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View Full Version : Got back from PA, what brand of Knee Braces?

12-08-2008, 01:36 PM
I just got back from central PA for Thanksgiving. I got a chance to ride my dad's 700xx and 400ex, and little bros 450r. I wish I would have had my R back there, but the other bikes were pretty fun too.
Man I don't know what I was thinking growing up there and not getting a quad. My friends had some blasters and banshees, and my dad raced trikes until I was about 5. I guess I was to busy riding bmx.

It took me moving to Oregon and having my wife take me to Winchester Bay on her 250r to get really psyched on it. I unfortunatley have only ridden twice this year hear in Oregon. I had knee surgery last December and i bought a bad used radiator for my bike and had overheating problems. (thats what happens when you go cheap)(my spare bike isn't finished yet either)

My knee is acting up again and I was wondering what braces people out there were wearing? I've already had two reconstructive knee surgeries, so I need some really good advice on this.


250r rider 88
12-08-2008, 02:20 PM
honestly its gonna depend on how thick your wallet is, if you want the best Asterik cell knee brace, now they are $330 a piece and around $600 for a pair but if you only need the one it won't be so bad, but i know of alot of guys who have torn ACLs and other knee injuries who swear by the Asterik brace system

don't cheap out and get knee pads, they don't do a thing for you

12-08-2008, 02:22 PM

12-08-2008, 02:37 PM
I was actually leaning towards the Asterik Cell. I'm glad you brought those up. I do need both, and I don't care about price. I've had both knees fixed and like I said, the one I had done last december is jacked again. You can't put a price on the time you lose and money it takes for surgery...

250r rider 88
12-08-2008, 02:58 PM
exactly, i will be getting a pair of the asterik for myself before next season starts, i bought the leatt this year and it was the best investment ever, id recommend one of those if you do not have a neck brace

12-08-2008, 10:25 PM
i had these recommended to me...


I only have a slight tear in my meniscus and hoping it will go away with some physcial therapy and wearing a wrap. if I do wind needing a brace, thats the one Im getting:)

12-09-2008, 08:49 AM
Just letting you know I am an athletic trainer student but graduating in may and I also had re constructive surgery. I have seen many athletes with re constructive surgery and I recommend a don joy. Since your injury is about the acl (i presume for the reconstructive surgery), I would go with a don joy. Go to Don Joy website and check them out. I paid about 450 for mine. They could be more expensive, and cheaper. I personally like the defiance or the defiance III from don joy.

They are Very lightweight, very durable, and very comfortable. Also they come in all crazy colors so it could match your quad (just a thought) I have since grown out of my brace, I will be purchasing a new knee brace very shortly.

Just my .02

12-09-2008, 01:29 PM

I would not recommend those style braces.
I originally hurt the knee giving me grief when I was about 13.
I injured my meniscus and repeatedly blew it out it for years to come before I finally blew out the ACL. (took about 12 years)

I had about half of my lateral and medial meniscus(i think those were the ones) removed and a Patelar graph for my ACL. The meniscus were unrepairable because they were repeatedly injured from about 12 years prior. I had been wearing those types of braces and tried wraps under my knee pads in the past and they don't do a thing for knee protection.

Do yourself a favor, DO THE THERAPY and get some decent knee braces!! DO not take it lightly. And, don't ever stop doing therapy. I was very ignorant growing up not taking that injury seriously.

Jdd, I will look those up, Thanks!

12-09-2008, 02:00 PM
I also had a patellar graph. Now they have a more efficient way to do the surgery.

It should be implied that you always finish your therapy. Just like taking your meds, make sure you finish them not till you "feel" better haha. Yea good luck with your knee, I know extreme amounts about the body (orthropedically), and the knee is my favorite joint to talk about.

12-09-2008, 02:56 PM
what wrong with those braces, they are a low profile design but still have a hinge in them like the much more expensive ones...

that is different the flimsy little wrap I was wearing. the PT told me the wrap wasnt doing any good so I stopped wearing it.

Im only supposed to have therapy for 4 weeks total and Im 2 weeks into it, so not sure what you mean by keeping up the therapy..

12-09-2008, 04:26 PM
i know personally that there are people that don't finish their therapy just because it feels good with no pain.

4 weeks of therapy? That's it? How bad of meniscus tear was it and to which one (lateral or medial?)? You say a slight tear, how slight?

I prescribe a lot of therapy and rehab at my clinicals, and i have athletes come in for a little longer that 4 wks. How are you 2 weeks into it? DO you have full range of motion with full strength? (just curious, you don't have to tell me if ya don't wanna, confidentiality)

12-09-2008, 04:27 PM
I meant training, sorry. Even when you get done with your therapy, don't stop those kind of exercises. I've noticed when I continue to do those specific PT excercises, my knees can take much harder blows than normal. I was ignorant and figured because I rode a bicycle everyday that my legs were getting the proper strength. Yes my legs were strong as all hell, but I never properly exercised my knees, so they remained weak. I'm sure jdd could back me on this.

Those braces don't have good lateral support from hinge to hinge.(actually the rods that the hinges are connected to) Take a look at the Asterik brace, EVS, and the Don Joys as these guys recommended. They have a much stiffer lateral design.

You might be fine with that type of brace, I just can't take any more chances with my knees. I'm 26 with about 90 grand in knee surgeries.... Thank god I have insurance....

12-09-2008, 04:45 PM
60grand, oops

250r rider 88
12-09-2008, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by mcboomport
I'm 26 with about 90 grand in knee surgeries.... Thank god I have insurance....

i got you beat, I'm 20 with a $175,000 back :devil:

had Harrington rods and titanium screws but in to correct my scoliosis and kyphosis