that are smaller and selling these lines.

Whats everyone elses opinion?


12-10-2008, 07:16 PM
I think it is a bunch of B.S.! It just goes to show that the USA is crumbling beneath us. I mean to put a tax on something that's not even agriculture related, what the hell are they thinking?

And for one that 116.8 million that the U.S. claims it loses each year from not trading beef with the E.U., That money probably wont go to the farmers, most likely it would go into the bail outs and what not!

The government needs a reality check real soon! And how about the Illinois Govornor?..... Crooked *******! Same with Barack Obama.....I had no idea??? I bet.

Sorry to vent. But the US is getting pretty F'ed up lately

12-10-2008, 07:21 PM
i dont think its b.s at all other countries do the same thing when we sell our products over there its about time our government does something like this i admit it sucks we got to pay more but it sucks even more when our money goes over to the other country when buying them.

12-10-2008, 07:28 PM
I do agree that it sucks for anybody who is looking to buy a European motorcycle, but in the big picture it is something that is designed to help us in the long run. Maybe KTM will move the US to avoid it all? hahaha

12-11-2008, 04:44 AM
The point is .... they are targeting something that is non-agriculture related. They should find something that we get from them that is AG related then tax that if they have too.

12-11-2008, 05:01 AM
All forgein countries impose tariffs on our goods which makes them not as competitive when comparing prices, except for those products that built in that country. I think its a step in the correct direction. It will force these companys to open facilitys in the states if they want to do buisness here. ( the way it should be) You cant have it all you know, if you want to buy all these cheap forgein goods so bye bye to your jobs. I think any forgein good should be highly taxed to get it in the country.

12-11-2008, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by EchoRocket
The point is .... they are targeting something that is non-agriculture related. They should find something that we get from them that is AG related then tax that if they have too.
That would be fine but Id have a really hard time finding an Ag product that we import from Europe.....and one that brings them as much revenue.