View Full Version : NEW TRACK for NJ!!???!? SUPPORT SUPPORT!!

Crazy lil punk
12-06-2008, 04:27 PM
Got this from gardenstateatvriders.com


Got this from Dale, it's the same time as the club meeting Monday night.

Little Egg Harbor Off-Highway Vehicle Park
presentation and meeting.

Well, the time has finally come and we need your support!

When: Monday evening December 8, 2008
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: Parkertown Fire House
830 Railroad Drive
Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087

Over a year ago we asked you if we could count on your support when the time came to sell this
to the community and you as well as everyone else said yes, we?ll support the OHV park project!...

Well the time has come and we need your support in a big way.

On Monday night December 8th Atlantic Off-Highway Vehicle Park will be holding a community meeting
at the Parkertown Fire House which is located at 830 Railroad Drive in Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087

The purpose of the meeting is to present the Off-Highway Vehicle Park to the local community including
township officials. We?ve invited people from the state, the environmental community and local law enforcement.

What I?d also like to see is a big show of support from our OHV community....
As well as our many friends who have businesses in the area.

Let those in attendance know how you feel (IN A VERY NICE WAY) and how you think this is going to be a
good thing for the community and the kids.

Let them know that this OHV park is going to make it a lot safer for everyone and it?s going to solve a lot
of the illegal off-road riding impacting the local communities in southern Ocean County.

So what I?m asking is for... is your support as well as YOUR attendance at this meeting.

Please spread the word to those that you feel will support the proposed Little Egg Harbor OHV park
and lets make this thing happen.

Again thanks for your support and if anyone would like to talk in advance please feel more than free to call me.

Dale Freitas
Director of the Atlantic Off Highway Off-Highway Vehicle Park.
Cell Phone: 609.217.8494

Google Maps link to Parkertown Fire House: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Parkertown+Firehouse,+830+Railroad+Drive,+Little +Egg+Harbor+NJ&mrt=kmlkmz&sll=39.627491,-74.318175&sspn=0.011387,0.019076&ie=UTF8&ll=39.627491,-74.318175&spn=0.011387,0.019076&t=h&z=16&iwloc=near

XXX -rider
12-06-2008, 05:50 PM
race track or park ??

"The purpose of the meeting is to present the Off-Highway Vehicle Park to the local community ......."

Crazy lil punk
12-06-2008, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by XXX -rider
race track or park ??

"The purpose of the meeting is to present the Off-Highway Vehicle Park to the local community ......."

I imagine it would be something like NJORVP was, but BETTER! Trails, and a few tracks? Not sure. I just became a memeber of this club, not real sure on all the details, but ANY spot is a good one.

Robin Hood
12-06-2008, 06:45 PM
ANY track is a step forward in the right direction. I'll try to make it. LEH is a 2 hour ride for me.

Crazy lil punk
12-06-2008, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Robin Hood
ANY track is a step forward in the right direction. I'll try to make it. LEH is a 2 hour ride for me.

Travel is the problem for me also, gas is cheaper now, but 1.75 hours is alot for a high schooler on a week night.

I plan on writting a letter to send along with some going to stand in my place, its better then nothing i think.

12-07-2008, 06:55 AM
where is Leh?

12-07-2008, 08:28 AM
nice. im gonna try and make it out there if i can get out of work. that would be sweet if they make it a go b/c that would be open up at the samw time as the track in millville

Robin Hood
12-07-2008, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by deathman53
where is Leh?

Little Egg Harbor, Down in South Jersey.

12-07-2008, 02:45 PM
is it legal, got a a website or phone number for it?

Robin Hood
12-07-2008, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by deathman53
is it legal, got a a website or phone number for it?

I think the place in question is also the same place that the AGP series races their harescrambles at so I would assume that they're just looking to permanently make it available instead of just for races. If you're looking to get a hold of someone, Dale's number is listed in the first post and he will most likely have all the information you need to get involved.

Crazy lil punk
12-07-2008, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Robin Hood
I think the place in question is also the same place that the AGP series races their harescrambles at so I would assume that they're just looking to permanently make it available instead of just for races. If you're looking to get a hold of someone, Dale's number is listed in the first post and he will most likely have all the information you need to get involved.

x2, we need SUPPORT to make it happen.

Crazy lil punk
12-08-2008, 03:12 PM
BUMP, what the HEL1 NEW JERSEY! Dont you want some where to ride!?

Robin Hood
12-08-2008, 03:41 PM
Not going to be able to make it down. Got caught at school late and I'm still 2 hours away. Hope you guys get some stuff accomplished tonight.